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  1. osmodius
    • premium
    • 273 kudos
    I have pulled the ELFX patch from this mod, it was incomplete and caused more problems than it was worth. It only replaced a few exterior meshes, and anyone that uses ELFX knows that it is mainly an interior mod.
    1. IgorACLisboa
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      But it is still compatible?
    2. osmodius
      • premium
      • 273 kudos
      It is still compatible, just be sure to install PPR after ELFX.
    3. osmodius
      • premium
      • 273 kudos
      We hit 12,000 endorsements!
  2. deleted3576485
    • account closed
    • 15 kudos
    Hello their,
    I found 2 possible error in rendering and my investigation lead to files in PPR.
    First off I am using these 2 MODs of yours through MO:
    Project Parallax Vanilla 1-3

    ELFX PATCH 1-3


    - in Project Parallax Vanilla 1-3

    rtcanalsplazal01.nif (missing "" texture)

    This is the arch runway that has the enterance to thief guild, the wall is rendered wrongly due to the missing parallax texture.


    - in ELFX PATCH 1-3:

    mrktemplecrag01.nif ("Shader Flag 1" is missing shader flag which causes render error)

    This is a bottom part of a wall near Shrine of Talos entrance.


    As for the missing texture "", am I suppose to grab this from other mod?


    Thank you for your attention and providing this lovely mod!


    1. osmodius
      • premium
      • 273 kudos
      I will have a look into the files.
    2. nike79
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Files "" have not appeared, and it is not written from which mods they can be pulled (( are there any tips on how to get these files?
  3. Rakeryder
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I'm new to modding, I've searched almost everywhere and can't find this ENB I keep seeing as a requirement for most of the mods im trying to run. Where do I find it?
    1. Kel1978
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
  4. alistar1214
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    I confirmed that it works without a separate port in the SE.
    Use the ENB version that supports parallax fix. (after 0.462)
  5. Any chance these mods will make it to Skyrim Special Edition? They're some of my must-have textures.

    I hear Special Edition has a new way to implement parallax mods now, Skyrim SE can finally have parallax textures on everything!
    1. l3lessed
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Waiting on this too. I prefer Super HD vanilla with this over Pfuscher. Pfuscher doesn't fit the traditional daggerfall/skyrim aesthetic to me
  6. Darklocq
    • premium
    • 131 kudos
    What needs to actually be done in the INI files?  I downloaded "ENB Parallax Only Config 221", and it says "it disables everything except for bug fixes and the parallax fix", which is obviously not something people want to actually do to their ENB configs, especially after going through a STEP setup. And it's especially unsafe to just use this mod's INI files, because they date to the era of ENB v.221, which is ancient. ENB itself has changed too much in the interim, with various config options being eliminated, created, renamed, and moved from one INI file to another (this is the main reason old ENB presets don't work in recent versions of ENB).
  7. Highforlife91
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    does this work on special edition?
    1. Sebelleun
      • member
      • 18 kudos
    2. BellaDovah
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      Even when its run through the nif optimiser?
    3. KaiserDaCoom
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      no SSE does not support parallax just yet, it got parallax water like 4 months ago so i wouldnt expect parallax for a good year or 2 since it does not support parallax out of the box like oldrim does
    4. elijahdeputy
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      half a year late and were almost there!
  8. Boylaska
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    What version should I use if I use both aMidianBorn and Skyrim HD2K?
    1. osmodius
      • premium
      • 273 kudos
      If you installed aMidian's textures over top of HD2K, than you want to install the HD2K version and overwrite with the aMidian one.
    2. deathcrush123
      • premium
      • 47 kudos
      so I have to download 2 of your files > first the HD and the AmidianBorn landscape? sorry just didn't understand and i don't wanna screw things up :D
      And Im using NMM just for the record.
  9. jimb111
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    I'm sorry, but i don't know which file to load. I have Osmodius Solitude, Amidian Whiterun and i want to also install Osmodius Windhelm. I already have parallax for Whiterun, so which file for the other 2? Also, the main file has Whiterun parallax, would that not override my existing file?? thx
  10. isra
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Great mod! Thank you.

    Just wanted to add a little note here, though, for anyone who is experiencing a consistent CTD when approaching the Windhelm front gate. I had an issue with a particular mesh, at data/meshes/architecture/windhelm/whdocks1.nif.

    At first I assumed it was corrupt, but found that redownloading and replacing the file did not fix my issue. Since obviously not everyone has this issue, I assume this is a conflict with another mod, though I'm not sure which. However, deleting this one nif solved my problem, and since I only use a handful of very popular mods in a very careful load order, it seems likely this could help someone else in the future.

