About this mod
This mod adds two new custom-voiced voice types for bandits. Instead of the game choosing one of 11 voices when it spawns a new bandit it now chooses one of 13. The two new voicetypes are voice acted by FinalCrystine and TartanKiwi from the Nexus Forums.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
In vanilla skyrim there are a bunch of different appearances for bandits but only 11 different voice types - so in-game you hear the same 11 sets of lines over and over again.
This mod adds two new custom-voiced voice types for bandits.Instead of the game choosing one of 11 voices when it spawns a new bandit it now chooses one of 13. The two new voicetypes are voice acted by FinalCrystine and TartanKiwi from the Nexus Forums.
This mod should work fine with pre-existing saves, though you won’t hear bandits that have already spawned using the new voices. If you travel somewhere that the bandits haven’t spawned already, some will have the new voices.
The bandits have unique appearances. They draw weapons from the pre-existing levelled lists, so any weapons or armours added by mods will apply to them too.
Thank-you to TartanKiwi and FinalCrystine for providing their voice talent to this mod.
Copy all files into your ‘Data’ Directory. Enable ‘ExtraBanditVoiceTypes.esp’ in your load order.
If you play with other mods that modify the bandit levelled lists, you’ll need to created a bashed patch with wrye bash. This isn't required for most players.
This is a 1.0 release, so if you encounter any bugs or repetitive dialogue let me know in the comments.