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About this mod
Compatibility patches and XML updates for T3nd0s Perkus Maximus.
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Dawnguard Dragonborn Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes T3nd0's Perkus Maximus Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade with Dawnguard and Dragonborn support - Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
Feel free to release your own version of the XMLs, as long as it isn't virtually a duplicate.
Do not upload this exact mod to any other website, including Steam and that site which shall not be named.
If you are the owner of any mod covered by a patch here feel free to implement any of the changes into your own mod, just send me a PM to let me know so I can update the patch as needed.
If I can't be reached/am inactive for an extended period and no one else is maintaining these patches feel free to take them over.
Users can not use my assets in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms.File credits
T3nd0 - For all the awesome that is SkyRe and PerMa and all the support and willingness to listen to all my crazy.
Tascani - For the huge amount of work he put into getting Alchemy.xml to reach new levels of awesome.
Kryptopyr - For poring over numbers and helping me work out a ton of stuff.
GioGr, Yolo, DevilDuke, Mike, Greggor, Dustin, Derek, Alyzar, Eggover, ExImIeR, Escavalx and all the PerMa_Beta testers - For all the help adding, troubleshooting, testing, balancing, supporting and encouraging.
I know I've prolly missed lots of others that have helped out, know PCaPP wouldn't be nearly what it is without everyones input!Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Changelogs
- Fixes:
Corrected error with Steel Plate Armor patching.
- Fixes:
- Fixes:
PerMa_USKP patch will now only install if selected.
Most Armored Circlets from CCOR can now be reforged.
The empty Alchemy.xml for CACO users can now be selected in the XML Edits Only file.
- Fixes:
Version 3.4.1
- Now covers:
Inquisitor Armor Compilation (25628)
Katarina Armor (60814)
Cleric Armours of the Nine Devines - Credo StandAloneMod (26904)
Redguard shields (Hammerfell armoury) (60788)
AlfheimRobes (35153)
Daedric Light Armor - Daedric Blue by Iceburg (3775)
Daedric Blue Weapons (11167)
Imperial Assassin Armour (55505)
Vampire Cuirass by Newmiller (47335)
Sexy Ninja Armor (Off-Nexus)
Falkreath Ranger Armor (38057)
Barbarian Steel Armor (65991)
Dragon Carved Armor Set (66130)
BLESS Online -armors pack- (Off-Nexus)
Adventurer Maiden Armory (UNP mashup) (58983)
Lady Templar (40626)
Rueful War Axe (53735)
ElvenSilver Dagger (71933)
The Lily - Armour Mashup (71843)
Banded Iron Bikini (69631)
Dragon Bone Bikini Armor (70376)
Steel Bikini Armor (69980)
Steel Nord Plate Bikini Armor (69803)
Removed unnecessary dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
Bryte'ned Long Bows from Nock to Tip will nolonger be distributed to everyone everywhere.
Most Armored Circlets from CCOR can now be reforged.
Conjure Golden Saint, Conjure Dark Seducer and Conjure Winged Twilight will now require a heart like other Daedra summons. (SiC)
Umlaut and grave accent characters replaced. â=a, á=a, Á=A, è=e, ê=e, é=e, É=E, û=u, ç=c, ñ=n. Affects Español, Français, Português - Brasil and Italiano.
Enchanting.xml updated to remove most of the remaining dead space.
Português - Brasil
Updated Patches:
Pre PaMa SiC
New Patches:
- Now covers:
Version 3.4.01
- Now covers:
Black Overlord Armor (29707)
Updated Polish translations in Languages.xml by Terkontar.
Partial Português - Brasil support.
Updated for Wintermyst v4
- Now covers:
Version 3.4
- Fixes:
PerMa should nolonger cause "Armor Can Only Be Placed on Mannequins." errors when using mods that change Mannequins.
Horker Daggers will nologer cause Aspect of Hircine. (Hork Hunterborn)
bla08 fixed the LostLongsword patch.
Updated Nock2Tip patche by Loganbacca.
Cleaned up all recipies, made them more consistant and added new upgrade recipies. (Hork)
Nock2Tip+CCOR patch by Loganbacca.
Will now patch "Daedric Light" armors correctly.
Corrected typo in Horker Longbow (Hork)
Updated Patches:
CCOR - Updated for parity with PerMa 1.4.1 (Dwarven Sphear repair recipie)
WAFR - Various parity changes with WAFR and PerMa 1.4.1.
CCF - Various parity changes with WAFR/CCF and PerMa 1.4.1.
Hork - Ghosu - Horker Weapon Pack.esp
N2T - Nock2Tip.esp
LL - LostLongSwords.esp
New Patches:
Pre PaMa WAFR CCF CCOR Patch.esp
Pre PaMa WAFR CCF CCOR Wintermyst Patch.esp
Pre PaMa N2T CCOR Patch.esp
Removed Patches:
v3 of Bring Out Your Dead made the following patches redundant.
- Fixes:
Version 3.3.1
- Now covers:
Triss Armor Retextured CBBE HDT (4708)
Sotteta Huntress (57909)
The Godswords of Gielinor (Runescape) (68482)
Harbinger's Set (67222)
Grimy Utilities Interface.esp (36328)
- Now covers:
Version 3.3
Now covers:
Blades Hakama (39718)
TERA Weapons (27463)
Corrected an oversight that caused Nock to Tip's (Legendary) bows to have +25% damage, +20% crit damage, -25% speed and +40% value bonuses applied, making them much stronger than intended. (ty to Loganbacca for catching this).
More Interesting Loot will nolonger make crap like "Dwarven Arrow, Exploding (Shock) - Fire"
More Interesting Loot (48869) v5.7 parity.
Imperial and Stormcloak ammo will now patch.
A 'Blades Light' binding, already had a 'Light Blades' binding.
Updated Patches:
Hunterborn. Corrected an error that caused Keen Eye rank 2 to only be selectable while Wayfarer skill is at 60 instead of 60 or higher.
New Patches:
Ghosu - Horker Weapon Pack replacement esp that also requires Hunterborn. The Horker Daggers will count as hunting knives for Hunterborn.
Version 3.2
Now covers:
Skyfall Estate (66299)
The Shrouded Lair (19037)
Training Dummies and Targets (23698) (TDT)
Training Dummies Provide XP (26491) (TDPxp)
ArcheryDummyXP.esp (TDT)
Training Dummies XP.esp (TDPxp)
Archer's Armory
Lore Weapon Expansion
Crossbow Collection with LL
Noldor Content Pack
MJB's Archers Armory
Unique Border Gates
'Traveller' rank 3 and 'Well Insulated' Wayfarer perks required skill reduced to 100 and 90 respectively. (FF)
Liliths 'Awakened' weapons will no longer be distributed.
Modifier for "Antique" weapons.
Modifier for "Corrupted" weapons.
Base damage multiplier of Bound Weapons lowered from 2 to 1.334 to account for the Studies: Apprentice Conjuration perk.
Updated Patches:
Frostfall (FF)
Wind Destruction Magic (WDM)
Removed Patches:
Better Vampires (BV)
Version 3.1
- Now covers:
Wrath of Nature - The Path of the Druid (31485)
Wrath of Nature - The Champion of Kynareth (39928)
The Ashbringers (65346)
Twilight Guild Wars 2 Legendary GreatSword (56031)
PaMa will no longer try to enchant or distribute several Immersive Jewellery items. May help patching with it complete, but not likely for MO users.
Unique Bows Redux (64879) binding corrected.
Corrected Quality armor modifier.
Armor of 'Nordic Mail' reduced from about Orcish to Steel.
Nordic Dwemer Armor set to Dwarven.
Nordic Ebony Armor set to Ebony.
Nordic Moonstone Armor set to Elven.
Nordic Orichalcum Armor set to Orcish.
