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About this mod

Aquilas is a group of islands connected by bridges, with a few main islands. There are also other smaller islands. There will be 100\'s of quests, 15 holds, lots of guilds and other things by the end of this project.

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Mod on Steam:

I am a big fan of mods that add places like blackmarsh, valenwood, morrowind, elsweyr and other places. But I have only seen a few actually be completed. This mod will eventually be more comperhensive than similar mods, because it doesn't just make a new landmass, but new faction , npcs, a new map(I have only seen a summerset isle mod make one), new world objects and new items.
Added a map marker for the shrine and changed when it said "Portal to Aquilas" in Aquilas to "Portal to riverwood."
Added 5 houses with doors, but doors lead to nowhere at the moment. I have also added a guard's barracks and this is on the opposite end of the map.
Added a road connecting main road with barracks and houses. Added second doors to houses that needed 2 doors. Also added the Jarl of Sedik, Brendella. (I think I might keep it as a Jarl, although Jarl's are supposed to be just for Skyrim.) She has a female Dunmer voice, but the quest I put in didn't seem to work. I will fix that soon... I added a bit of navmesh, but I didn't navmesh where the portal is, just the barracks, so don't bring in followers yet.
Added 4 forges and "The blacksmith's Dream", which is just the skyforge. Also added "The smiling elf tavern", which is just the bannered mare. I now people have been saying that I should make my own everything, but I don't know how to make new static world objects or new armour textures, then implement them into the creation kit. So I reaaly would apreciate help, or somone with a link to a tut. Added dialogue options with the Jarl of Sedik, but she will not give you a quest until later updates.
Added about 3/4 of the navmesh in Sedik. Just have to brush up on it then it will be done. Added an orc blacksmith called Odene.
Odene now works at the forge. Added "Bow of Sedik" which is the bow Brendella talks about. However, THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THE QUEST. SHE DOESN'T ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YO HAVE THE BOW. PLEASE HELP!!!!

Added 2 trees as well as and anvil, a grinder and a workbench. But they aren't usable at the moment. Added a heap of archery targets and practice dummies.

Warning! Massive update alert!

--World Objects:--
Make bow of sedik stronger, made anvil, grinder and workbenches usable and added 2 tanning racks. Added a lovely mossy/fern walkway. Added a massive mountain that has no apparent use at the moment. Cornered of training area with spikes and moved dummies. Added 3 khajiit tents and a fountain. Also added 2 more houses, along with another tree and 2 bushes. Added an arch leadin up to the barracks. Placed in a throne for the jarl. Added a big market(empty at the moment).

The Mysterious Blacksmith
Blacksmith Trok
Blacksmith Oera
Blacksmith Ailda


Sedik Guard Breer
Sedik Guard Lorz
Sedik Guard Vork
Sedik Guard Ashl


Khajiit tradesman X6 (3 Male and 3 Female)

At the moment I have building from whiterun. I am really bad at textures, so can someone please volunteer their expertise in making building textures. Please!!!!

I have barely just started, the main reason I have put this up now is because I cannot do this project on my own, I need:

LOD Designers
Custom item and world object designers
A custom map maker(the one in the menu, not the acyual world).

These are the cities. Every city has a guild or faction inhabiting it.

The cities are:


Metdrip-Mercenaries Guild

Adwede-Farmers Guild

Sedik-Blacksmiths Guild

Gustern- A stromcloack type faction


Lahrans-Traders Guild

Culrib-Thieves Guild

Idvine-A companion type guild

Biglapse-Bards College

Fallwood-A forsworn type group

Taldrog-Mining guild

Coldrune-The Aldmeri Dominion

Icewall-A mage college

Darkmoor-Dark Brotherhood

Once again, please please please join this modding team as I cannot do this alone! I need help from experienced people.

If you want to join post your acount name and what you are good at in the comments below