About this mod
Complete Crafting Overhaul Add-on which makes it compatible with the \"Dawnguard\" DLC and adds new armors and weapons to the blacksmith\'s forge depending on the missions you\'ve completed.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

THIS MOD REQUEIRES Complete Crafting Overhaul and its requeriments to Work.
Complete Crafting Overhaul
This mod follows the philosophy of CCO and extends it to Dawnguard. I have not made ??repairs to weapons or armor ... I've only made this items Craftables. In addition've completed some of the missing pieces of armor from the DLC ... I will not give more details to avoid revealing anything prematurely. Just complete quests and you will get new armors (you still need the releated smithing perks to make certain armors - example: Advanced Armors for Dawnguard armor set)
This mod is multilingual, English and Spanish only for now.
This mod is very new and may contain errors, especially with the armor of the dawnguard I still have not played. Please let me know any bugs you find.
It uses Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp as master so it has to be under it on the load order.
Headbomb for is Complete Crafting Overhaul, the best crafting mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8003
Ancient Falmer Helmet by DerekM17x http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23131