Enchanted versions of non-unique Immersive Weapons weapons should now be included in the leveled lists. Artifacts, Replicas and Unique weapons are no longer reforge-able. (IW)
Hunterborns Goat Heart ingredient will now be patched.
Bardiche weapons will now bind as Battleaxe. There are no mods that add Bardiche for some reason, but it'll be waiting... for them... so if they come... they'll be patched. I promise.
Small buff to Morning Star reach, crit and stagger.
Small buff to Great Morning Star crit.
- Now covers:
Version 3.0
- Now covers:
Unexpected Blades (21857)
Gangs of Skyrim (52093)
Tribunal Masks -Judgement Day (26526)
Shiv can no longer be reforged or Warforged, it's a sharpened spoon it can't get that good.
Bugfix file is now nested in the main file and can be selected.
Character Creation Overhaul patch is now nested in the main file.
New code to modify PC and NPC armor skill multipliers (fArmorRatingMax and fArmorRatingPCMax)
Weapons rebalanced to be more consistent without training.
Light and Heavy weapons will do slightly more damage (on average).
Ammo rebalanced to be more consistent and less random after firing (each material will still act a little different though).
NPC armor skill multiplier reduced from 2.5 to 1.75. (fArmorRatingMax)
Armor rebalanced to reduce scaling of higher end materials. Ebony, Glass, Stalhrim, Dragonplate and Daedric (Heavy versions) base armor reduced.
Lowered base armor factor (the PaMa multiplier) by 0.1 per piece. Makes it a bit harder to hit DR cap freely and indirectly buffs melee weapons.
Updated Patches:
PerMa Fixes - Gutted-no longer usable)
WAFR patches - Minor adjustments for PerMa 1.3
- Now covers:
Version 2.7
- Now covers:
ThirteenOrange's Quest mods (Steam)
Gifts of Akatosh (Steam)
Firelink Implements (Steam)
Cynder Arrows (65221)
Diamond Armor Smithing (35647)
LUNA (55644)
TERRA (56049)
MARS (57182)
VENUS (56492)
Altmer ESO Armor Reborn (64532)
Dwemer Spectres (63022)
Black Horse Courier (59450)
Liliths Obliterator (23733)
Merp's Gondorian Armament (43641)
Bosmer Ceremonial Armor (51569)
Extensible Follower Framework (EFF/XFL)
Black Horse Courier flyers will no longer be distributed.
Some missed ITMs in CCOR patches.
Necrosis, Void Bolt and Blight Curse now scale with Restoration and not Destruction as intended (FMR)
Cleaned unnecessary records (FMR)
Soulrender will now properly bind as a Scimitar.
Better handling of Dynamic Loot items.
Removed a few ITM records (SiC)
NPCs Atahba, Khayla and Ma'randru-jo now covered by CCOR BOYD patch
Carried over some missing globals (IW)
Added some survivalism perks (FF)
Corrected bound weapon spell cost (BA)
Deadric Crescent [Arming Sword] -> Daedric Crescent - Short [Arming Sword] (IW)
Great Deadric Crescent [Greatsword] -> Deadric Crescent [Greatsword] (IW) - To match TES lore
Dwarven Power Battlexe -> Dwarven Power Battleaxe (AAA) - Was missing the a in axe
Updated Patches:
Immersive Weapons (IW)
AetheriumSwordsnArmor.esp (AAA)
Immersive Creatures Patch (SiC)
Forgotten Magic Redone (FMR)
Bound Armory (BA)
Better Vampires (BV) - Updated to 6.7
Frost Fall (FF)
New Patches:
Daedra of Coldharbour (DoC)
Johnskyrims HD Armored Circlets (JAC)
Removed Patches:
Left Hand Rings (v1.5 includes the changes)
- Now covers:
Version 2.6.4
- Now covers:
InsanitySorrow's Zatoichi (26619)
Vayan Armor (61616)
Belko (62149) Default gear
VanNord Carved Nordic Armour (64560)
Mystic Elven Armor - HD (5600)
Divine Aegis HD (9109) (20809)
More French strings.
- Now covers:
Version 2.6.3
- Now covers:
Elemental Arrows (49983)
Sword of the Anient Tongues (52700)
Insanitys Celtic Katana (15389)
Campfire (64798)
- Now covers:
- Now covers:
Moon and Star (52397)
Osare Culort Armor -UNP (43609)
Daedra of Coldharbour (51596)
Valfar (25360)
Sofia (54527)
Sulfuras - The Reclaimed Hand (64628)
The Grey Cowl of Nocturnal (64651)
Rigmor of Bruma (53068)
Armor of intrigue (36875)
Ingredient added by Volundr (64401) to prevent patcher from crashing.
Sabre speed increased from 0.85 to 1.05 reach increased from 0.85 to 0.9.
Scimitar reach increased from 0.95 to 1.0.
- Now covers:
Version 2.6.1
- Now covers:
The Loners Sword (16751) The two-hand version needs to be renamed 'Loner's Greatsword'
Axe of Hrothmund (31116)
Much Ado about Snow Elves - A Tragedy - Act I (16455)
Breton Knight (59544)
The Hanging Gardens - a Quest(30279)
Seadog Pirate Armor (20911)
Enchanting/Distribution exclusions on Conan Hyborian age weapons previously missed.
Corrected a flag that prevented Iron Arrows from being picked up in the world. (N2T)
Added some keywords I had missed before. (SiC)
Corrected a typo in Silver Ingot recipes that caused it to hide when the Gold and Silver perk was taken. (CCOR)
The Wyrmstooth patch was incorrectly credited to the wrong user, Velgath made it.
Sorted masters. (Wyrm)
Added a new Disparity version of the Wind Destruction patch.
Added new patches for aMidianborn Content Addon to correct a few enchanted armors names. (aMidCA)
Added proper bindings for 'Ancient Nord' and 'Honed Ancient Nord'/'Ancient Nord Honed' weapons.
Orcish Bow (Legendry) -> Orcish Bow (Legendary) (N2T)
Vindskjær -> Vindskjaer (N2T) for real this time.
Updated Patches:
Nock to Tip (N2T)
Immersive Creatures (SiC)
Compelete Crafting Overhaul (CCOR)
Wyrmstooth patch (Wyrm)
New Patches:
Wind Destruction.esp (Disparity version)
aMidianborn Content Addon Patches (aMid CA)
- Now covers:
Version 2.6
- Now covers:
Sovereign Slayer (57363)
True Thief Armor (38409)
Removed overreaching distribution exclusions on Dawnguard and Dagonborn Books.
Corrected a broken keyword on Thalmor Cloths. (WAFR CCOR patch)
Corrected a broken Enchantment link on The Forgemasters Fingers. (WAFR CCOR patch)
Corrected a weapon modifier that was making all Greatswords stronger than intended.
Corrected a double binding for 'Ash' weapons.
Changed material keyword on 'Colovian Composite Bow' and 'Colovian Dark Composite Bow' to sort them in the wood category. (IW)
Reduced Bound weapon costs and spells can now be randomly learned from Studies perks. (BA)
New binding for Ash Spawn weapons from Dragonborn.
Added clothing keyword all clothing items so they will sort to the Clothing category and be recognized as clothing. (IA)
Adjusted summoning spells and summoned NPCs to PerMa standards. (SiC)
Wyrmstooth patch to adjust spells and summoned creatures to PerMa standards and can be learned randomly when taking the Studies perks. (Wyrm)
Cure Poison and Cure Disease Spell Tomes will now teach the PerMa spell. (Wyrm)
Slightly reduced Mace and Spiked Mace damage. (13 -> 10/11)
Slightly increased Club and Spiked Club damage. (9 -> 10/11)
Slightly reduced Morning Star damage. (14 -> 12)
Increased armor of 'Stormcloak Officer' to be better than normal 'Stormcloak'.
