About this mod
Adds a unique cottage that belongs to an alchemist merchant named Birane Merian. If you decide to kill Birane then ownership of the cottage will pass to you. If not, then enjoy the extra little atmosphere that this mod provides.
- Permissions and credits
Adds a unique cottage that belongs to an alchemist merchant named Birane Merian. If you decide to kill Birane then ownership of the cottage will pass to you. If not, then enjoy the extra little atmosphere that this mod provides.
Has four containers that the player can use if s/he decides to kill off Birane:
Strong Chest
End Table
Contains one bookshelf, lights that can be toggled on and off, time-based window lighting, and a little backstory in the form of unspoken dialogue and a note.
Located north west of Falkreath (near Moss Mother Cavern).
This mod is clean and only directly edits one cell so there shouldn't be any issues/incompatibilities produced by this mod.
Video Reviews of Secluded Cottage:
Version 1.2:
Added end table with strong box near entrance. Fixed interior stairs - now the player and NPC's will walk up/down it smoothly.
Version 1.1:
Added hanging flower pot, cooking spit, two weapon racks, and one weapon plaque (holds two weapons and one shield).
Use NMM, Wrye Bash, or drag and drop the Secluded Cottage.esp and Secluded Cottage.bsa files into your Skyrim's data folder.
Uncheck the esp file in the mod manager of your choosing (Skyrim's default manager, NMM, Wrye Bash, etc.) and delete the esp file and the bsa file from your computer.
No known incompatibilities.
Known Issues:
Sometimes Birane's dialogue will not show. This is due to the dialogue bug. If this happens, just quicksave and quickload and it should work. Besides that, nothing can be done about it until Bethesda fixes it.
A big thanks to all those kind souls who have released wonderful modder resources. The ones I've used within this mod are (in no particular order):
OpenBooks Resource by Blary (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14134)
BookSets Resource by Blary (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14135)
Rug Resource by yourenotsupposedtobeinhere (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17303)
Paintings and Frames by Artisanix (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17423)
Strotis Small House Resource (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24827)
Strotis Rustic Furniture (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24450)
Insanity's Lanterns by InsanitySorrow (http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1332-insanitys-lanterns/)
The TESA Skyrim Resource Kit Project (http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1330-the-tesa-skyrim-resource-kit-project/)
And InsanitySorrow for the ReadMe Generator this ReadMe is based on.
My Other Mods: