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About this mod

Mod requested by Black Zero 500; This mod gives you a Player Journal for you to write in-game about anything you wish.

Permissions and credits
Requires lastest version of SKSE to work!
Please make sure to set another key beside E to activate stuff when typing the book else bugs might occur!
Mod requested by Black Zero 500

This mod puts a Player Journal in Solitude (Watch the screenshot to see the exact location), this journal can be written by the player itself in-game.

Current working keys: 0-9, A-Z, Spacebar, Backspace, Semicolon, Minus, Linebreaker, period, comma.
Current max characters: 135

  • Possibility to name the Journal;
  • Better way to refresh the screen;
  • Possibility to add images.
  • Possibility to sell it with a variable price depending on many variables rendering this both a journal or a possible book to write and sell (Writer carrier on skyrim?!)

  • Black Zero 500 - Mod requester