Updated Patches:
Immersive Weapons (IW)
Immersive Armors (IA)
Bound Armory (BA)
Skyrim Immersive Creatures (SiC)
New Patches:
Wyrmstooth - PerMa Patch.esp (Wyrm)
- Now covers:
- Corrected a broken archive.
- I forgot to put the updated files in the archive 'before' uploading it... smooth move raul.
Version 2.5.3
- Now covers:
Albion Swords - The Chieftain (58257)
Albion Swords - The Cluny (58630)
Albion Swords - The Sherwood (58374)
Albion The Baron (56438) (Two-Hand version needs name changed to 'The Great Baron)
The Vassal (56785)
Mithrodin Sword (23085)
Several secondary spells will no longer improperly have a scroll made. (PerMa)
Tightened up distribution exclusions for Dragon Priest weapons.
Corrected description of Vokun Circlet in CCOR patches
Corrected Invisible Vampire Lord form bug that got put into the WAFR patches also.
Corrected masters on WAFR patch. USKP was added for a test and I forgot to remove it.
Corrected a typo that made light Dawnguard armors heavy.
Removed a faulty Book exclusion that prevented many Illusion spells from being added to merchant chests and loot tables.
Added Enchanting and Language updates for changes made to newest version of Wintermyst.
Added some more French to Languages.xml
'Vindskjær' -> 'Vindskjaer' PaMa can't read Nordic. (N2T)
'Forsworn Bow' -> 'Forsworn Bow (Improved)' (N2T)
Updated Patches:
Nock to Tip (N2T)
- Now covers:
Version 2.5.2
- If you use Wind Destruction Magic, don't use the XML Edits Only file, I forgot to add a line to it before Uploading.
Now covers:
Draconic Bloodline (51401) v1.1
Mord Sith Cara Armor (50930)
Deadly Trio (37746)
Gallery of Armor (49827) v1.5a
Lords Mail - Armor and Quest (40497)
Knight Of Thorns Armor And Spear of Thorns (18940)
aMidianborn Content Addon (24909) v1.9
DLC1ClothesVampireLordRoyalArmor and DLC1ClothesVampireLordArmor (Vampire Lord form skins) can no longer be enchanted or distributed.
Removed some extra keywords from PerMa added Silver weapons. (WAFR)
Added missing WAFR keywords to PerMa added SkyForge Steel weapons. (WAFR)
Corrected a typo on binding for Rikke's Longbow that prevented it from patching correctly.
Wind Destruction patch now has PerMa_Mage as a master, the Destruction tree would be messed up if PerMa_Mage was not used.
Changed Spell Tomes to Book/Tome type to have the correct icon in SkyUI. (WDM)
Shield of Solitude changed to Light to match WAFR.
"Spear" added to Languages.xml
"Explodes upon impact, dealing 2 points of poison damage per second for 20 seconds." added to Languages.xml
Updated Patches:
Wind Destruction.esp (Changes in included Readme)
New Patches:
Nock2Tip.esp (updated by Force70)
Unique Uniques.esp
- If you use Wind Destruction Magic, don't use the XML Edits Only file, I forgot to add a line to it before Uploading.
Version 2.5.1
- Quick fix for script version data error in CCOR patches.
Version 2.5
- Now covers:
Rough Leather Armor (54672)
Hunter Archer Armor (43649) English Translation (43873)
Diverse Bows (59224)
Grace Darklings Ranger Armor v3 (7184)
Fixed a typo I made in PerMa Fixes.esp that made the Apprentice Destruction perks "+15% damage for next destruction spell" only work on apprentice destruction spells.
LLs updated to better match WAFR (IW)
Immersive Armors will no longer tell CCOR that Immersive Weapons is installed.
My custom "Leather Strip to Leather" recipes had bad conditions that made them not properly upgrade to the "good" version. (WAFR)
Lockpick recipe will require Inventor perk in Dexterity or the Wax Key perk in Lockpicking. (CCOR)
Will now be in the "Tools and Materials" section of the crafting menu and can be hidden with the ToolRecipe toggle (CCOR);
Crossbow Modification Kit (WAFR)
Lockpick recipe (WAFR) (May conflict with other mods that edit Lockpick record weight/keywords)
Now require the "Material: Gold and Silver" perk;
Gold and Silver Ingots
Jewellery recipes that didn't already. (CCOR)
Gem cutting recipes.
Silver Sword and Greatsword recipes. (CCOR)
Silver Gilded Crusader's Sword and Silver Crusader's Sword (CCOR)
Now require the "Material: Leather" perk;
Bandoliers Bags and Pouches (CCOR)
Included CCOR script "CCO_SubCraftingArmor" in the unmerged WAFR patch so my "Leather Strip to Leather" recipes will act right. It is an unedited copy of the script, if you use any CCOR variant you won't get the script (since CCOR already added it)
Non-Iron, non-Fur, and non-Hide Breakdown recipes now require the Meltdown perk. (CCOR)
Lowered fArmorRatingMax (NPC armor multiplier variable) from *2.5 to *2
Reduced base damage and speed of Daggers by 0.5, should help resolve an issue where NPCs use daggers even with better, more appropriate, weapons in their inventory.
Reduced Tanto base speed by 0.02.
Horker Bow -> Horker Shortbow (GHWP)
Dukes Longsword -> Dukes Greatsword (IW)
Regent's Longsword -> Regent's Greatsword (IW)
Silver Honed Longsword -> Silver Honed Greatsword (IW)
Wabba Jaxe -> Wabba Jaxe Halberd (IW)
Warchief's Might -> Warchief's Halberd (IW)
Updated Patches:
PerMa Fixes.esp
WAFR patches updated to WAFR 5.1
CCF patches updated to CCF 1.4
CCOR patches updated to CCOR 1.6
Immersive Armors (IA)
Immersive Weapons (IW)
Ghosu - Horker Weapon Pack (GHWP)
Removed Patches:
Nock 2 Tip: Use patch by Force70 (63671) Is being reworked to be a replacer.
Unique Uniques: Use patch by Old Nick (63111) It's a replacement esp also.
- Now covers:
Version 2.4.4
- Now covers:
zzjay's wardrobe (53442)
Compound Bow Collection-Redux (58716)
Lord Marshal and Steel Falcon (62865)
Skyrim Sewers 4 (14351)
Common Clothes (51813)
Mage Armor - Cleric Chainmail Robes (54600)
B-D-Y-E-B Shield Mod (34433) patch version only
Medusa Drakul armors and Thanatos dragon (31229)
Tembtra Thief Armor UNP - CBBE (59451)
Schwertleite (19665)
Demon Hunter Armor v3 (42169)
Jethead Armors (25636)
Silver Dragon Armor (18028)
Corrected an improperly attached script property that prevented Studies: Apprentice Destruction from granting a spell. (WAFR)
Fist weapon damage scaling reduced by 50% for Khajiit. (WAFR)
Corrected Thalmor Glass binding (aMidianborn)
Added masquerade bindings for Dawnguard
Added masquerade keywords for Thalmor clothings. (CCF)
Updated Patches:
CCF: Keyword adjustments.
WAFR: Fixes listed above.
New Patches:
BDYEB.esp (See changelog in Data/Readmes)
Unique Uniques.esp (Carried over some WAFR changes for consistency)
- Now covers:
Version 2.4.3
- Fixes:
Horker weapons and armor will now sort to Bonemold and not MISC. (GHWP)
Corsair's Sword will now bind as a Sabre not an Arming Sword. (Jswords)
Horker weapons and armor recipes now require one or more Horker Tusk in your inventory to show. (GHWP)
Honed Horker weapons and armor now require you to know how to make Improved Bonemold. (GHWP)
Removed localization from the three WAFR patches as it was being a poo-poo head.
Torch, Stone and Riekling Arrows/Bolts will no longer have variants made.
Weapon Modifiers for (Broken), (Damaged), (Worn), (Used), (Solid) and (Reliable). Primarily affects Frostfall.
