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Punk Stevo

Uploaded by

Punk Stevo

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About this mod

A small cellar in the Ragged Flagon that serves as player home/hideout.

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Ragged Flagon Cellar
By Punk Stevo

Version 2.0
I made a big addition to the hideout, making sure you have everything you need to to be completely self-sufficient, as a thief.
-New area; almost doubles the size of the home
-added forge, workbench, grindstone, smelter, tanning rack, alchemy table, enchanter
-New and much bigger/nicer display room
-additional weapon racks, mannequins, and bookcases
-Tunnel that acts as shortcut to Honeyside (if you own it)
-Tunnel that acts as shortcut Nightingale Hall
-Added Requirement for entry: find key in Mercer Frey's house
-improved Lighting a bit
-added a little more detail to structures


A small cellar in the Ragged Flagon that serves as player home/hideout. Located just one room away from the Thieves Guild
members and fences, this is ideal for thief characters.

After doing a number of special side missions, the Ragged Flagon become a really convenient place for a thief to hang out;
you have several fences, an alchemy table, a forge, etc. It's the perfect base of operations. The only thing missing was
a home to sleep and store all your stuff, hence this mod.


A trap door is located in a small room in the Ragged Flagon. Go through the secret cabinet door and make a right.
NOTE: Find the key in Mercer Frey's house in Riften.




-Bed, desk, and other furniture
-Lots of player-owned chests
-Hidden safe
-Hidden room for displaying loot
-forge, armorer table, grindstone, tanning rack, smelter, alchemy table, enchanter
-8 display cases
-7 mannequins
-28 weapon racks
-4 bookcases
-Small garden (nightshade and deathbell)
-Shrine of Noturnal
-Shortcut to Nightingale Hall
-Shortcut to Honeyside