This page was last updated on 24 April 2015, 9:09PM
Version 1.3.1
MaleYoungEager will not talk about disliking wizards if he is, himself, a wizard
Version 1.3
MCM Pre-Update: additional settings options added via globals.
Option added to include Spouses as FCO-capable NPCs.
Option added to limit FCO idles to current followers only.
Vanilla idles assimilated into FCO system.
Version 1.0.1
HirelingIdles locked to CurrentHireling faction have been unlocked to CurrentFollowerFaction re: recent changed implemented by the USKP
Version 1.0
KhajiitMale will not educate player about khajiit if the player is him/herself khajiit
MaleBrute will not educate player about Wuuthrad after player joins the Circle
MaleBrute will not continue talking about Ulfric's escape long into the Civil War questline
MaleDarkElf will not talk about finding the Ratway if the player has joined the Thieves Guild
MaleDarkElf will only talk about preferring daggers if he is currently using one
FemaleCommander will not call you a tiny softgut if married to you
FemaleCommander should only comment about trouble on the roads while on the road
FemaleCommander should definitely stop talking about "Dragonreach, up on the tall hill" when in Dragonreach
FemaleCommander will limit talk about Falkreath to the city proper
MaleEvenToned will not exhort you to be careful if you head into the ruins while in the ruins
Cooldowns increased on FemaleDarkElf, MaleDarkElf, MaleEvenToned, FemaleEvenToned, and FemaleCommander idles
FemaleEvenToned will only caution you to watch out for pressure plates while inside a dungeon
Forsworn barks keyed to ForswornFaction rekeyed to DruadachRedoubtFaction
Changed conditions on idles that are negative about the Forsworn, not to play if the speaker is in DruadachRedoubtFaction
Orcs will now bellow about the player's monotony less frequently
MaleBrute tweaked to check against their own/the player's skill in twohanded/onehanded before talking about swords
FemaleYoungEager will not talk about hearing street musicians yesterday, while on the street
Followers should only talk about getting work while near lumber mills, smelters, and mines.
FemaleNord will not ask if you've been to the Blue Palace if you are currently in it
FemaleYoungEager and FemaleDarkElf will base praise for your dragon-fighting prowess on total rather than current number of dragon souls absorbed
Comments about the Reach will not play inside Dustman's Cairn
[b]Files now packed into a BSA. Please refer to Update Instructions.[/b]
Version 0.9
Housecarls married to the player will be less formal with the player
Sven/Faendal will stop pining for Camilla if married to the player
Cooldown changes to MaleYoungEager, FemaleCommander
Followers should stop commenting on the Shrine of Azura if at the Shrine or if the Black Star has been completed
Added Random End flags to idle pools; hopefull this will help optimize performance and repetition.
Fixes to conditioning of MaleEvenTonedAccented idles
MaleDarkElf residents of Whiterun should not longer talk about not having visited Whiterun before
MaleKhajit should no longer talk abou the important of Nord ruins to "you Nords" if the player is not a Nord
Added ~40 idles to MaleBrute
Version 0.8
Added four missing voice clips from FemaleEvenToned
MaleDarkElf should stop comment about "liking the lake here" while deep underground
MaleEvenToned will only comment on Kolskeggr mine while in the Reach
More tweaks on cooldowns
Global update to all voicetypes: followers will limit their topics of conversation while in temples and High Hrothgar. They will still make comments but generally should not be "irreverent."
Please note that Orcs and Khajit are, however, still unlikely to respect the mores of human society re: temples and High Hrothgar.
Version 0.7
MaleEvenToned will only pray about dragons coming at night at night or while at temple
Cooldowns tweaked on more exasperated MaleEvenToned idles among others
FemaleYoungEager will only request sausages if she has no food in her inventory (and you do)
Followers should no longer mistake dragons for wizards or warriors of any sort.
FemaleOrc will only order the enemy to lay down their weapons if they have weapons to lay down
FemaleEvenToned will only comment about "one man's trash" if you are carrying trash around
MaleYoungEager will no longer comment on the beauty of the trees around him while indoors
Version 0.6
Cooldown tweaks to repetitive lines
Sleeping followers should no longer comment in their sleep
MaleEvenToned no longer remarks on the freshness of Skyrim air while inside Soul Cairn