This Video was made previous to the house updates Its from the first release!
There are some textures missing but that is already fixed!
Video By hodilton Thank you mate.
[SIZE=7]Yggdrasil Location[/SIZE]

[SIZE=7]Endorse Please it's just by pressing the green endorse button above and it makes a lot of difference to us that made the Mods [/SIZE]

This is a Player house, and a review of my old Yggdrasil house that I recently deleted from here.
The reason for that was that the old house add some bugs that resulted in problems for users,
like not being able to save inside the house or CTD issues..
This house was built from scratch but using the same name as the old version, so nothing more they have in common that the name, I have planed this one with much more careful view and it is fully functional and no bugs detected so far in my game...
To avoid any problems I have cleaned this house Mod with Tessedit and also tested it for more then 3 days in my game without a single problem...

Inside this house you have a fully decorated Adventure style home, A main Living room entrance with shrine ,enchanting Book, bookshelf's , at the main building basement you have the kitchen and storage place for food, also the entrance for the Bathing house bellow the stairs, this bathing house haves a huge pool with hot water and some other details, in the kitchen you have also the entrance to the Garrison quarters that can take up to 6 followers, above this there is the Player main bedroom with private hot tub and toilet, also at the bedroom exit you have the Alchemy Book and room.
Bellow all this just near the stairs in the Garrison quarters there is the entrance to the War and weapons room...
This place was very carefully planed to reflect the nature and landscape beauty, You have the main road that leads to the bridge to Darkwater Crossing, in this road you have a small stable that can fit 2 horses , also a wood cutting place, in the other side near the water fall you have the forge, and all the crafting tools to build and improve your weapons and armor, behind the second building you have the fishing pier and docks...

[SIZE=7]Getting the House Key[/SIZE]
Read the note located in the table at the house entrance Follow the key.
Remember to remove all stuff from the basement armory containers like chests and display cases before install any updated version..
Manual House install
up pack the file and extract the data folder into the Skyrim directory located at:
C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\skyrim
OpenBooks Resource by Blary (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14134)
BookSets Resource by Blary (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14135)
New Plants 1_1 by Tamira http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22018
Paintings and Frames by Artisanix (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17423)
Strotis Small House Resource (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24827)
Insanity\'s Lanterns by InsanitySorrow (http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1332-insanitys-lanterns/)
Modders Resource Pack by Oaristys and Tony67 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16525
Mixed resources from Tonynarko67 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/users/3745032
Mirrored statues by McManus82 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11682
The TESA Skyrim Resource Kit Project (http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1330-the-tesa-skyrim-resource-kit-project/)
And a lot more probably that I missed here but that have credit for their wonderful work that gives us the possibility of creating different stuff...
[SIZE=7]Yggdrasil Requirements
This version makes a lot of use of General stores Mod located here :
[SIZE=7] You must install this before using the house statics like its supposed to... [/SIZE]

[SIZE=7]Yggdrasil Updates
New version Updates report.
[SIZE=7]Yggdrasil Version 0.1a
- Added some missing textures ..
- Fixed issue with the Master Bedroom Bed...
- Added the undress trigger to the basement bathing area... ( You steel have to redress yourself upon exit working on it.)
[SIZE=7]Yggdrasil Version 0.1b
- Added some more missing textures
- Resized the space were people undress in the Basement Bathhouse..(WIP)
- Added storage chests at the outside Smiting area at the Forge...
[SIZE=7]Yggdrasil Optimized[/SIZE]
Thanks to rgabriel15 and is Mod Skyrim Project Optimization Yggdrasil Lodge haves now
a file that optimizes the house Occlusion and lights...
You can download the file here under Miscellaneous...
[SIZE=7]Yggdrasil V.2[/SIZE]
- this files haves already install compatibility with NMM.
- All updates are included
- Yggdrasil Optimized by rgabriel15 also available in the previous update is already included...
- Missing interior textures hopefully are all in now.
- undress trigger on the Bath house basement still on wip...8 Its getting me Crazy)
[SIZE=7]Yggdrasil V.2.1[/SIZE]
- Added scripts to the basement bath house, now everything its working I hope.
-Textures that were not selected making them not showing in the game are now included .
- Text of the entrance door note and inside diary reworked thanks to the help from my Friend
ArchasTL That gave the trouble to rewrite this , I do not have the skill to tell story's ...TY mate...
