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About this mod

Changes the overall look of Talvas Fathryon to better fit his voice and personality.

Permissions and credits
This mod requires the Dragonborn DLC/Expansion Pack because:
-Talvas Fathryon (The follower edited in this modification) is a character found only in the Dragonborn DLC.

This mod changes the overall look of the Talvas Fathryon dunmer/dark elf follower to better fit his voice and personality. In vanilla, he has a young and eager voice in the game, but his face looks like he is much older than that. This mod changes that by making his face have less wrinkles, giving him a new hairstyle, hair color, and changing his face in multiple other ways.
The look may not be perfect, because it is relatively hard to make dunmer characters look eager and young especially with the tools I was using. I will be soon releasing an improved version of Talvas that will hopefully look better.

IMAGES: The image thumbnails may look low quality until you expand them, by clicking on them.

- This is the first mod of my "Improved Look" series for followers, and I have yet to release the files for the rest of the followers because I am either not done with them yet or they need some adjustments.