About this mod
Enb for Everyone. Good performance ( I'm not joking :) and of course, stunning visuals :) Custom presets for the Vanilla, URWL, NLA, NLVA and CoT. Special version for ENDERAL.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
New updated vanilla preset for ENB binaries 0.449, with new and shiny SSR water reflections !!!
Use RWT for the water with RWT textures for ENB and my fix.
6.0b Vanilla - Tweaked Solstheim weathers. Updated fix for RWT glowing water, again. You can find it In the preset archive (ADDONS folder).
Added a fix for too bright Spriggans - Optional files section.
Version for ENDERAL Forgotten Stories is here - Rudy ENB for ENDERAL Forgotten Stories
WARNING !!! Remember to install the latest version of Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB.
I've published a mod "Rudy HQ - Nordic Ruins" , therefore created a separate local weathers (in all presets), for Dungeons (Nordic Ruins) and Dwarven Ruins (Big thanks for Hasanch0o for the help :). Now these locations can be tweaked to your taste, without affecting all the others interiors.

Modular Shader Library for ENBSeries by --JawZ-- - "Modular Shader Library for ENBSeries"
Kabloom code by Kermles
3D LUT, DOF, WeatherFX by Kingeric1992
Eye Adaptation by prod80
SPELL EFFECTS by Mangaclub
Night Vision code by Scegielski - "Enhanced ENB Night Eye"
Each of my presets is unique. They have the same "character", but each is slightly different. Try them all and choose your favorite.
- Please, when you will try one of my 3.0 presets, for the first time, use only the vanilla cloud textures, if you can of course. For me they are good enough and I tweaked all my weathers using them. If you use textures replacement for clouds I can't guarantee good results :)
- For the proper interior lighting use the ELFX mod with the Enhancer module.
To avoid misunderstandings:
- The Vanilla version - compatible only with Vanilla weather ( but Revamped Exterior Fog mod is required )
- The NLA version - compatible only with Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB ( Natural Lighting and Atmospherics.esp )
- The URWL version - compatible only with ULTRA REALISTIC WORLD LIGHTING for Skyrim BETA ( SkyrimURWL.esp is required )
- The CoT version - compatible only with CLIMATES of TAMRIEL v.5 ( DEFAULT INSTALLATION is required )
- The NLVA version - compatible only with Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics
- The VW version - compatible only with Vivid Weathers
- No compatibility with ELFX Weathers - of course my preset will work with these mods, but it will not look as I wanted.
- Sharpening, Vignette and Letterbox can be adjusted in the GUI - the shaders menu - effect.txt.ini.
- !!!! If you want to use NIGHTEYE - you must download an eps file from : "Enhanced ENB Night Eye" and turn it on in the shaders menu - enbeffect.fx ( scroll down ). Maybe you will have to recalibrate this effect. All functions are available in the GUI.
- !!!! A SOLUTION TO THE "FAMOUS BLACK BARS PROBLEM" :) -> Press the tilde key, after that, press shift+enter. In the right window ( shader parameters ) expand the effect.txt menu, scroll down to the "Letterbox" section and turn it off. You can also turn off "Vignette". Remember to save changes in the left window.
- Download latest ENB , ( a black arrow at the bottom of the page ).
- Unzip it. Inside you will find two folders : "WrapperVersion" and "InjectorVersion".
- Copy only "d3d9.dll", "enbhost.exe", and "enblocal.ini" from "WrapperVersion" folder ( POSTING THE ENBSERIES BINARY FILES ON NEXUS SITES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED ), into your Skyrim root directory ( usually: x:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim ).
- Download my mod.
- Extract it.
- Select all files from [ Skyrim folder ].
- Copy selected files into your Skyrim root directory.
- Copy files from [ Data folder ] to your "Skyrim\Data" folder.
- Edit enblocal.ini, or copy ini file from my mod archive ( if you have similar hardware: Nvidia Geforce GTX 780 Ti, Intel Core i7 4790K, 32GB ram, Windows 7 x64 ), into your Skyrim root directory, remember - everyone should adapt it to own hardware !!! Enblocal.ini Guide
- Install - "Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB" - Oldrim version.
