About this mod
A Male Khajiit Follower Combat-Style:BattleMage Destruction Master Trainer
- Permissions and credits
Khajiit Follower
Combat Style: Battle Mage (Magic,Shield and Heavy Armor)
He will Auto-Level with the player
He is not essential
He is marriable
Destruction Master Trainer
He got a ice spike staff
He got some perks in Destruction, Heavy Armor and much more like Lite Foot and so on
You find him in Dead Mans Drink/Falkreath
and some other stuff
Recommended Mods:
The Wilds ENB + this Booster
1.0 Initial release
1. Download the mod with the NexusModManager
2. Activate it with it and overwrite if asked ( but normally you dont have to)
3. Check if the ESP/ESM file is checked in your Plugins-List (I'm sure the most of you know)
4. Enjoy your new follower!
1. Download the mod manually to your PC
2. Extract the archive with any Compression tool (eg. Winrar, 7Zip..)
3. Drop the files in the DATA folder of your Skyrim directory and overwrite if asked
4. Activate the ESP/ESM file in your Skyrim Launcher
5. Enjoy your new follower!
If you have any requests or suggestions, they are welcome :)
My other mods:[size=0.5](Click the images)[/size]
Celes Lunari Race Follower
Jasmin Lunari Race 1H Trainer Follower