Several new Ammo materials added, mainly duplicate versions of existing materials, but with <multiply> set to false.
Updated Patches:
1nivWICCloaks.esp (WiC) Removed Clothing keywords from two Leather helms I missed.
Ghosu - Horker Weapon Pack.esp (GHWP) Added Longbows and adjusted LLs to match WAFR.
Pre PaMa WAFR CCOR BOYD Patch.esp actually corrected name of NPCs Ma'jhad and Ra'zhinda. Removed localization
Pre PaMa WAFR CCOR Patch.esp Removed localization
Pre PaMa WAFR Patch.esp Removed localization
- Fixes:
Version 2.4.2
- Now covers:
Avatar of Grenth (23165)
Kur0us Ebony Morning Star(22735)
Corrected bad condition on Leather Strips to Leather recipe (WAFR, WAFR CCOR, WAFR CCOR BOYD)
Corrected name of NPCs Ma'jhad and Ra'zhinda. (WAFR CCOR BOYD)
Updated installer so NMM users are not forced to add an unneeded patch when selecting the WAFR CCOR BOYD merged patch option.
- Now covers:
Version 2.4.1
- Updated Patches:
Pre PaMa WAFR Patch
Pre PaMa WAFR CCOR Patch
- Updated Patches:
Version 2.4
- Now covers:
Evil Mastermind Armor (25476)
Konahriks Accoutrements - Dragon Priest Armory (32458)
Skyrim Knights (28044)
Combat Evolved.esp
Gharol's Iron Sword can no longer be Reforge and will not have enchanted variants made or distributed.
The 'Spellbreaker' shield can no longer be Reforged or Warforged.
Corrected typo on bindings for Black Mage Hood (L) and Black Mage Mantled Hood (L) (Black Mage Armor)
Corrected typo on bindings for Morgul Blade and Elven Short Blade (LOTR)
The Azincourt (1H) is now bound to Longsword, The Azincourt remains a Bastard Sword
Falmer armor and Imperial Helmet will now properly be tagged Heavy armor (SIC)
Falmer shaman armor will now properly be tagged Light armor (SIC)
Correct impact data set and block material on several SIC shields
Imperial Tattered Armor, Dwarven Light Armor and Ancient Nord Light Gauntlets are now Light. (SIC)
Corrected Palrada Plate, Scion Plate, Eternal Centurion, Rysio, Cyasmic and Shadow Fang bindings (TERA Armors)
Dawnguard Ebony Shield now have original ebony shield armor rating (CCOR)
Clothing cultist robes, gloves and boots now have missing masquerade cultist keyword (CCF, WAFR)
Reinforced, Fitted gauntlets and boots now have missing masquerade stormcloak keyword (FALSKAAR)
Fur Guard's gauntlets and boots, Eastmarch Guard's Helmet and Gloves of the Pugilist now have missing masquerade stormcloak keyword
Shellbug Helmet now have missing falmer masquerade keyword
Carius armor now have missing imperial masquerade keyword
Fur Kilt and Fur Kilt with Mantle now have missing bandit masquerade keyword
Fur Gauntlets and Boots now have only stormcloak masquerade keyword (bandit keyword removed)
Fur Pant Armor now have missing bandit masquerade keyword (SIC)
Masquerade keywords on Stormcloak, Imperial, Forsworn, Falmer, Vampire Circlets and Ulfric's Gag are removed.
Masquerade keywords on Imperial and Falmer Shields are removed
Added missed model to Ancient Nord Helmet (SIC)
Damaged Ceremonial Armor now have broken armor stats (FALSKAAR)
Corrected description of Silver Partisan. (WAFR)
Unenchanted, playable, Nightingale armor sets can now be Reforged and Warforged. Enchanted, non-playable, versions cannot.
Changed Dragon Priest bindings back to WAFR (Vokun Silver>Steel, Otar Gold>Glass, Konahrik Dwarven>DragonPlate, Morokei Glass>Clothing, Dukaan NordicLight>StalhrimLight, Ahzidal ScaledHeavy>Ebony)
Adjusted names of some Ancient Nord Armor to have better stats, Broken Ancient Nord Armor (Old)>Ancient Nord Armor (Broken). (SiC)
Changed Hammer of Justice and Divine Hammer binding to BoundLow (FMR)
Moonbuckled, Neophyte, Cerulean Alchemist, Solace, Ebon Shroud and Eternal Magus bindings (TERA Armors)
Merged DevilDukes NPC Armor Balance fixes into the WAFR patches to stop NPCs from hitting armor cap in Fur.
WAFR patches will now have the Relev bash tag applied.
Lowered base damage of Sabre from 12 to 11.
Increased base damage of Scimitar from 11 to 12.
Cutlass weapons will now bind to Sabre not Scimitar.
New materials BoundLow(1.9) and BoundHigh(2.05).
Increased Bone material damage from 0.25 to 0.9 (just above Wood)
Increased Mammoth Bone material damage from 0.5 to 1.2
New materials BoneHigh(0.95) and Mammoth BoneHigh(1.5).
Giant Weapons Bleed increased to 3 from 2. Class changed from to Blunt_Blade from Blunt
Ancient Nord Helmet -> Ancient Nord Light Helmet (WAFR, not playable)
Updated Patches:
Immersive Armors: Bosmer Engraved set will now benefit from the Ebony perk and not the Glass perk.
SiC: Name and keyword adjustments, added missed model
CCOR, WAFR: Name and keyword adjustments
CCF: Keyword adjustments.
Wind Magic: Corrected Spell costs. Removed Update.esm and Dawnguard.esm as masters.
- Now covers:
Version 2.3.1
- Now covers:
Spears By Soolie (62609)
Winter is coming armor (Leather Snow Bear Claw, Leather Ornate and Leather Fancy Snow Bear Claw Hoods) will now have right armor rating.
"Spear" no longer binds to Partisan
Zephyr is now a Shortbow
New weapon_type "Spear"; longer reach than Shortspear, higher damage, slower.
New Ammo_type "Javelin"; Higer damage than Bolts, but heavier, slower and more affected by gravity.
"Morgul blade", "Glamdring" and "Elven short blade" bindings (LOTR Weapons)
Wolf Daito binding (IW)
Notes on Spears By Soolie:
The Spear Patcher seems to be improperly marking a few random Spiked Clubs, Spiked Maces and Halberds as Spears, these need to be fixed by hand before running PaMa or you can end up with a ton of messed up weapons in your save. Run the Spear Patcher before PaMa, make sure to open the Spear Patch in TES5Edit and remove all weapon entries that are Spiked Club, Spiked Mace or Halberd before running PaMa. Due to the way Spears currently handles Spear distribution some Spears may not be as plentiful as intended. I've already contacted Soolie about these issues and plan to work with him/her to try to get it all worked out. The fixes I made for Spears my cause some conflicts with anything named Spear or Javelin that is not set up in a manor conducive to the Spears mods, if you find any please let me know so I can try to get them fixed.
- Now covers:
Version 2.3
- Now covers:
Dragonbone Barbarian Armor (52711)
Black Mage Armor (9645)
Penobscot War Bow (61691)
Skaal Heavy Armor (32126)
Meridia's Secret Weapon - Two Handed Dawnbreaker (59703)
Genesis Rhapsodos Rapier (19030)
Luddemanns Armory (33213)
Elven Electrum-Plated Equipment (62076)
WetandCold - Ashes.esp
SoS - Civilization.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
Binding for Sigvatson Bow (Unique Bows)
Typo on Stormcloak Mage Armor binding.
Merta armor will now be Light.
Corrected several bindings for Giant weapons added by SiC to fix 'Run Away!' bug.
Corrected bindings for Colovian Composite Bow and Dark Colovian Composite Bow.
