About this mod
Scimitar, craftable, upgradeable, including 4k and 2k textures, and high quality model.
Custom scabbard compatible out of the box with dual sheath mods.
The scimitar makes extra damage when you are riding a mount as scimitars were designed for mounted combat.
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Adds a scimitar to the game, it's craftable under steel category (requires steel smithing perk). It requires 2 steel ingots for blade and rings, 2 gold ingots for crossguard and most of the scabbard, 2 leather for the scabbard too and firewood for the handle.
Its damage is a little higher than dwemer sword, the same as vanilla scimitar, low weight and very expensive as it's made of gold, you can also improve it at a grindstone with steel ingots.
"Scimitars were used in horse warfare because of their relatively light weight when compared to larger swords and their curved design, good for slashing opponents while riding on a horse. The curved design allowed riders to slash enemies and keep riding without getting stuck as stabbing with straight swords on horseback would"
So it does extra damage when you are riding a mount. Thechnically, i did it by adding an enchanment with 0 cost, so you don't need to recharge it.
There's an unenchanted version if you prefer it.
You should get Convenient Horses as it adds a lot of horse combat features like fast dismounting, horse charge (very cool) and you can loot from the horse. The horse in some screenshots is Sethai or Elthrai wich is included in convenient horses. But lets stop talking about horses...
The mod is compatible out of the box with dual sheath mods such as Equipping Overhaul.
Textures included are 4k and 2k, including high quality cubemaps, everything made from scratch.
The model is very detailed, specially the chain wich is full 3d but i dont think it will affect performance, so don't worry.

For instalation i recommed using NMM, but if you want to install it manually just drop the two files (.esp and .bsa) in Data folder and activate the esp in the launcher or whatever you use.
To unistall it, if you installed manually delete the two files.
It includes a cubemap that i also used in my other sword so if for some reason you unpack the bsa and had unpacked accolade too it will ask to overwritte it, doesn't matter, they are exactly the same file.
Hope you like it and enjoy killing some bandits with it :)
Videos by Slytra, sidras01 and vatiwah (second video starts at 4:49)(first two minutes from the third video)