First I am from Taiwan player. So my english is not very well, sorry!
This is my first stand-alone replacer follower mod (Only above the neck). So you don't need other mods to him like my image.
And I replacer is based on my game progress.
Before busy with work, so I have no free time to play and replacer. Sorry!
Some player have CTD after use the mod, try the DXT5 face texture on optional files. Original texture is DXT3 (ARGB8).
Hope you like it...
>> Use mod of replacer:
RaceMenu by Expired
KS Hairdos - 400 by Kalilies Shocky and Stealthic Khaos
Fine Face Textures for Men by urshi
The Wilds ENB by Lunanella
>> And you use my mod but into the game is grey face, try this. The steps are easy, don't wory.
YOUTUBE: Skyrim Creation kit (Custom NPC Grey Face mismatch texture bug FIX)
>> My other replacer mod, try it too.
For Chinese-language(CHT/CHS) user:
這是一個專門討論男性遊戲討論論壇, 有興趣歡迎參觀. 我的MOD都在這論壇裡面也包括漢化.