Auriel's Shield, Shellbug Helmet, Falmer Circlet, Zahkriisos, Vokun and Rahgot are now Heavy
Falskaar Reinforced, Tsun's boots, Ebony Light Mail, Dawnguard Rune Shield, Dukaan, Cultist Mask, Miraak (Light) and Otar Circlet are now Light
Falmer armor will now properly be tagged Light armor.
Winter is coming armor (Steel Snow Bear Claw, Steel Ornate and Steel Fancy Snow Bear Claw Hoods) will now properly be tagged Heavy armor.
Corrected EbonyLow, DwarvenLow, DwarvenHigh, HorkerHH, AdvancedLight armor values
Corrected several weapon type bindings from 'Bastardsword' to 'Bastard Sword'. 'Basic Greatsword', 'Narsil - 2H', 'Anduril - 2H', and 'Claidhem' were affected.
Patched Enhanced Blood Main don't revert Dragonborn, Dawnguard or etc. patches (added to blocklist)
Hunterborn Arrows will now act right.
Assorted other things.
Mace of Molag Bal changed to use Spiked Mace weapon type.
Updated enchantment description on several armors (expects Mage module to be used), added CCF keywords to Wintermyst armors. (Clothing and Clutter Fixes)
Some items adjusted to match new WAFR v5.1 stats.
Updated for More Interesting Loot v5.2
Added new Materials Zero_Daedric, Zero_Dragonplate, Zero_Dragonscale and Dragonscale_One.
Added recipes to craft Leather from Leather Strips at the Tanning Rack.
Additional Vilja bindings and adjustments.
Dawnbreaker can no longer be Reforged or Warforged.
Added a few missing CCOR armors
Reduced Armor value of Dragonscale material by 1.
Increased Longbow damage by 16%
Increased Longbow critical damage from 150% to 170%
Increased severity of Broken modifier from 50% to 25%
Increased bonus speed for WOOD weapons by 1% per rank
Increased Light Weapons base damage by 1.
Increased Arrow base damage by 3.
Increased Bolt base damage by 2.
Ebony Mail -> Ebony Light Mail (CCOR)
Miraak -> Miraak Light (WAFR)
Several enchanted Imperial Bracers of XX -> Imperial Light Bracers of XX (WAFR)
Blessed Steel Crossbow -> Steel Crossbow of Dismissal (WAFR)
Enhanced Steel Crossbow -> Steel Enhanced Crossbow (WAFR)
Steel Bastard Sword -> Steel Longsword (CCOR)
Updated Patches:
Pre PaMa WAFR Patch
Pre PaMa CCOR Patch
Pre PaMa CCF Patch (now requires "Dawnguard.esm" and "PerMa Expansion 1 - Wintermyst.esp").
New Patches:
PerMa_USKP master patch.esp (will install by default, load immediately after Thief module or merge the change into the Thief module. File only makes one (1) edit to NPC Vex to carry over updated USKP package data.
- Now covers:
Version 2.2
- Now covers:
Bosmer Armor (37289) v1.3
Warrior Within Weapons (42280) v1
Vindskjaer (59525)
Vampiric Thirst (24222)
EotW Dovahkiins Journeyman Armor (44592)
Forgotten Magic Redone (35339) v1.6.5
OBIS Loot (52067)
Post PatchusMaximus Perma Mods and Tweaks.esp
LongerDurationsandAnnoyanceFixes - Perma Patch.esp
Corrected bindings for Vindskjær/Vindskjaer Bow. (Nock to Tip/Vindskjaer)
Removed description from "Enhanced Steel Crossbow" to come in-line with USKP and WAFR changes.
Immersive Weapons LLs adjusted to match WAFR, stops Orcish weapons from appearing at level 6.
Reduced base rating of "common" Imperial and Stormcloak armor.
Vanilla 'Steel Scimitar' renamed 'Heavy Steel Scimitar' to differentiate it from the one added by PerMa. (WAFR/CCOR)
Updated Patches:
Better Vampires: Added clothing keyword to 'Steel Plate Boots'.
Reduced value of 'Steel Scimitar' from 275 to 45 to compensate for it now being more common. (WAFR)
Pre PaMa WAFR CCOR IW Patch.esp removed.
Pre PaMa WAFR CCOR IW BoYD Patch.esp removed
Immersive Armors replacement esp, sorted masters.
New Patches:
Pre PaMa WAFR CCOR BoYD Patch.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp (Requires USKP)(WeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp is merged in)
- Now covers:
Version 2.1.1
- Now covers:
Dynamic Loot (42662) (Has some duplicate item names, Last Hope and Flamebreaker,)
Merta (60195)
Liliths Sickle - Custom Scythe (22368)
LustDesign - Dovahkiin Mercenary Gear - CBBE v3 - UNP (15804)
Warglaives and Silverlight Armor 099 CBBE (10251)
Elvensniper CBBE Bodyslide Support Conversion (52102)
HDT Capes (59700)
SkyRe Races and Standing Stones modules
Excluded Bone, Stone, Iron and Steel Hunterborn Knives from being distributed.
Corrected bindings for "Tribunal Robes and Masks"
Bow of the DarkOne will now be marked as a shortbow, not a dagger (SoT)
Improved/New settings for Conan Age of Hyboria Items.
Changed 'Ravenbrand Sword' from Arming Sword to Longsword. (Warzones)
Made Aela's armors Light and improved exclusions for it.
Reduced Pickaxe damage and increased crit slightly.
Reduced Hatchet damage and crit slightly.
Added new Weapon Type binding 'War Axe' to stop items from being named "Steel War Axe [Waraxe]", Axe and Waraxe items will still have [Waraxe] appended.
Added missing Ahzidal and Zahkriisos Dragon Priest Mask exclusions.
Increased Heavy Weapons damage by 30%.
Increased Ranged Weapons damage by 15%.
Increased Light Weapons damage by 1.
Reduced severity of 'heavy' modifier.
- Now covers:
Version 2.1.0
- Now covers:
Dovamaar and Dovahfaas (51842)
Blood Witch Armor (21572)
Raven witch armor (36497)
Medusa Drakul armors and Thanatos dragon (31229)
Skyrim Monster Mod (35631)
Gwelda and Emfy armors will no longer be distributed or have random enchanted versions made, since they are Female only items.
Aditional "Horripilation" exclusion.
Spectraverse - Only After Dragon Rising.esp
Corrected Nettlebane distribution exclusion to actually block it from being distributed.
Slightly increased DaedricLight armor rating to match Dragonscale as intended.
Increased base armor of Dragonpriest Masks slightly and adjusted their materials to better match how they look.
Ahzidal, Dukaan and Zahkriisos Dragonpriest masks.
Adjusted weapon_type base damage for new formula added in PerMa 1.1
Updated Patches:
Included voxatu's updated Pre PaMa Improved Artifacts.esp
- Now covers:
Version 2.0.2
- Now covers:
Advanced Skyrim Overhaul (aka Nature of the beast II) (20721)
Latex Corset - CBBE TBBP with BODYSLIDE (49350)
Ancient Nord Chainmail CBBE HDT (26664)
TERA Armor Collection - CBBE - standalone (29411)
Emfy Cleric Robes UNP - CBBE (61013)
Gwelda Armor Pack UNP (56998)
Expanded Winterhold Destruction Ruins (8333)
Nameless Light by FavoredSoul (59254) was already supported but never mentioned as such.
Jester Outfit ReTexture -Standalone and Craftable (17530)
Witch of the Wild (38164)
Imperial Investigator Armor UNP - UNPB (19377)
Seratic armor (19961)
Royal Daedric and Daedra Huntress armors (3104)
Male Cleric Armor Variants (14194)
Craftable Cleric *Heavy Version* (3214)
Contractor and Mavari armors (38386)
Nameless Light will no longer be distributed. (Nameless Light)
Frostfall weapons will no longer be enchanted or distributed.
Dragon Priest Masks can no longer be reforged or Warforged.
Unenchanted Archmage armors will no longer be distributed.
