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About this mod

Hi, this mod adds two COMPLETELY STANDALONE followers based on my Skyrim characters Arinya and Lanteia. They are based on the Lunari Race, so please check this race mod out.

Permissions and credits

This mod adds two new female followers to the game. They are COMPLETELY STANDALONE, no other mods are required. Both use CBBE BODY but I am planning on adding an UNP VERSION SOON. Their names are Arinya and Lanteia. Both are warriors, Arinya two-handed and Lanteia one-handed. I gave them normal clothes, so you can give them any armor you want. They are living in Morthal. Arinya is staying at the Moorside Inn and Lanteia is at Highmoon Hall.

Arinya and Lanteia are Sisters. One day a young woman came to Morthal. She went into Moorside Inn and told the inkeeper that she would be hunted. She had two children with her. Small babies. Crying she asked the innkeeper to take care of them. Only an hour afterwards she left the inn, leaving the two girls behind. The twins grew up in Morthal. Arinya and Lanteia helped her stepmother. Lanteia is spending a lot of time with the jarl's daughter Idgrod, the Younger; that's why she spends most of her time at the Highmoon Hall.

Arinya: Morrside Inn
Lanteia Highmoon Hall

Manual: Just drag and drop the files included in the archive to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data”
NMM: Just add the mod and activate it^^

None known for now. If you find some please report them to me.

Please don't upload this mod somewhere else or upload an edited version without asking me for my permission. I put already a lot of work into this mod and I won't tolerate if someone is trying to exploit it.

Big thanks to
zzjay (for teaching me how to create custom followers)
bhaktisean (for lending me his meshes and textures) CHECKOUT HIS LUNARI RACE
All my image endorsers (VictoriaG, kowalski99, Kamikazekossori and others) for motivating me to create this mod
The Nexus Team for giving people like me the opportunity to share their work
The downloaders for downloading :p