StickyVersion 0.5 released!
- Optimized cubemaps from 8192kb to 256kb.
- Improved normal and specular maps.
More ingots soon!
Greetings, Halk_Hogan -
Many thanks for all your comments, I'll see what I can do to improve the ingots, but for some time there will be new update because I have no time to work now.
Regards -
Dude, seriously. Don't just drop your work like that. Finish what you have started, and then be done with it. Holy s#*! modders like that are starting to annoy me. And anyone who still visits this page, if you have any good alternatives to this then im all open.
aww it's such a shame indeed that HalkHogan has abandoned his great work :-( especially his ingot retextures are absolutely unrivalled and imho, the only mod that got just everything right regarding ingots, as his metals have this kind of rustic look and look very realistic.
*sigh* I really hope he comes back to Skyrim again.. -
This is almost a year old, but still -
Modders don't owe you anything. These are great retextures and yes, it is unfortunate when you come across great work that has been abandoned. Real life takes priority, which is much more important than you feeling annoyed. -
Wow ll62518475, special snowflake much? I'd say more, but I think sehris said everything I wanted to say otherwise.
Well, thats besides the point, SNOWFLAKE. There is no question that life can take over and take priority, thats fine. But you have to warn people that youre done. Warn them and, if you want to, give them the permission to take over, maybe - not just drop off the face of the earth, leaving people to wait for updates that are never coming. All it takes is a few minutes to log in and write some text. That easy. So yes, SNOWFLAKE, I was a bit annoyed at the time. Now it doesnt matter, I guess. Its been almost 4 years since my comment (different account) and more than 5 since the last update. So I guess whatever.
I mean, it is a shame, really. I really liked the textures. One of the many mods I have used in overhauling skyrim. Great work...
does anybody know how well these port to sse? The sort of question everybody hates, I know ;/
Its been over 2 years and I keep checking every few days, but someday hopefully the rest of the ingots will be finished. I still have faith. Thanks for your work.
Hello Halk! Don't forget about us and the missing ingots! And for the ore veins too!
Thanks for the great work, Skyrim is a better place because of you! -
Please don't forget about the rest of the ingots! It drives me nuts that some of my ingots still look horrible while others look AMAZING.
Hi HalkHogan
When will you release a new version with all ingots edited?
Thanks -
Most of these look quite nice. The only one that seems out of place to me is the steel ingot, which looks like it has a brushed or cut texture. It doesn't look like an ingot that was formed in a smelter cast, is what I'm getting at.
Which resolution do they have? 1k, 2k, 4k? Would be interessting to know.
Looks pretty good. -
I really hate to nitpick, but I love all of them except the steel.
Two things bother me about the steel - most importantly the cut marks, but also the color.
Steel ingots should not have cut marks - any metal coming out the smelter is going to look a lot like the iron ingot and the silver ingot - a rough, circular pattern. This is a result of the way smelters work. The only reason the steel would look like that is if it were cut out of a larger piece of steel with machinery, which doesn't make any sense in the context of the game.
Also, The only reason a steel ingot should be anything other than black is someone bothered to polish it. Unpolished, out of a smelter, steel ingots are a black because they are a combination of iron and carbon, which are both black.
This is unpolished steel ingots (industrial), and close to what it would look like out of a smelter:
This is what an ingot would look like if it were polished, which is generally the assumption with Skyrim:
I love this mod, but I do agree with this criticism of the steel ingots. I really like the rough texture and rounded edges of the other materials. The sharp corners and cut marks of the steel ingot looks too much like the result of a modern industrial process, not medieval tech-level smelting. But it's still 1000 times better than vanilla!
I have to agree. It looks out of place with the others, too, like it was made with some other process. Somewhere between the two links from reddenedMagic would be perfect I think. It'll be super interesting to see how you decide to do the rest.
(I mean, pretty much all the vanilla ingots had sharp edges and at least some cut marks and stuff, so it's technically lore-friendly, I guess. Just mostly a matter of preference.)