Aemer's Mahakaman Blade will now be a Greatsword (Aemer's Refuge)
Corrected a typo on Ulcissor Armor (TERA) has both Ulciscor and Ulcissor now.
Corrected Penetus Oculatus to Light Armor.
- Now covers:
Version 2.0.1
- Now covers:
Nightmare Armor by Hentai (13667)
Aemer's Refuge (37450)
Added Ish's Respec Mod.esp to blocklist
Corrected typo in Ammunition.xml that prevented most ammunition from correctly having variants made.
Reduced Glass Arrow/Bolt damage from +12 to +10 as I meant to in 1.8.
- Now covers:
Version 2.0.0
- Now covers:
Castle Valdmire (55215)
Unique scimitars (Hammerfell armoury) (60896)
More exclusions for Ilas-Tei's Ring
Fork of Horripilation will no longer be distributed.
Weapon Base Damage Formula changed from:
(int) ((skillBase + typeMod + matMod) * typeMult) * [modifiers]
(int) (skillBase + typeMod*matMod) * [modifiers]
Corrected a typo in Vilja enchanted weapon distribution exclusion setting.
Improved 'Lustmord' Armor support.
Corrected a typo in Hunterborn weapon distribution exclusions.
Justiciar Changdao and Nordic Dwemer Blade will now patch correctly (IW)
Trident Blade changed from Shortspear to Shortsword to better match visual.
kuertee's Eat and sleep added to Blocklist
Updated Alchemy.xml to v17.
Added 'Low' material bindings for most materials, don't expect to actually use them all, but they are there now.
Added 'DaedricArtifact' material bindings to fill a few odd gaps in Artifact damage. (Not fully implemented.)
Added HDTPhysicsWeaponSling.esp to Blocklist.
Adjusted all Weapon Material and Type Damage ratings for new formula.
Changed Claw weapon crit from 2.0 to 0.75.
Changed Katar weapons speed from 1.2 to 1.3 and crit from 1.75 to 1.5.
Changed Knuckle weapon speed from 1.45 to 1.3 and crit from 2.0 to 0.5.
Changed Katar from Bladed to Piercing
Changed Claw from Piercing to Blade.
Claw, Katar and Knuckle damage increased from 1 to 1.25.
Updated Patches:
WAFR (Carried over USKP/PerMa 1.1 name changes to several armors.)
CCOR BOYD (carried over CCOR weapon LLI on NPC Majhad)
Immersive Armors (Removed Object Manager Data)
Wind Destruction Magic (Most PerMa perks now cover innately cover Wind magic. Removed Whirlwind Cloak since PerMa adds a new version. Corrected conditions in Unified perk that caused elemental spell damage to not increase when a contract perk was taken, example; Taking Pyromancer Contract caused non-Fire spell damage to increase for each wind perk not taken.)
- Now covers:
Version 1LL
- Merged 1H and 2H versions.
Renamed 2H to Bastard Sword.
Modified Leveled Lists to play nice and use WAFR scaling.
Removed edits to Hadvar and Irileth.
Removed Silver Sword and Silver Greatsword temper recipes.
Added WAFR/SKPIE keywords to weapons.
Added CCOR conditions to recipes.
Hand placed items moved a little to prevent clipping.
- Merged 1H and 2H versions.
Version 1.8
- Now covers:
True Bound Daedric Armors (34269)
WARZONES 2015 - Civil Unrest (9494)
SPOA Silver Knight Armor (32275) and Shield (34496)
Ghosus Weapon Pack (28545)
Armonizer (27028)
Weaponizer (24015)
Weapon Variants Expansion (10902)
Bosmer Armour Pack (37289)
Scout Armor (7109)
Grace Darklings Elven Scout Armor (35174)
Heartwood Bow will no longer be distributed. (Hunterborn)
Armor of the Old Gods set will no longer be distributed.
'Woodcutter' and 'Pickaxe' will no longer be distributed, or have enchanted versions made.
CCOR 'ArmoredCirclet's will no longer have Reforged, Warforged versions made. Will add them to the CCOR patch in PCaPP v2.
CCOR 'ArmoredCirclet's will no longer have Quality versions made. (PerMa v1.1) Will add them to the CCOR patch in PCaPP v2.
Distribution and Enchanting exclusions for Unique Bows Collection (32405).
Corrected a typo that prevented 'Nordic Ranger' Armors from patching correctly.
Corrected a typo that prevented 'Wild Hunt' Heavy Armors from patching correctly.
Corrected typos on 'Viator' 'Blade Dancer' and 'Moon Buckled' that prevented proper patching. (TERA)
Improved Vilja (26393) settings
Added 'Sylward' entry for TERA.
Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp and Dual Sheath Redux.esp added to Blocklist.
Added new Material and Type explicitly for Giant weapons, Giant Club base damage increased from 23 to 64, swing speed reduced from 0.85 to 0.8. Weapon Sagger and Debuff tier increased to 3, Bleed decreased to 2. Range increased for 1.2 to 1.3. Crit reduced to 0.5. Now uses Longmace archetype instead of Greatsword.
Adjusted a modifier that were causing Lightweight Crossbow variants to have erroneous values.
Increased Shortspear crit from 08 -> 1.5.
Increased Hunting Knife crit from 0.5 -> 1.2
Increased Halberd crit from 0.3 -> 0.8
Reduced Club crit from 0.7 -> 0.3 to match Mace
Reduced Katar crit from 2.5 -> 1.75
Reduced Battlestaff crit from 0.9 -> 0.5
Reduced Shortbow crit from 1.5 -> 1.3
Reduced Shortbow speed from 1.2 -> 1.0
Increased Crossbow crit from 1.0 -> 1.5
Increased Longbow crit from 0.9 -> 1.5
Increased Longbow speed from 0.4 -> 0.6
Increased Arming Sword, Broadsword and Waraxe crit from 0.5 -> 0.8
Increased Broadsword damage from 6.0 -> 7.0
Reduced Broadsword speed from 1.0 -> 0.9
Elven, Nordic, Glass, Dragonbone Arrow/Bolt damage increased.
Falmer, Iron, Steel, Silver, Dwarven, Stalhrim Arrow/Bolt damage decreased.
Corrected a typo that caused Orcish weapons to be 6% faster instead of 6% slower.
Updated Patches:
Wind Destruction Magic (Changes in included Readme)
Bound Armory Patch (Visuals)
WAFR (Keywords on Nordic items to get them sorted right.)
CCOR (Removed duplicate PerMa Longbow recipe)
Pre PaMa Improved Artifacts.esp (Removed duplicate ArmorNightingale keyword from both Nightingale Hood armors.)
New Patches:
AetheriumSwordsnArmor.esp (Replacer)
Nock2Tip.esp (Replacer)
- Now covers:
Version 1.7
- Now covers:
Scoiatael Weapons (18439)
Nicoroshi Creations (15122)
Ghorzas Armor (36459)
Helgen Reborn (35841)
Faction: Pitfighter
Faction: Pitfighter Travels
Nock to Tip (60219)
Bound Armory (45042)
True Bound Armors (30462)
Hadhafang - Arwens Sword - LOTR (8456)
Ghosu - Horker Weapon pack (48557)
Can no longer reforge Pickaxe or Woodcutters axe's
Updated merged patch info in the installer. Made installer a bit (lot) neater.
Corrected stray Yari bindings to use the correct Partisan binding.
Fixed 3DNPC/Interesting NPCs for real. For really real! (or as best as can be.)
Corrected an error where Nordic weapons required the steel perk, steel ingots to temper, and brakedown to steel ingots. Will now require the Advanced perk and Corundum.
Spanish translation finished.
Bindings for Bound ammunition.
Reduced severity of Ancient modifier from -20% damage to -10% damage.
Horker XX I -> Horker XX (Horker Weapon pack)
Horker XX II -> Horker Honed XX (Horker Weapon pack)
New Patches:
Pre PaMa Bound Armory Patch - Place after WAFR patch.
