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About this mod

This re-weights the potions in Skyrim with a simple but plausible system and fixes prices.
Dawnguard and Dragonborn required.

Permissions and credits
I just made this to play along with other mods cause I was unhappy all potions having the same weight no matter their usefulness which can be very tedious if using more realistic Character
and Bandoliers carryweights.

As well all potion prices are finally fixed now since there were half a dozen tier 5 potions who were cheaper than their respective tier 4 or tier 3 counterparts. Unbelivable that nobody stumbled over this in the last two years. Scratch head

All regular potions are re-weighted according the following system:
Tier 1 = 0,15 >Potionx<>Potion<>Potion of Minor<>Weak Aversion<>Lingering<>Weak<>
Tier 2 = 0,20 >Draught<>Draught<>Potion<>Aversion<>Enduring<>Poison<>
Tier 3 = 0,30 >Solution<>Philter<>Potion of Plentiful<>Potent Aversion<>Lasting<>Potent<>
Tier 4 = 0,40 >Philter<>Elixir<>Potion of Vigorous<>Malign Aversion<>Persisting<>Virulent<>
Tier 5 = 0,50 >Elixir<>Grand Elixir<>Potion of Extreme<>Deadly Aversion<>Unceasing<>Deadly<>
Tier 6 = 0,70 >xxxxx<>Primer Elixir<>Potion of Ultimate<>xxxxxxxxxxxx<>xxxxxxxx<>xxxxxx<>

Unique Potions = 0,30
Cure Poison = 0,30
Cure Disease = 0,30
Blacksmith = 0,70
Double Destilled Skooma = 0,50
Drugs = 0,30
Waterwalking = 0,70
Player Made Potions and Poisons = 0,30

Loadorder: should be before other mods who alter any potions in some way. Make a merged patch
and carry the weight values over to the merged patch if you wanna preserve them. If the other mod only alters a couple of potions...well...who cares then.

If you wanna alter the values get TESVEdit and do it yourself. No requests admitted. This is a personal file which I put here in case others feel it fit's their line of thinking and immersion.