

  1. Rodr1sen
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    thanks friend, I couldn't play without this mod
  2. DbeeRedwood
    • premium
    • 269 kudos
    So, Iromizu is banned. Which means that this mod is abandoned. To be honest, at least the mod is functional and everything is stable.

    I'm might take over this mod, fixing some of the bugs, add some new weapons, make new textures, etc. but I doubt that'll happen anytime soon.

    1. heerwa2
      • BANNED
      • 0 kudos
      Oh, Asianboy345! me lov u long time if you do that. ^O^
    2. Brandon007
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      Pleaaaase do!
    3. Linalyx
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      If you do take it over, please add Steadfast, Wonderholme, and Nightforge sets. I really hope you do take over.
    4. dpgillam
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      It seems, Asianboy, that you are incorrect, and the mod is not functional anymore.
      That is a shame, because this was a welcome addition to the game.
      I would add my voice to the many requesting you retouch this so that it is useable once again.
    5. DbeeRedwood
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      What do you mean not functional anymore? I'm using it right now and it works okay. All the meshes and textures work correctly
    6. bitterwood120
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I hope you do take this over like i commented on your armor mod page. If you do it would be great if you can match them up with your armors a little better or combine them into your armor mod so there listed together.

      Hmm reading that it sounds like I'm criticizing I'm not BTW just hard to articulate stuff in text. I mean by that comment that for some reason even the weapons that match in name with the armor sometimes got these messed up color schemes or looks that don't match the armor at all. This is not your doing at all I know you didn't make this mod. Hell I'm not sure its the originals authors fault either for that matter might be just what the Tera game developers did themselves.
    7. JimmyJam the Elf
      JimmyJam the Elf
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Your continuation of this mod would be greatly appreciated. It's no good having an extensive set of excellent armors without weapons to compliment them.

      I look forward to seeing an update for your armors and the continuation of this fine weapons mod.
    8. DbeeRedwood
      • premium
      • 269 kudos
      Eh.... I'll probably not going to bother with matching the armors to the weapon names. If I take over this mod, I'll probably just change all the names so they don't match anymore

      The reasons why you see these mismatch color schemes are three folds:

      1. I made up all of the names in my Tera armor mod. I don't think a single armor in my mod actually have that name in the Tera game. I simply give them names that "seems right." The terminology and words that I used are from various fantasy games, movies, books database. So if I see a foreign word that seems to fit with an armor's look, I'll give the armor that name. That's why so many of my armor's name seems like something out of a teach yourself Norwegian coursebook

      2. The original Tera game have a system where you can dye your armors and weapons. The game also reuse armor models a lot. So you can have a scenario where a low level armor has the same model as an end game one, but they're just different colors. This makes it difficult to match the set with the weapons.

      3. A lot of my armors are basically the same armor set, but for different races. In Tera, a "Leather Armor" set will look wildly different when worn by Human vs Castanic vs Aman. Weapons don't have that problem, so this will just add to the confusion of which armor goes with which weapon. It's a big headache.

      So, in the next update of my armor mod, I'm changing some of the names so they no longer match with the weapons' names. You'll have to decide which armor match with which weapon best yourself.
    9. stoaty6666
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Agree with asianboy345 I've just downloaded this and all is working
    10. Panzercracker
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      asianboy, when you take over this mod, can you keep the original scale for these weapons? Because Iromizu scale down too much, thus make these weapons are too weird, even with child/loli race. These weapons are nice alongside Lineage 2 weapons, but they're too small make me disappointed. .
    11. TheScotishCyclop
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Would it be possible for you to make it so that the weapons will appear all over Skyrim as if they were vanilla version of the weapons but had a chance of appearing, such as: merchants inventory, NPCs, dungeon chests etc.
    12. nicedude01
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Please do it.
    13. hoangdai94
      • member
      • 52 kudos
      Any news ?
  3. DbeeRedwood
    • premium
    • 269 kudos
    I finished refining most of Iromizu's original weapon. I'll probably release a beta version of the new Tera weapon mod tomorrow or the end of the week.

    My plan is to add handaxe, mace, longmace, quarterstaff, spear, glaive, dagger, shortsword and longbows into the mod along with the rest of the old weapons. I also plan to refine the staff's magic to be more useful and spread the weapons out all across the Skyrim's smithing spectrum (from Iron to Daedric)

    We'll see how everything goes from there. Weapon definitely takes less time to make than armors, but they're not as fun to work with.
    1. nicedude01
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      thank you.
  4. aikatepp
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Cool mod,asshole author
    1. nicedude01
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      What do you mean? Please tell me. I am newbie in modding community.
  5. QuickdrawCalamity
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    As a notice to anyone asking if the author can do x, y, or z. The author has been banned, so you may want to look at Tera Weapons with Leveled List (Fixed) for any possible questions you have
    1. nicedude01
      • member
      • 2 kudos
  6. midgard9
    • supporter
    • 34 kudos
    Hi, I've noticed 2 issues with the mod
    - While the enb dof effect is in the background, an absurd large amount of the weapons will be blurry.
    - Most of the staffs got a purple glow, a texture like the cubemap is missing.

    If anyone knows how the fix this, feel free to share your solution.
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hola  tengo el mismo problema ya lo solucionaste? 
  7. LegendLegacy
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    This is just awesome, well done!
  8. RagnarokA82
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The mod looks great and all but is it possible to make it so that you have to create them to get them?

    I'm trying to stay clear of the whole "Seek and grab thing on Skyrim."
  9. modhunter507
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    at 1 time i had a two hand weapon that had a skeleton rib cage sheath, and i cant remember if it came from this mod or not. Can anyone who has this installed look and confirm its from this mod? i cant remember the name of the weapon, but i know what it looks like. nvm, its not here...
  10. britlover
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Okay.... very noob question...

    Why my male character looks like in a female armor? :\ Couldn't fix this. HELP plz :D