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About this mod

This mod reimplements an unused cell of Castle Dour that Bethesda had left out for no real reason. The tower interior is accessed from a normally hidden and unused door in General Tullius\' room, and exits at a normally unused door on the castle\'s rooftop. You can now access this rooftop, where the view is spectacular.

Permissions and credits
This mod reimplements an unused cell of Castle Dour that Bethesda had left out for no real reason. The tower interior is accessed from a normally hidden and unused door in General Tullius' room, and exits at a normally unused door on the castle's rooftop. You can now access this rooftop, where the view is spectacular.

This is a very simple mod. All I've done is literally remove the wall blocking the door, and connected the tower to unused doors in other existing cells. It shouldn't cause any problems whatsoever, unless you have mods that heavily modify those cells. Do let me know if there is a problem though, so I can do something about it.

What's the point of this mod, you might ask? To restore something that Bethesda really shouldn't have left out, and to allow access to the roof of the castle. Adds a little flavour to the location.