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About this mod

Adds personal fences to each player owned home.

Permissions and credits
Added a personal fence to each player owned homes. They should all have a maxiumum amount of 30k gold. There is a bug in the game that can cause issues with vendors who have more than 30k gold. Also, merchant reset timer has been changed from 48 hours

you will find the these personal vendors/fences in the following locations

Breya - Honeyside
Dar'Kesh - Breezehome
Ena - Hjerim
Magub - Proudspire Manor
Valen - Vlinderel Hall

Install to your steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\data folder or use NMM

to remove simply delete the "better fences.esp" or use NMM

======== recent changes =========
2.4 Breya is now friendlier...gave her an attitude adjustment.

Check out my other mod Sound of Barenziah
Better fences is also available on the Workshop