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Princess Stomper

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About this mod

Makes marriageable males better looking

Permissions and credits
The ladies of Skyrim are a pretty bunch, but the men ... not so much. My usual reaction on meeting a marriageable NPC is "yikes!", so this is a little stat tweak to each male marriageable NPC to make them better looking.

They're not all going to end up pretty like Orlando Bloom, but if they more resemble Aragorn than Gollum, I'm on the right track.

Some (like Marcurio) have barely been altered and some (like Erik the Slayer) have not been touched at all. In some cases, face paint shows up in the editor but not in my game, so it might still appear in yours (in which case it will be unaltered from how the character originally appeared).

You may need to merge this mod with other follower-altering mods for compatability.

Vilkas has subtle dark smudges around his eyes instead of the heavy facepaint, although version 1.1 (the main, not "alt" version) has the full warpaint for those who prefer it.

The alt Vilkas blind Argis version was made as a request: Argis is now blind in one eye, just as he is in the vanilla game.