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About this mod

Psiijic Robes retextured with a Bright Wizard (Warhammer) theme

Permissions and credits
Although the Bright Wizard's robes look totally different, I wanted to add a fire themed robe and I loved their style. This is my second texture but I have more planned.


Recreated the texture to accommodate the female version. I changed the shoulders to all metal and added more depth to the bump map. Still needs a few tweaks but I'm still learning.


I am planning to do a female version but may put it off til later. It still looks too cartoony but it is above my skill level at this moment to remove the illustrated look. As I get better, I will come back and make corrections.

Release notes v1.0

Work in progress. I still need to finish the belt and I want to make it look less illustrated. I am releasing it now for review and suggestions.