About this mod
Subotai - Bound Bow enhancement mod for stealthy archers. Will prolong summoning time of your bound bow to 10 minutes, make it less noisy and reduces the mana cost to 20. Optional files: faster arrows, faster firing rate and +/- damage. Otpional glowing arrows.
- Permissions and credits
- What subotai will do for you:
It will prolong the time a bound sword or bow will stayed summoned from 2 minutes to 10 minutes.
It reduces the actual summoning time to close to a instant cast and reduces the mana cost for summoning bound bow and bound sword to only 20 mana.
It also reduses the noise the summoning makes so that enemies wont be as likely to hear or notice it. ( Even though the volume of the effect noise heard when summoning for the player is still the same ).
For the users convenience though the buzzing sound that the summoned weapon makes is reduced to almost nothing, you probably wont hear it at all while playing with the bow equipped.
New in v1.1:
New arrowspeeds: supersonic and 2x supersonic, optional glowing arrows.
Ini files included with fitting settings for each arrow speed.
UPDATE 4 Oct 2012: Updated the ini files since they were totally off for 2xsupersonic and supersonic, but should be fixed now. I had mixed them up during tuning the values.
- The mod comes in several different flavours:
This will just alter the spells summon bound bow and summon bound sword with what is stated above in the description. It handles and does the exact damage as the vanilla summoned bound bow does.
Will do all as stated above and also have reduced base damage for the bow slightly, down from 24 to 22 ( 12 to 11 in crit damage ). This file also have a slightly improved firing rate for the bow. And it also makes the bows projectiles travel faster through air.
Same as above in all regards and with faster arrows and improved firing rate like the 22dmg file, but have improved base damage for the bow, up to 30 from 24 ( crit dmg is up from 12 to 15 ).
Same as above + higher firing rate, changed damage value ( either 22 or 30 ), but with very fast arrows. ( x2.5 arrow speed )
Same as above + higher firing rate, changed damage value ( either 22 or 30 ), but with extremly fast arrows. ( ~x3.6 arrow speed )
Comes in all the different flavours as above ( except vanilla ) but these arrows glow, not very stealthy perhaps but its an cool effect for a magic weapon.
- Some information about Bound bow and all its advantages:
Read the above information for how to acquire the actual spell tome that teaches it, quick version:
You need to have a skill of 50 in conjuration to be able to get the tome.
To level up conjuration, buy the spell tome: bound sword from farengar in Dragons reach. Learn it and in combat summon and then resummon the sword or swords ( you can dual wield them ). You don't need to hit anything to gain skill points, so being in combat with a low level skeever or bandit you can level up conjuration pretty fast, its the actual summoning that gives you skill points in conjuration.
In the Conjuration perk tree get Mystic binding ( this will improve the damage summoned weapons does greatly and is also the magic effect i have altered in this mod ).
And the bow looks awesome :)
The ini file settings explained:
The ini files contains:
f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=*.* and f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=*.*
Will change how much your cross hair will aim below were the arrow hits at a set distance to compensate for gravity in skyrim, f1P means in first person mode and f3P is in 3rd person mode. Since subotai changes how fast an arrow travel through the air the arrows spend less time in the air and less time being effected by gravity, so the ini files are set to compensate that.
All the 'faster' esp files can probably be played without these settings, but are set to =0.9 the supersonic esp files more or less need these settings since they otherwise make the arrows hit high above were you aim at medium-long distance, supersonic ini files are set to =0.6 2xsupersonic =0.3. ( vanilla setting is 1.0 )
The ini file will load with the mod when placed in the data folder automatically, and if you have these settings in your skyrim.ini the ini file setting in the mod folder will be the one taking control. If you disable the mod the ini files will be disabled with it automatically, the mod is not dependent on the ini files and will work fine without them, so you can remove them if you rather want to have your own ini file setting in your skyrim.ini.
Will alter how far away your arrows are able to damage a target, in the vanilla game you probably have noticed that its impossible to harm a target if its a certain distance away even though your arrows seem to hit, this setting fixes that. You will now be able to hurt a target pretty much as far as the arrow flies and all targets you can see.
*** IMPORTANT about the ini files ***
These ini file changes, the so called aim fix and distance fix, will alter the behaviour of all bows in the game, not just the bound bow. Just so you know if you use other bows as well as the bound bow. Other than that feel free to change the ini file settings to what feels right to you or remove them if you feel you dont need them. I would recommend though that not go much below 0.7 if you are using other bows since that setting makes the vanilla arrow speed pretty much hit right in the middle of the cross hair at medium range.
- Installation
NMM Installation.
1. Just donwload the file you want.
2. Install the mod.
3. Activate the mod after it installed succesfully.
Manual Installation.
1. Unpack the rared esp files you downloaded with your favourite program ( you can unpack directly to your data folder ).
2. Place the esp and ini file you want to use in your skyrim Data folder.
3. Start skyrim launcher and check under datafiles that the mod file is activated.
( Use only one Subotai file at a time or they will cancel each other out )
4. Start the game
- FAQ:
Q: Is this your first mod?
A: Yes it is, its not a very complicated mod, more like an edit of how the Bound bow work in game.
Q: Why only 10 minutes improved summoning time? Why not an hour?
A: I tested it out with 10 minutes the first time and it stuck, besides the mod reduces the summoning cast time and the noise detection level for the spell so you wont be having any problem if you need to heal yourself or use any other spells or equipment and then resummon the bow.
Q: Why have a file with lower damage?
A: The Bound bow is very powerful as it is, i think i read that its arrows equal that of the most powerful in the game with 24 damage and then the bow itself have a base damage of 24. My stealthy archer character is level 28 right now and I'm playing on master difficulty its very overpowered when used in conjunction with perks like 3 x damage when stealthed. I'm thinking of nerfing it even more to make things more balanced and challenging personally. But i don't know how it scales on higher levels, thats why i made a slightly more powerful version of it for people who wants that.
Q: Subotai?!??!
A: Go see Conan the Barbarian.
Video showcasing supersonic arrows ( x2.5 speed 22dmg ) on master difficulty.
I apologise for the quality, but i hope you get an idea of the speed of the arrows even with it.
"I am Subotai! Thief and archer!"