    1. SannaMaria1
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      I was having the same CTD problem, no matter what direction I was coming to Windhelm from. renaming the aforementioned file fixed the CTD at first, but the problem returned, at least approaching Windhelm from the docks' side. Only way to fix it for good was to uninstall Project Parallax Remastered. Shame, as otherwise it looks and feels very nice. I also have SMIM installed, if that matters. The mod order is done with LOOT, and I have also fixed all problems from my mods with Tes5Edit, when appropriate.

      In any case, thank you for the mod, too bad I can't use it.
  11. MisereNoire
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    For anyone still wondering if they can add PPR to a Skyrim Mod Combiner IS possible, it just involves a hell of a lot of work. What you'll need is:
    1. A fully setup SMC package installed with your texture packs installed, logging enabled
    2. The folder that contains your archives for your installed texture packs ( SRO, S2K, Vivid Landscapes <--my preferred combo)
    3. You will need to download all PPR packs that correspond with your installed/mashed texture packs

    Now that you've gotten all that together, it's time for the work.
    1. Create a folder close to the root of your hard drive of choice (ex. C:\Textures Unpacked\ )
    2. Extract each PPR package you need into it's own well labeled folder inside the above folder
    3. Navigate to your SMC installation directory, find the "Logs" folder and open the .log file from your previous texture pack install
    4. Find the section in the log file with the line "finalizing combining into output folder:" from this point on in the log is the source and order that your textures were installed/overwritten.
    5. Create a new folder alongside the unpacked PPR pack folders with an appropriate label (ex. "PPR Combined") for combining the various <texture name> files you will be wanting
    6. Now the tedium begins...You will need to read through the log file and copy the appropriate files from the corresponding PPR packs to the proper file structure/folders in your new "PPR Combined" folder. (example: "<temp>\SMC\Skyrim HD - 2K Textures\Textures\actors\goat\ --> D:\Game Files (x86)\Skyrim Mod Combiner\Output Folder\SMC\Textures\actors\goat\" should be telling you to navigate to the PPR pack for S2K, find the file and copy it to "\PPR Combined\data\Textures\actors\goat\") You will need to do this in the order that the log file shows for every MATCHING named texture file in the PPR packs, there WILL be overwrites made consecutively, you have the option of doing every step and just overwriting the files as you go (suggested method), or be clever and read chunks of your log and just copy over the file you know will be overwritten (this DOES introduce a slight chance of screwing up if you dont pay close attention). It is important to note that there are texture files that will have to for them, as well as files in the PPR packs that wont have a matching SMC copied texture file (i assume THESE were meant to work with the vanilla textures alongside the texture packs). In addition to that, you will notice that SMC will occasionally copy a texture file and a normals file (and a parallax file if your pack came with them already), and will then overwrite either the main texture OR the normal ( i again assume to increase the APPARENT visual quality by combining the differing files) these times, you will need to decide for yourself which PPR pack to pull the file from...either match the texture visually (good idea), or match the normal ( depends entirely on the texture in question).
    7. After your 3-15 hour sort-fest is done, double check your folder structure for spelling/structure, add in any previously unmatched files (the ones that apply to the "vanilla" textures) from the PPR packs ( i think the "vanilla" unmatched files are the same across the packs) and into your "PPR Combined" folder structure.
    8. Now you get to go mesh hunting...IF (and it's likely) your SMC mashed texture packs CAME WITH mesh files (ex: vivid landscapes has scads of them), you will NEED to have already installed the proper full texture pack and then have overwritten the texture files with SMC ( not everyone does this...they just run SMC and assume that all the files from their packs make it into the archive, this is not the case...only the textures make it to the archive, the meshes are generally not included with the SMC result) OR you will need to manually extract ALL mesh files and plugins from your various texture pack archives, and then assemble them into either your "PPR Combined" folders or into an entirely new archive, it's up to you. point is, without the mesh files, the game engine wont know to look for the files to apply the parallax effect. (the same rule applies to the mesh files included with your PPR packs, and you'll only need one copy of the plugin from the various PPR packs).
    9. go ahead now and pack your "PPR Combined" folder structure into an archive...making sure that the "data" folder is the first visible in the archive, just like almost all your mod archives are. From there, add to your mod manager of choice and install, allowing pretty much all overwrites (it WILL interefere with the ENB Particle patch, it's just the price you pay for parallax)...any mesh file you dont allow to overwrite will translate into a lack of parallax effect on that piece of the game world.

    Dont forget to run LOOT to sort your added plugins....and good luck, this procedure is NOT for impatient people or beginners to is tiresome, annoying, and easily screwed up...but, if done right...makes all of that worth it.

    P.S. I typed out this wall of text with the intention of highlighting the possibility of PPR and SMC cross compatibility...but I will not provide any more support than this above information..please do not PM me with problems...thats what the community is for.

    P.P.S. To osmodius: Hey man, thanks so much for your hard work, it just makes my day every time i fire up SKYRIM and see the great parallax effect on the game world. You rock.
    1. chris1896
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      i am lazy could you write a script for this? XD JK