1. Indigoblade
    • premium
    • 270 kudos
    1. Make sure you read through the FAQ section AT THE BOTTOM OF THE DESCRIPTION before asking a question
    2. We will go out of my way (me specifically) to to reply to every and all comments you post here
    3. I'm sexy and I know it (the rest of the team is moderately, but I am the real thing)
    4. If you feel like we missed your comment, please do not be afraid to bump it up. Please only bump if your comment is on the second+ page
    5. If you get a rude comment by one of the authors, please reread your statement then realize that your comment looks like a cat made intimate love with a sneaker on your keyboard

    1. The name of the bandit with the bug
    2. The exact location of where you found the bandit, example don't just say near Whiterun tell me in front of the gate that lets me into Whiterun, the closest literal location you give me the better
    3. What the bug is

  2. pedertl
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Great mod, goes very well with Extended Bandit Dialog! However, I dislike the cloaks as I think they are un-immersive. I've managed to remove them by editing the mod file, and deleting all the folders that mention cloaks. I also removed those sections from ModuleConfig.xml
    1. JobVanDam
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      How are cloaks un-immersive?
    2. tonycubed2
      • premium
      • 1,174 kudos
      It’s often free zing in Skyrim. Cloaks make sense.  We had a snow storm last night in Riverwood area.
    3. pedertl
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Cloaks themselves make sense, but I found them too shiny looking, making the wearers look like comic book superheroes. It's a personal preference, I would rather have cloaks look like they are made of real materials that can be found in the vanilla game, and slightly less bright colors.
    4. JobVanDam
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      Too shiny? Was light reflecting off of the cloaks? I don't think cloaks even use the normal maps...
    5. pedertl
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Well it might be affected by other mods I have I guess :D Either way I'm happy without them
  3. Walterm626
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    buenas el mod me parece impresionante solo que tengo unas dudas actualmente con las actualizaciones en mods empieso una nueva partida pero a lo largo del juego se vuelve tan inestable que ya se hace injugable y al punto es que desearia que tanto lo han testeado por ejemplo el revenge enemy o el enemy plus que es muy bueno y claro level enemy hacen de skyrim un reto me gustaria saber si sera totalmente compatible gracias de ante mano.
    1. tonycubed2
      • premium
      • 1,174 kudos
      Hombre no use case nunca el español.  See me have super dificil con cosas technicas.  

      todo depended de Tu maquina, el poder,  velocidad, memoria .  Y tambien si sabes como optimizar todo.  Es un arte mas que ciencia.  El Guia STEP es bueno para empezar.  Tengo 700 mods incluyendo todos mis mods de genesis y ultimate deadly EMC;inters y todos old populated series, y Ayer juge 2 horas sin un crash.  Hay varias Herramientas que tienes que apremder a user.  Te sugiero Que uses Reddit y encounters un grupo Que Habla español aya.  

      Tu pregunta no tiene sentido.  La cosa si Tu sabes como hacerlo trabajar.  I si to maquina es capaz.  Asegurate que no sea como la Que esta en esta foto:

  4. Rodrigues78
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    travando meu jogo ja tentei de tudo tive que desinstalar, vou tentar descobrir o porque dos travamentos no jogo
    1. tonycubed2
      • premium
      • 1,174 kudos
      none of us who help with this mod can read this
    2. HeliumBombs
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      He's saying it causes his game to crash and he has no idea why, so he was forced to uninstall. Not much detail beyond that. It's Brazilian Portuguese, a quick run through an online translator will give you the gist.
    3. tonycubed2
      • premium
      • 1,174 kudos
      thanks.  hopefully he got it sorted out.  its been a long while...
    4. Rodr1sen
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      How incredible, there will always be people of this type, can you be so rude and arrogant and haughty? and he claims to be one of those who helps? It is so difficult to open Google translator. Let's see... não, não foi tão difícil para mim
      I apologize, maybe they don't have Google Translator wherever he live.
    5. tonycubed2
      • premium
      • 1,174 kudos
      rodr1ss That is a strawman argument.  he could also use google translator to post in english.  That road goes both ways.  I can support english and spanish, that covers 650 million people.  There is a lot more out there, just Chinese is over 800 million speakers.    I sometimes have minutes to check skyrim messages in a day, and have not had time to play the game in a week. I am not going tio do support with google translate.   From my point of view, you are the one that is rude and arrogant and haughty.   
    6. INocturnalI
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      and i am sorry the author doesnt use google translater where he live too haha.
      what a great arguments
  5. boilfry
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Bandits spawn at the beggining of new game in Helgen and ruin all starting scene. How to disable their spawn in Helgen? Or delay bandits' spawn in game for couple in-game days?
    1. JobVanDam
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      No one else has reported this it might be a different mod doing it.
      Try disabling OBIS then starting a new game and checking if its OBIS, or yeah just disable the bandit spawns.
  6. tthheerroocckk
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm above level 70. How do I start the bandit lords quests?
    1. JobVanDam
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      You have to complete the Dark Brotherhood or the main questline, currently theres only two.
  7. NextMODFun
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Mod load successfully (I had ingame message about that), but I don't see it in ingame-menu (MCM).
    Also I used console command

    setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1

    to update MCM and it always works but not in this time - I still don't see OBIS in MCM.
    Any ideas?
  8. blesch
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Pretty big bug I ran into that's getting... a little old. It make me feel like I'm going to be my own Jarl because now I need to have guards everywhere!

    Why, you ask? because bandits keep showing up inside of my secure homes (Breezehome, Hendraheim). I have to uninstall this immediately. Good thing I have a ton of saves on this one particular playthrough or else I'd be out of luck.

    For clarification, I have the following three OBIS-related files installed:

    Bigger Bosses - OBIS Patch
    OBIS - Organized Bandits in Skyrim 2.54
    OBIS SE - Organized Bandits in Skyrim Special Edition - Obis 2.76 (2.76 overwrote 2.54)
    1. JobVanDam
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      This is the LE version not the SE version.

      Try turning off the extra bandit spawns in the MCM menu.
  9. Starfishlol1920
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do i need to install all those patches for cloak mods given in the fomod? I ask this because i am using Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade which has a lot of those cloak mods inbuilt in it. I only use CCOR but have not installed the cloak mods(like winter is coming) separately. 

    Also what are the recommended settings in the MCM. Should I leave them on default or tweak a little bit...I am not on a powerful pc btw.
    1. JobVanDam
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      This mod doesn't support CCOR, it only supports the original Cloak mods.
    2. Starfishlol1920
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Damn...that's a bummer
  10. LatinGames
    • premium
    • 71 kudos
    I love how this Mod is Growing UP !!! ,   But who ask you to nerfed some Bandits or Armors?,   they are the real challenge 
  11. sportawachuman
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Idk if something's off but bandits are extremely difficult. I got ambushed by like 12 bandits, all very strong, and they totally destroy my team and I right at the gates of an important quest. I have an easier time killing dragons and I have Deadly Dragons.

    Is there anything wrong? Maybe interacting weirdly with other mods. Is there a way to nerf them?

    Edit: I hadn't touched any configurations. I read de txt with the instructions and tried to lower the amount of bandits but it doesn't. I don't want to nerf them per se, I just want to fight against a reasonable amount of enemies.
    1. JobVanDam
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      Where were you? What bandit types were they?
      Go back, open the console click on a few and type "GetLevel" and it will tell you their level.