About this mod
This mod allows to craft bolts and crossbows at any forge, not only at Gunmar's forge. It also adds steel bolts and crossbows to blacksmiths and fletchers for purchase. Balanced and lore friendly.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

09.02.2014 - Version 1.2 uploaded. See Changes tab above for more details.
Did you ever wonder why crossbows and certain bolts can only be crafted at Gunmar's forge, even though it's not any special kind of a forge? And why vendors never have any steel crossbows and bolts for sale, despite always being stocked on bows and arrows?
Steel crossbow should be a common weapon in Skyrim in my opinion, and the availability should be similar to bows and arrows.
Also, once you acquire the knowledge of how to forge Dwarven and enhanced crossbows, bolts and explosive bolts, you should be able to craft them at any forge, if you meet the perk requirements.
And that's what this mod does. If you find it useful and enjoy using it, please consider endorsing :)
In summary:
* Steel crossbow
- No need for schematics
- Can be crafted at any forge
- Can be purchased at any blacksmith or fletcher shop
* Enhanced steel crossbow
- Need to find schematics first
- Can be crafted at any forge
- Cannot be purchased
* Steel bolts
- No need for schematics
- Can be crafted at any forge
- Can be purchased at any blacksmith or fletcher shop
* Dwarven crossbow
- Need to find schematics first
- Can be crafted at any forge
- Cannot be purchased
* Enhanced dwarven crossbow
- Need to find schematics first
- Can be crafted at any forge
- Cannot be purchased
* Dwarven bolts
- Need to find schematics first
- Can be crafted at any forge
- Cannot be purchased
* Explosive bolts
- Need to find schematics first
- Can be crafted at any forge
- Cannot be purchased
Only Vanilla and Dawnguard vendors are covered in version 1.0. Hearthfire and Dragonborn will be added in due course, the ETA is unknown however, due to heavy involvement in other projects outside of Skyrim.
If you have any other suggestions how to improve this mod, please contact me.
Lore Purist Version
I was asked to upload this version as well. One of the Dawnguard members, Durak, mentions that crossbows are "kind of a Dawnguard specialty". This indicates that crossbows are not very popular weapon in Skyrim. There is only one line that ever mentions that, but some of you may prefer keep it strictly to the lore.
In this version you can only purchase crossbows and bolts at Fort Dawnguard, however you can still craft them at any workbench.
This version requires separate patches for Ars Metallica and SkyRe. They are included with the file.
Lore perverts rejoice!

Dawnguard DLC
Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Compatible with Unofficial Patches (the relevant unofficial patches changes are mirrored in this mod).
This mod is now part of Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade by kryptopyr (thanks for inclusion!), however CCO does not alter merchants chests to allow for the relevant crossbows and bolts to be sold. There is a special CCO version of this mod included in Optional files, so please use it if you also use CCO. Load order does not matter
The patches are available for the following conflicting mods:
* Skyrim Redone
* Ars Metallica
* Requiem
Any mods that changes contents of blacksmiths' and fletchers' vendor chests would be incompatible.
If you find any other incompatible mods please contact me and I will create a patch if I can.

* Hearthfire and Dragonborn support
* Integrate Crossbows Basic Collection mod (permission already received from the author) and make the all the crossbows provided by this mod part of (new) Ancient Technology II quest provided by a new NPC in Fort Dawnguard, effectively making all the different crossbows part of the game, as they should be from the beginning. Due to the time constraints and steep learning curve, the ETA on this is unknown.

* Remnantsoldier - for the original mod idea
* Neovalen, WilliamImm, Aiyen - for their patience and help
* STEP team - for very friendly community, for creating the best modding guide ever and for introducing me to a hobby that modding Skyrim has became