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  1. monpetitbeurre
    • member
    • 49 kudos
    If you need quick support, please PM me.
  2. Roseoblv
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    If it's still active, do I have to install it in my Oblivion folder like OBMM?

    If so, is it the reason why importing Better Cities stops at 78% before crashing Mod Manager?
    1. antisteam
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Time has passed. You need to use Wyre Bash or MO2 For Better Cities if nobody has told you this already. It even tells you that on Better Cities Page. I use TEsModManager for a couple of Oblivion Mods that are really clunky/horrible to install with MO2. I am playing Oblivion again waiting for Skyblivion to be born.
  3. StrxberryMODZ
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Nice. it ripped multiple mods from my Oblivion mod manager without warning and then completely f***ed up my load order. After uninstalling, my OBMM is now missing MULTIPLE mods. Nice. Thanks. No clue how to fix this as OBMM doesn't really have a "refresh" option. This may have just completely broken my saves aswell, meaning as when it started it said it couldn't find a save file. Thank you so f*#@ing much. 21 hours of modding and playtime wasted. Thanks again! Really helpful.
    1. ghoste921
      • member
      • 2 kudos
  4. PokeyMcFork
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This thing completely obliterated my install of oblivion, so I'd heavily advise against using it in its current state.

    From what I can tell, anything installed with OBMM beforehand, and stuff installed via Wrye Bash has been removed. Though the Wrye Bash ones seem inconsistent, as it was not all of them. Additionally, TESModManager also cleared its own OMOD list, meaning they'd all need to be re-installed via it.

    I did absolutely nothing between my last use of the program and it removing my mods, so it's clearly on the program's end.


    A further update, it appears to be reading the better cities omod as existing in a folder i have made absolutely certain it does not exist in.

    Edit 2:

    It appears to additionally have been screwing up my Oblivion.ini every single time it launches, so if the rest of this post didn't tip you off to never use it, hopefully this will.
    1. Verdugo2541
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Wish I had read this prior, as it did the same exact thing to me. Fortunately I have a back up but really, I never thought I'd have to use it in this manner. What a terrible discovery.
    2. StrxberryMODZ
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I WISH I f*#@ing READ THIS.
    3. StrxberryMODZ
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I didnt have a backup. It seems the mods are still in my oblivion files, but OBMM is just not picking them up. Can I fix this? Like by re-installing OBMM? Or is my game just now f***ed until I re-install EVERYTHING.

      EDIT: I simply just deleted all my shit. I'll redownload everything when I have the time. f*#@ this mod manager though
  5. IVmM7
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Wonderful program but I'm having a strange problem. For two of my OMODs (I'm using this for Oblivion), TESMM made copies of esps but put a ".\" in front of each esp. For example:

    better cities full.esp (original file)
    .\better cities full.esp (phantom copy)

    There is only one of each esp in the data folder and those OMODs don't seem to be working. In all my years of modding these games, I've never seen this particular issue! Really appreciate any assistance and again, love TESMM. Thank you for keeping our dreams of modded elder scrolls games alive!!
  6. Oxytwist
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Back to Skyrim and back to this program. I am using this program sinds early days see many many posts back. Oblivion days.
    Going to use your program again after a decade not modding.

    I see there are many optionals now.
    Oe. Can you explain short what they do?
    Thank you again!

    Edit you are one of rare ones without a video! hint hint
  7. LordChimera
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    When I start the TESModManager after installing it, it says "C:\Users\X name\Downloads\Oblivion.exe not found."

    I installed Oblivion in non-C drive, would that cause the error?
    1. Spycrabbing
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Yes. You need to make sure you put your games install path. Example, mines on my G drive, so "G:\steam\steamapps...." etc
  8. Magickingdom
    • supporter
    • 58 kudos
    My biggest headache with This is if fails to install fomods often. Some work, others do not.It Fails to install directories correctly. It will go through the install menus, then fail to install the mod in proper directories. Worse then that if fails to uninstall said mod at all. It also wants to convert simple mods to obmm. A mod with an esp and a bsa for example. I just want the mod installed, why does it need to be obmm? So, I end up dong manual copy and paste installs where possible. God knows if my xpmse skeleton is correctly installed. Now I want to install BHUNP (UUNP Next Generation) ( ) Which has a lengthy fomod installer. It will be VERY difficult to manual install. I doubt this manage can install it at all.I do not want virtual installing(MO or vortex) I really hope this manager gets some love.
    As I feared it failed to install install BHUNP (UUNP Next Generation. It did not even install the.esp and activate it. Now to clean up the mess.
  9. Saggaris
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    Well, this has 'f*cked' up my next few days, I installed it and got a list of red and black mods, didn't understand what it all meant so I just started Skyrim anyway (from my launcher)... yup most of the mods have been removed, now I have to spend the next few days putting them all back in some sort of working order... great weekend task

    I hate mod managers, I'd rather live with the crashes.
    1. monpetitbeurre
      • member
      • 49 kudos
      That is strange. I use it all the time without issues. I have never had remove mods without my request either.
      Note that you cannot run TMM and Skyrim at the same time.
    2. Magickingdom
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      I am running Skyrim SE and have this problem. I load up TMM and it will have deactivated several of my mods. I only have a few , as this is a new install(7 mods)
  10. monpetitbeurre
    • member
    • 49 kudos
    Version 1.6.55
    * Fixed a case where an omod could not be activated

    Version 1.6.54
    * fixed a case where esp would be randomly deactivated
    1. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Pity you didn't fix the case where it disables the total mod list.
      I believe that a mod manager would be created to manage mods because the folks using it are helpless... I saw no restore button for when it all goes wrong.
    2. monpetitbeurre
      • member
      • 49 kudos
      It can restore loaded mods based on savegames. I use this all the time when switching between saves that use different mods.
  11. QertyAlni
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When i input mod info from Nexus creating mod time increases from 30 second to 7-8 minutes.