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About this mod

Now available the first pack of the 9 divine swords (The version 2H)
Soon pack one-handed swords
You can not miss in your collection

Las espadas de los nueve divinos esta en proceso 9/9
Dentro de poco el pack completo
No pueden faltar en tu coleccion

Permissions and credits

Now available the first pack of the 9 divine swords (The version 2H)

You can only build on the SKYFORGE and need the skill point in DAEDRIC ARMORS

If you prefer a single sword you can find it in the section Optional Files

Soon pack one-handed swords



Recommended to install with Nexus Mod Manager


Extract the files in the directory of skyrim launcher


Any problems and / or suggestions let me know and will answer as soon as possible.

Cualquier problema y/o sugerencia haganmelo saber y respondere lo antes posible.