Pre PaMa LeftHandRings WAFR Patch
Left Hand Rings Merged containing LeftHandRings.esp, LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp and Left Hand Rings WAFR Patch
Winter is Coming replacement esp
Ghosu - Horker Weapon pack replacement esp
- Now covers:
Version 1.6.1
- Now covers:
Ygrayne (60066)
Gorehowl (50123)
R18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor (11050)
Excluded 'Backpack' from having a Reforged recipe made.
Excluded distribution of Chillrend, Dawnbreaker, Dark Brotherhood, Ghostblade, Mehrunes Razor, Mace of Molag Bal, Ebony Blade, Zephyr, Gloves of the Pugilist, Ebony Mail, Masque of Clavicus Vile, Aetherial Shield, Archmage, Muiri's Ring, Nightweaver's Band, Shield of Ysgramor, Saarthal Amulet, MG02, MG05, MG07, DA0, DA1, Spellbreaker and Savos Aren's Amulet.
Improved Gauldur and Aela's Shield distribution exclusions.
Corrected Dragonscale armor scaling, DragonscaleLow/High will now have armor rating just below/above standard Dragonscale.
Removed the Ring keyword from Barbarian Hero Bracers that prevented them from having a Reforged recipe created.
Adjusted all Armingsword bindings to Arming Sword for consistency and correctness.
Corrected Dwarven Mage Heavy set. (Immersive Armors)
Corrected Goblin Bindings (SiC)
Full German translation support.
Additional Blocklist entries from Crush.
Added armor binding for 'Light Blades'
Alchemy 16 - fix an issue with More Interesting Loot.
Reduced base crit damage of Dagger/Tanto/Shiv
Reduced severity of 'Old' modifier from -20% armor rating to -5% and added matching 'Old' modifier to weapons.
Updated WAFR patches to properly rename 'Crossbow' to 'Steel Crossbow' and 'Enhanced Crossbow' to 'Enhanced Steel Crossbow'.
Updated Patches:
All WAFR patches
Immersive Armors Patches - PerMa_SkyRe_No More Duplicate Immersive Weapons Breakdown Recipes (60228) merged in.
New Patches:
Pre PaMa SiC Patch -Names Patch for a few Goblin Shields and adds Clothing keyword to a few skins to stop PaMa from patching them.
- Now covers:
Version 1.5
- Now covers:
Morrowloot 4E (50740)
Additional DLC Spell and Book exclusions.
Additional Wyrmstooth Spell and Book exclusions.
Arise - Black Sacrament Armor Crafting Books and Spells will no longer be passed out.
Additional Interesting NPCs Weapon and Armor exclusions.
Additional Improved Artifacts Collection Weapon and Armor exclusions.
Corrected a few Warmonger bindings.
Corrected a few Improved Artifacts Collection bindings.
Adjusted all Arming Sword bindings to Armingsword for consistency. Arming Sword will still bind as Arming Sword.
Corrected Broadsword and Armingsword bindings.
Corrected a few 3DNPC/Interesting NPCs bindings.
Corrected a few Inconsequential NPCs bindings.
Reduced Hatchet reach from 0.95 to 0.7
Increased Hatchet damage from 2 to 3
Increased Hatchet speed from 0.95 to 1.1
Increased Hatchet Crit from 0.1 to 0.4
Reduced Waraxe speed from 0.95 to 0.9
Changed 'Hero' modifier to 'Heroes'
New Patches:
Pre PaMa Improved Artifacts WAFR USKP Hearthfires Patch
- Now covers:
Version 1.4M
- [PerMa Balance Lab]
Tempering formula now works correctly.
- [PerMa Balance Lab]
Version 1.4
- Now covers:
Aetherium Arms and Armor
Blackreach Railroad
Brhuce: Legacy
Lost wonder of Mzark
Midas Magic in Skyrim - fixed (44197)
Silver Arrows and Bolts (56679)
The Azincourt (39355)
The Glimmer (36535)
Cyrodilic Dagger (43137)
aMidianborn - Content Addon (24909)
The Huntsman
Added additional distribution exclusions for Wuuthrad, Valdr's Lucky Dagger, The Rueful Axe and The Longhammer.
Added distribution exclusions for Transmute Mineral Ore Spell and Tome.
Added an exclusion for any Spell or Spell Tome with "Teleport" in the name.
Huntsman's Bow set to Longbow
Corrected Bindings for aMidianborn - Content Addon
Replaced Uncapper.ini with version updated by Crushboss.
Reduced 'Alduin' modifier from +30% armor to +10%
Bindings for Silver Arrows and Bolts with damage equal to Steel.
Bindings for Skyforge Steel Arrows and Bolts with damage slightly above Steel.
Increased LightIron armor binding from 10 to 14
Increased LightSteel armor binding from 12 to 16
Increased LightBonemold armor binding from 14 to 18
Falkreath Armor -> Falkreath Thane (IA patch), can now be properly bound as Heavy Armor.
New Patches:
Frostfall patch to adjust spell costs, more to come with this.
- Now covers:
Version 1.3M
- Updated Weapon and Armor values based on PCaPP v3 rebalance.
Armor tester is now much more accurate and can be trusted.
Improved tempering info, temper tester will accurately show the quality of tempering (Fine, Superior, etc.) you can do to an item. Tempering value formulas are a bit off and not applying correctly to weapons and armor, but are really close +/-30ish.
Adjusted the default font to be easier to read.
Cleaned up the tester page a bit more. Result fields are now highlighted blue to be easier to see.
Skill and Perk fields moved to the testing page, no need to change pages 50 times to make a small change
- Updated Weapon and Armor values based on PCaPP v3 rebalance.
Version 1.3.2
Now covers:
Skyfall Estate (66299)
The Shrouded Lair (19037)
ArcheryDummyXP.esp (Training Dummies and Targets (23698))
Training Dummies XP.esp (Training Dummies Provide XP (26491))
Archer's Armory
Lore Weapon Expansion
Crossbow Collection with LL
Noldor Content Pack
MJB's Archers Armory
Unique Border Gates
'Traveller' rank 3 and 'Well Insulated' Wayfarer perks required skill reduced to 100 and 90 respectively. (FF)
Liliths 'Awakened' weapons will no longer be distributed.
Modifier for "Antique" weapons.
Modifier for "Corrupted" weapons.
Base damage multiplier of Bound Weapons lowered from 2 to 1.334 to account for the Studies: Apprentice Conjuration perk.
Updated Patches:
Frostfall (FF)
Wind Destruction Magic (WDM)
Removed Patches:
Better Vampires (BV)
Version 1.3
- Now covers:
Tera Armors (25846)
Improved distribution exclusions for Apocalypse, Spectraverse, Dwemertech and Thunderchild.
'The Longhammer' will no longer be distributed.
Unique/Quest items covered by Unique Uniques will no longer be distributed.
Blocked spells from Sands of Time, Cutting Room Floor and Vanilla spells from being passed out.
Added a temporary distribution exclusion for any spell with an _ (Underscore) in the EDID.
Corrected typo that prevented Ornate Wood Bow from patching. (Archer's Armory)
Base costs fixed for: Weakness to Fire, Frost, Shock and Ravage Health.
Added missing settings so PaMa will no longer pass out Apoc, Spectraverse, Dwemertech or Thunderchild Books, Spells, Armor, Weapons or add anything to their Leveled Item lists.
Added entries for Vilja's custom armor and Food/Ingrediants.
Increased stats of all Lore Weapon Expansion weapons by 10%
Reduced faction armor Armor Rating a bit (Includes Imperials and Stormcloaks).
Removed a modifier that was causing the Penitus set to have an overly high armor rating.
Reduced severity of many modifiers.
- Now covers:
Version 1.2M
- Fixes:
Updated and corrected formulas used by Weapon Damage Tester. much more accurate now
Removed a lot of unneeded info on the Weapon and Armor Material/Type lists.
