About this mod
A fine lore friendly castle overlooking Dragon Bridge.
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Over the ages Castle Stonespire has been home to old nobility, until now. Defeat the terror lurking below in the catacombs, and Castle Stonespire can be yours!

Tired of seeing castles made from the Mage's College exterior? Tired of castles built from a hodgepodge of architecture?! Well look no further, for this is indeed the castle abode you've been waiting for! Built entirely from Solitude statics this castle looks every inch the majestic stronghold. With 1.5 npc's have been included along with a pseudo quest. To find the castle, just follow the river upstream from Dragon Bridge.
Here's an excellent video featuring the castle. Note however this represents version 1.0 and not the current version.

1. All crafting stations including cooking pot.
2. A moderate amount of weapon plaques, racks, and display cases.
3. Fully navmeshed.
4. Purchasable NPC's merchants and followers.
5. Pseudo Quest
6. Functioning Portcullis.
7. Moderate Storage.

First uninstall any older version of Castle Stonespire you might have, and grab your loot if you have any stored in said version. Once you've finished, then you can simply drop the new Castle Stonespire1_5.esp and .bsa files into your data directory.

Q: You mentioned a pseudo quest, how does it work?
A: Using the same design principals as my Grayhill Keep abode, I've included a small number of notes and journals which trigger certain events. Simply read them as you find them and it should prove easy enough.
Q: What if I want to live in the derelict version of the castle?
A: You can certainly do so, but it wasn't designed to be used in such a way.
Q: Are the exterior castle windows supposed to be black in the derelict version?
A: Yes. Annoyingly I couldn't find a emmitance data that made the windows dim all throughout the day. So I made do with black planes.
Q: We finally have NPC's! Yay! What's gonna be in the next update?
A: Unless someone reports a catastrophic error/bug, there won't be another update.
Q: Why won't there be another update?
A: I feel I've worked on this mod enough already, and really just don't enjoy working on it anymore. I'm very glad you've all enjoyed this mod, but for me it never achieved the heights of Centurion's and mr_siika's work back in Elder Scrolls Oblivion, which is what I was aiming for as I designed this mod.
Q: What ENB do you use?
A: Since my gaming pc isn't anything to boast about, I use RealLike ENB by s3b3k87. It allows for some of the cool effects of general ENB's, but with practically no effect on FPS.