About this mod
Adds 2 huge, but very lore unfriendly towers to the game.
One just outside of Whiterun, the other near Dragon Bridge.
Fight your way to the top if you are the dragonborn.
- Permissions and credits
This mod is most certainly not going to work in your game! I am trying to fix this and get this mod working again!
Come back soon for any updates.
"Very High Hrothgar" (3 versions) and "Tower of Skyrim" adds 1 tower each and can be used at the same time!

High Hrothgar or Throat of the world my ass!
This is Very High Hrothgar and this IS very high!
Don't forget to endorse if you like this high class mod and leave some feedback and suggestions!
This mod adds a very lore unfriendly tower who ist quite big just outside of Whiterun.
The tower is about 3 times as high as the highest spot in skyrim before (I think LOL).
A few versions of the tower are available, you may only have one activated at a time. Choose wisely:
|| Very High Hrothgar - Milksop ||
You reach the top with the ladder around the tower or if you are a girl probably via teleport which brings you directly ontop of the tower.
Might not be that funny but that way you have more time jumping down again.
|| Very High Hrothgar - Endurance ||
Teleport is disabled. The only way to reach the top is by foot with the ladder around the tower. Screw High Hrothgar with its 7k (~750 respectively) steps. Have fun climbing up 24'384 steps (yes I did count them)!
|| Very High Hrothgar - Hardcore ||
The real fun starts here. Teleport is disabled. The only way to reach the top is by foot with the ladder around the tower. In this version the climbing might get a little bit harder, as you will encounter many enemies standing between you and the top of skyrim.
Unfortunately for now there is only 1 hardcore version available because the others are useless and I found out a bit late...
I am already working on v1.1, which will include a second tower. I think I know a way to put like 10 times more creatures up there, but for that I have to completely build a new one.
Version 1.1 (already in the next days) will include creatures from SkyrimMonsterMod and more versions so you can actually choose your difficulty.
Versions with more enemies might cause some performance issues (not quite sure; you just have to try it out).
One other important thing: Because the tower is so damn big it is quite hard to fill it with creatures to the top (and I had to delete most of them again due to somewhat performance problems). So from time to time you may just climb up for a moment.
To start, there is 1 hardcore version available: || Very High Hrothgar - Hardcore ||
-> difficulty: easy (lol)
-> journey time to the top approx.: Can't tell right now... When I tested it it took me about 1h-1h10min (I took a few screenshots though) but that was not that exact same version (for example this one is smaller).
If you are using the hardcore version, you might want to play it on a seperate save and then continue on another one as this mod could cause some troubles, either by some creatures who are not where they're supposed to be or whatever.
I recommend to separate from your followers before you climb the tower. They can't climb up with you anyway. For the tower to work properly it is important that NPCs can NOT walk free ontop of the tower. Otherwise all the creatures would just walk down and attack Whiterun.
On the top there is a very special gift waiting for you (not available in the Milksop version)!
A few tips from the pro:
- If you are using some realism mod (like Total Realism - Basic Needs) you might want to bring some serious survival gear with you. Because up there you won't find an inn to refill your water bottle or to order some sweet pancakes.
- If you walk into a chair up there, you might wanna have a seat for a while (haha). Because the next creature you meet should have some serious power (also called boss).
- You might not wanna get Fus-Ro-Dah'ed up there ;)

But beware, good guy Greg and your son are up there (only in the hardcore version)!!
You are the only one who can save them (or accidently shoot them)!!

[Required & recommended Mods]
Just drop the ESP file (only 1!!) in the Skyrim Data folder.
Just outside Whiterun. Others often tell you can't miss it...now this you certainly can't miss since you can see it nearly from Solitude.
You can fast travel just outside the tower and climb up. It makes no sense to have a map marker ontop because the marker would not be on the skyrim map anymore because it is too high (see screenshots).