Added several missing materials and new weapon types.
Cleaned up the 'Math' tab making it much easier to apply the info to test weapons.
- Fixes:
Version 1.2
Now covers:
Lore Weapon Expansion
Added The Woodsman's Friend to LL exclusions, it will nolonger be found as random loot.
Added The Woodsman's Friend to enchanting exclusions, it will have random enchanted versions.
Spectraverse and Dwemertech Spell Tomes will nolonger be found as random loot.
Corrected BASH tag settings in file descriptions, Wrye should auto detect them now as intended.
Corrected all errors in all patches.
Added 'Custom bindings' section to Armor.xml and Weapons.xml.
Corrected the Wood weapon binding, should correctly catch them all.
Corrected The Woodsman's Friend type binding, it will now be a Battleaxe, not a Hatchet.
Added IronLow weapon material, will add 'Low' of other materials over time.
New Patches:
Lore Weapon Expansion Archer's Armory
Version 1.1M
- 'Alchemy Lab.ods' would not function properly in Open Office, I have replaced it with 'Alchemy Lab.xlsx' version.
Version 1.1.1
- Fixes/Changes:
Corrected format error in installer that made NMM mad.
Corrected Lustmord Vampire Armor to be Light Armor.
- Fixes/Changes:
Version 1.1
- Fixes/Changes:
Added CrimsonTwilight binding to catch misnamed gauntlets and Coat. (Crimson Twilight Armor)
BOYD patch now covers NPC Razhinda (conflict with PerMa Thief plugin)
CCOR patch now covers Necromancer Amulet (conflict with PerMa Mage plugin)
Fixed Hunterborn arrows. (for real, see I wrote it down this time!)
Fix CCOR patch
Fixed Falskaar's 'Vanvir's Masterpiece' quest weapon item from having enchanted versions made and passed out, which could break a Falskaar quest.
Fixed a keyword count error in WAFR patch that could cause patcher to fail.
Corrected a typo in the installer, had BoYD_ESF patch named as BoYD_EFF patch.
Added additional support for German, Spanish, French, Russian, Greek, Polish and Ukrainian languages.
Restricted distribution of spells and books for Flying Mod Beta, Lustmord Vampire Armor and Immersive Wenches.
New Patches:
Pre PaMa WAFR CCOR Patch
Pre PaMa WAFR IW Patch
- Fixes/Changes:
Version 1.0
- [url=[/url] - Pre Release history
- Now covers:
Sovereign Slayer (57363)
True Thief Armor (38409)
Removed overreaching distribution exclusions on Dawnguard and Dagonborn Books.
Corrected a broken keyword on Thalmor Cloths. (WAFR CCOR patch)
Corrected a broken Enchantment link on The Forgemasters Fingers. (WAFR CCOR patch)
Corrected a weapon modifier that was making all Greatswords stronger than intended.
Corrected a double binding for 'Ash' weapons.
Changed material keyword on 'Colovian Composite Bow' and 'Colovian Dark Composite Bow' to sort them in the wood category. (IW)
Reduced Bound weapon costs and spells can now be randomly learned from Studies perks. (BA)
New binding for Ash Spawn weapons from Dragonborn.
Added clothing keyword all clothing items so they will sort to the Clothing category and be recognized as clothing. (IA)
Adjusted summoning spells and summoned NPCs to PerMa standards. (SiC)
Wyrmstooth patch to adjust spells and summoned creatures to PerMa standards and can be learned randomly when taking the Studies perks. (Wyrm)
Cure Poison and Cure Disease Spell Tomes will now teach the PerMa spell. (Wyrm)
Slightly reduced Mace and Spiked Mace damage. (13 -> 10/11)
Slightly increased Club and Spiked Club damage. (9 -> 10/11)
Slightly reduced Morning Star damage. (14 -> 12)
Increased armor of 'Stormcloak Officer' to be better than normal 'Stormcloak'.
Updated Patches:
Immersive Weapons (IW)
Immersive Armors (IA)
Bound Armory (BA)
Skyrim Immersive Creatures (SiC)
New Patches:
Wyrmstooth - PerMa Patch.esp (Wyrm)
- Now covers:
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
The new methods used for patching by PerMa grant much greater control over many area's of the game. A lot of functions have been moved into the patcher, vastly increasing PerMa's overall compatibility compared to SkyRe. Like SkyRe Compatibility and ReProccer Patches (SCaRP) these patches expect you to have Weapon and Armor Fixes Remade (WAFR) installed, along with the huge number of fixes made it also corrects many item names, without which many items cannot be properly patched. Balance was made based on the True Orcish and Daedric and Dragon Priest Masks versions. I also highly recommend Clothing and Clutter Fixes and Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade.
Contains answers to common questions, including information about load order.
Contains information about common issues that may arise after installing PerMa and these patches.
Support Requests:
Main page for requesting, or helping add, support of mods.
Self-Patched Mods:
List of patches for mods hosted on other pages. (i.e Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim)
Modders pack:
Contains additional files that can be used to test various changes to scaling of Weapons and Armor. This can be used by anyone that wants to tweak the XMLs to fit their own play-style without having to go through all the trial and error of having to rebuild the patcher to test each change.
Mods covered by patch:
A few merged versions have been added covering the WAFR, CCF and CCOR patches. All patches require the original mod to function properly.
- Archer's Armory
Better VampiresPatch was merged into BV v6.9+Bring Out Your DeadPatch not needed with BoYD v3- Clothing and Clutter Fixes
- Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade - Adds full recipe control of PerMa items.
- Immersive Armors - Replacement esp, replaces custom IAKeywords on armors with vanilla keywords and renames several items for consistency. Patch does not require PerMa as a master and can be used for any load order.
- Immersive Weapons - Removes duplicate weapons and renames a couple weapons for consistency.
- Weapon and Armor Fixes Remade
- Wind Destruction Magic
Mods covered by xml:
List is not extensive, many other mods may be covered indirectly. A complete list can be found in the Supported Mods forum.
- Adamantium - Unleash The Animal
- Anna NPCs 2_0
- Arise - Chapter 1 - The Black Sacrament
- Assassin's Creed Ezio Auditore Masyaf cuirass rework
- Ancient Draugr Armor - UNP - CBBE
- Better Vampires
- Civil War Overhaul
- Crimson Twilight Armor
- Cutting Room Floor
- Deadly Dragons - Armory
- Dragonscale Species
- Elven Weaponry
- Enemy AI OverHaul---Revenge Of the Enemies (RoE)
- Faction Crossbows
- Falskaar
- Frostfall
- Hunterborn
- Immersive Armors
- Immersive Weapons
- Improved Artifacts Collection
- Inconsequential NPCs
- Inigo
- Interesting NPCs
- Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection
- JSwords - Sharlikrans and CCOR integrated versions
- Kameleon Armor CBBE-7Base Body
- Liliths Eviscerator
- Liliths Thorn
- Lustmord Vampire Armor
- More Interesting Loot
- Morrowind Armor - Netch Leather
- Noldor Content Pack
- Northguard Ranger Armor
- OBIS Redone
- Rosa Round-Bottom (Dragonplate Brazen Armor)
- Skyrim Immersive Creatures
- Sotteta Necromancer Outfit
- The Way of the Dovahkiin - Ultimate Deadly Encounters aka Sands of Time (SoT)
- Thrassian Plaguesword
- Torch Arrows
- Ultimate Assortment
- Vampire Dark Knight
- Warmonger Armory
- Wet and Cold - Ashes - Holidays
- Wheels of Lull
- Wrymstooth
Added Weapon Info:
Updated venn diagram showing weapon classes;

Updated table shows the default ranks;
Coming soon*
The Team:
Raulfin: XMLs and Patches
Tascani: Alchemy.xml
Visdagon: Forum mod, support