About this mod
Adds a (Reversed) Variation of most usable daggers in the game and smithing respites to create a reversed dagger or change it back.
- Permissions and credits

By Maniczombie
Current Version 2.1
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Uninstall any versions before 2.0 or the mod won't work properly.
Adds a (Reversed) Variation of most usable daggers in the game and smithing recipes to create a reversed dagger or change it back. To Reverse a dagger take it to the Anvil at the blacksmith with 1 ingot of the same type to create the reversed version of it. Do the same again to change it back. Having the main hand reversed will also reverse the sheath and cause some finisher animations to look odd so if it bugs you, I'd advice using a reversed dagger only in the off hand. Reversing sharpened or enchanted daggers will remove the upgrade/enchantment.
This mod effects these daggers:
Black of Woe, Ceremonial Blade, Dragon Priest Dagger, Mehrunes Razor, Daedric Dagger, Dwarven Dagger, Iron Dagger, Steel Dagger, Skyforge Steel Dagger, Ebony Dagger, Elven Dagger, Glass Dagger.
Update 2.1 (Optional .esp Update)
- Added the missing sharpen weapon recipes for Reversed Skyforge Steel Dagger, Reversed Dragon Priest and Reversed Ceremonial Dagger.
Note: Not included in original mod as vanilla Skyrim does not contain recipes for the original daggers. This update is meant to accompany mods which add these daggers to the recipe list.
Update 2.1
- Added Tempered version of weapons that can be sharpened.
- Removed the Perk requirements in smithing to reverse daggers.
- Fixed issue where mod needs a master.esp file from an unrelated mod.
- Fixed Iron Dagger Possition in hand.
Update 2.0
- No longer replaces vanilla daggers.
- Can now reverse and re-reverse daggers using smithing. (Requires Smithing Level)
Update 1.1
- Fixed the blood effects and Daedric Dagger effect.
Extract the Data folder in the download into your Skyrim directory and overwrite your Data folder.
Remove these files.
Mod Created by Maniczombie
Mod Requested by xanodia