- Install - "No More Blinding Fog" - Overwrite Particle Patch, if it's necessary.
- Play the game :)
A few remarks:
- You must change these lines in SkyrimPrefs.ini
- Turn off antialiasing and anisotropic filtering in game options menu or graphic card drivers. Enb has own antialiasing and anisotropic filter.
- Make sure, that in the driver control panel, RGB "Output Dynamic Range" is set to "Full" (0-255), rather than "Limited" (16-235). Check it twice, especially if you have reinstalled or updated graphic drivers.
If the monitor has an ‘HDMI Black Level’, ‘HDMI RGB PC Range’ or similar option make sure this is also set to ‘Normal’, ‘High’, ‘Full’ or ‘RGB (0~255)’ rather than ‘Low’, ‘Limited’ or ‘RGB (16~235) - otherwise expect washed out colors
- Calibrate your monitor: LCD test . Setting the proper black level is is particularly important. My preset is designed for the monitor white balance - 6500K and Gamma 2.2
- For the better performance use ENB V-sync. Just make sure that in the "enblocal.ini", in the [ENGINE] section, "EnableVSync" is set to true, and also make sure that in the "SkyrimPrefs.ini", "iPresentInterval" ([Display] section) is set to 0
- I strongly recommend to install Sub Surface Full Body Map if you use UNP or Coverwomen bodies.
- For smooth working Skyrim : REAL uGRIDS to load SOLUTION and MORE - Warning ! Use it on your own risk.
- Ini tweaks : SkyrimPrefs and INIs for Performance and Graphics Boost
- I recommend to download Mindflux Skyrim particle patch for ENB
Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM
High Quality LODs
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures
Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute
Serious HD Retexture Skyrim
Project Parallax Remastered
Vivid Landscapes - All in One
HQ Towns and Villages
Enhanced Night Skyrim
HQ Milky way galaxy
RIS - Real Ice and Snow
AOF Farmhouses
Hectrol CAVES DELUXE HighRes Retex
High Definition Ivy
Quality SnowFlakes HD V2
No stretching
Visible Windows
Morning Fogs Refined
Realistic Water Two
Designs of the Nords
Realistic Smoke and Embers
Detailed Chests
Detailed Rugs
HD Misc
Realistic HD Misc
HD Sacks Retexture
HD Soul Gems
HD Misc
High Quality Food and Ingredients
High Quality Workbench
Tobes Highres Textures
Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons HD
Silly Level of Detail - Potions and Poisons
Silly Level of Detail - Wine Cellar
Ruins Clutter Improved
Skyrim Flora Overhaul
Hybrids HD Plants and Herbs Retexture
4K Tree and Parallax for Pines by Pfuscher
Unique Grasses and Groundcovers
Weapons, Armors, Creatures:
aMidianBorn Book of Silence
TROLL by Kajuan
SKELETON by Kajuan
HAGRAVEN by Kajuan
FALMER by Kajuan
GIANT by Kajuan
DRAUGR by Kajuan
SPOA Silver Knight Armor
Medusa Drakul armors and Thanatos dragon
Ritual Armor of Boethiah
Better Circlets HQ V1o1
HD Armored Circlets
DIMONIZED UNP female body
Eye Normal Map Fix
High Quality Eyes
Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures
Enhanced Lights and FX
Interior Shadows:
Shadows - ENB ShadowCastersFix must be disabled with this mod. Otherwise, window shadows will disappear.
Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.
All credits goes to:
- Boris Vorontsov
- Opethfeldt
- Kyo
- JawZ
- gp65cj04
- ericking1992
- arsil
- Scegielski
- ZeroKing
- Midhras
- Trillville
- Insomnia
- CeeJay.dk
- prod80
- MTichenor/IndigoNeko
- Marty McFly
- Matso
- Miratheus
- kingeric1992
- OtisInf
- Kermles
- Mangaclub