About this mod
Cultist of the Prince of Apocrypha of Follower of the Heir of Windcaller
- Permissions and credits

High Definition retexture made for create the Cultist of the Champion of Mora and the Disciple of Talos. Miraak HD Retexture - Champion of Mora - Disciple of Talos
Love the Herma Mora logo and want to use it? Download it from the Miraak HD Retecture mode (link above). You can find it the files area under Miscellaneous.
Thanks to Hodilton for the video
Thanks to Bdmods for the video
Cultist of the Champion
-Around the Hermaeus Mora logo on the front are written with Daedric alphabet the words: "Cultist of the Champion of Hermaeus Mora"
- on the upper side of the pauldron's plate there is the sign of Oblivion.
- A small logo of Hermaeus Mora is placed between two gauntlets plate.
Follower of the Disciple of Talos:
-On the mask are written "Govey faal Dur" (Remove the Curse)
- On the shoulder cover its written with repetition "Qolaas se Dovahkiin" (Herald of the Dovahkiin),
- On the little skirt around the body are written "Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal" (Dovahkiin, for your blessing we pray )
-The piece of paper on the robes and the mask are the banners of High Hrothgar
- Symbol added are the Symbol of Talos and the Image of Talos.
- Elements for the straps are the symbol of the Greybeards.
Dragonborn is required.
NMM: Use single files with download manager.
INSTALL: Put the Textures folder in your Skyrim Data folder.
UNISTALL: Delate contents from the proper Cultist folder (data/Textures/dlc02/clothes/cultist/)
Thanks to everyone who appreciate this work.
Textures taken from the official High Resolution Texture Pack
All credits to Bethesda
Enjoy and FUS RO DAH!