About this mod
This is an immersive in-game reference book, listing all Skyrim ingredients and their 4 effects. No more blind experimenting and wasting expensive ingredients on failed potions. Now you can look up the ingredient in your reference book in your inventory like a real student of alchemy might do and see what ingredient effects are available.
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-------------------------------------------------------------------For Original Skyrim---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is an immersive in-game reference book, listing all Skyrim ingredients and their 4 effects.
The Alchemist’s Compendium is something I’ve wanted since the very first time I played Skyrim. I have always liked the idea of playing a character who would rely heavily on alchemy, but I find Skyrim’s method of advancing in alchemy to be a real pain, e.g. eating all the ingredients and blind experimenting, and wasting valuable ingredients… that’s just not the way I wanted to play this game.I have the Official Game Guide for Skyrim with 656 pages, and I’ve had that from the beginning. So obviously I could have looked up the ingredients and effects at any time I wanted, but that was a total immersion killer so for me it just wasn’t an option.
What I like about having an in-game reference book is that it feels right, like it belongs in the game, like it should have been there all the time. If I want to get into character I can also use it when I’m picking up ingredients. I can see what they do and decide if they are going to be useful for the types of potions I want my character to be making, so it’s not just about leveling up, but also about roll playing the character.
The book lists 2 ingredients per page, with a small picture of each ingredient and lists all 4 effects, 56 pages in total, and includes info on all the DLC ingredients as well, Positive effects are in green and negative effects are in red.

I can’t say this was a difficult mod to make, as it was actually extremely easy, but not a fun mod to work on. Mostly it’s just a lot of HTML and boring repetitive cut and paste, very tedious indeed, But I do think it was well worth it, because for me personally this is a must have mod as I don’t think I will ever play Skyrim again without it. Though obviously this isn’t going to be for everyone, we are all different and we don’t all want the same things, I understand that.If this is what you want then great, if not then I wish you well in your continued search for good mods.
Alternate traditional cover by Gamwich

Where do I get the book?
There is one copy of the book in game at the Alchemist’s Shack south of Ivarstead. Click on pictures below for bigger picture

Will this work with the DLC’s?
Yes it will, but you do not need the DLC’s to use this mod. It will work with or without DLC’s, makes no difference.
Will this work with SkyRe?
Yes it will, download Alchemist Compendium for SkyRe from the files tab.
Bug Reports?
The type of thing I would really like you to tell me about would be spelling mistakes, or wrong effects listed for ingredients. If you find something that you know is wrong then please post it in the comments so I can fix it.
Known issues?
I get a slight delay in the book opening in inventory. I think this is probably because of the high number of pictures in the book.