I was curious one day: Why hasn't anyone made a doll race for Skyrim? They are delightful and cute, and very small. So I went and made one. I got a bit of help from Eiries, as he buffed up the doll joint textures for me.
The BAT files are required for the race's camera, and should be downloaded manually because apparently some people had issues getting them to work with the NMM. If you ask how to fix the camera, I will point you to that file, and then to the description so you can read what to do/watch the video I made on how to apply the camera change.
Big thanks to Eiries and Halofarm for allowing me to use their screenshots in my mod page! They look fantastic!
Another thanks to Halofarm for remodeling the doll body to no longer have the adult bits.
A big thanks to Anahuyu for writing the lore on the dolls as a whole, fixing up this description, coming up with the official powers, and helping in the comments.
REQUIREMENTS: Race Compatability
OPTIONAL: If you are really upset by the strange NPC scaling, try this mod out! http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41304/? It will cause clipping no doubt, but hey, no more growing and shrinking dolls!
Please note: This race is a doll race. That means she is naturally small and tiny. If you are confused as to why your character, after choosing this porcelain doll race, is the size of a doll, please use your head.
There are issues with the third person camera. To alleviate this, I have created two text files to be placed into the main directory of your Skyrim Installation. When playing as the doll, type "bat aaDollRace" into the console (without quotes), take out a weapon, and then sheathe it. When you have played as the doll and wish to play as a non doll character, type "bat aaDollRaceReset" in the console (without quotes), take out a weapon, and sheathe it. If these instructions were too hard to read, I even made a video about it!
Complimentary Mods: Doll Race Books by Anahuyu