[Some Facts]
- The tower of the hardcore version is smaller than the others. Mainly because of the enemies and with that connected performance problems.
- I had to delete about 75% of the enemies so it would work properly on my pc. Thats why the tower looks quite abendoned.
- You can actually see that s*** all the way to Markarth (see screenshots [unfortunately somehow only the ladder]).
Should be compatible with quite anything that does not change that exact space.
[Known Issues & Bugs]
§ Sometimes some creatures spawn on the ground around the tower instead ontop of the tower. No idea why that is as they should all just stay where they are until you come along.
§ If you are using a slow pc you might get CTDs. To avoid this at best you should not fast travel directly to the tower.
§ Sometimes enemies just won't attack you. If you go and talk to them then they will attack.
§ Sometimes enemies just fall off the tower because the ladder to the top is pretty small.
[What's New?]
2. sep 2012: Version 1.1 released (seperate file). Check infos below!
Free for use, just let me know :)

If you managed to get to the top with the hardcore mode, why not shoot some photos like a tourist and share them?
Construcive critisism always welcome.
And btw this is a fun mod! You already guessed it? Genius!
If you happend to have some time to spare, count the steps and you will be a hero!
Actually to know that would be the most interesting thing of this mod.

[New in v1.1]
§ completely new tower
§ many new creatures (SkyrimMonsterMod)
§ more bosses through the game and 5 challenging bosses at the end
§ tons of rewards (not a sandwich this time)
§ expanded stairs for more space
§ much higher difficulty
This is a new tower, nothing is touched at the other "Very High Hrothgar Tower"
Version 1.1 adds a completely new "tower" to the game. This tower includes many creatures from Skyrim Monster Mod which means to play this mod you should have Skyrim Monster Mod installed. You can play my mod without it, but consequently there will be about 50% less enemies and most important, no bosses. For now there is one version available:
|| Tower Of Skyrim 1.1.esp ||
Teleport is disabled. The only way to reach the top is by foot with the stairs around the tower. Many enemies on your way to the top and at the end you will have to face 5 bosses.
-> difficulty: challenging
-> journey time to the top approx.: shouldn't take you any longer than 1h
Unlike in the previous version, in version 1.1 you will receive a ton of rewards, available in a chest everytime you face a boss, and of course, at the very end.
However you might want to play it on a seperate save and then continue on another one as this mod could cause some troubles, either by some creatures who are not where they're supposed to be or whatever.
I recommend to separate from your followers before you climb the tower. They can't climb up with you anyway. For the tower to work properly it is important that NPCs can NOT walk free ontop of the tower. Otherwise all the creatures would just walk down and attack others.
A few tips from the pro:
- If you are using some realism mod (like Total Realism - Basic Needs) you might want to bring some serious survival gear with you. Because up there you won't find an inn to refill your water bottle or to order some sweet pancakes. There are bedrolls to get some sleep just before you encounter a boss.
- If you walk into a chair up there, you might wanna have a seat for a while (haha). Because the next creature you meet should have some serious power (also called boss).

Beware, good guy Greg has turned to the dark side and is now bad guy Greg!!
He is now one of the 5 final bosses!
You probably killed him in the previous version and now he's angry!

[Required & recommended Mods]
§ Skyrim Monster Mod (v.9)
Skyrim Monster Mod is absolutely necessairy, otherwise this mod doen0t make much sense
Just drop the ESP file in the Skyrim Data folder (you can have both Tower Of Skyrim 1.1.esp and a Very High Hrothgar esp activated at the sime time because version 1.1 adds a new tower on the other side of skyrim).
Behind the mill in Dragon Bridge (see screenshots) you will find a large dwemer door which will bring you through a very small dungeon directly to the Tower Of Skyrim.

Should be compatible with quite anything that does not change that exact space.
[Known Issues & Bugs]
§ Sometimes enemies just fall off the tower because the ladder to the top is pretty small.
[What's New?]
Free for use, just let me know :)

If you managed to get to the top, why not shoot some photos like a tourist and share them?
Construcive critisism always welcome.
And btw this is a fun mod! You already guessed it? Genius!
If you happend to have some time to spare, count the steps and you will be a hero!
Actually to know that would be the most interesting thing of this mod.