About this mod
A lore overhaul inspired mainly by Nordic Mythology.
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Inspired by Nordic Mythology and Tolkien
Those of you who have read (one of) the books written by Tolkien might have
noticed the enormous similarity between his work and Skyrim. It
therefore is not hard to change (some) things of Skyrim into
Middle-Earth inspired lore. (if it wasn't that already)
Due to the large amount of comments about copyright on my Tolkien mod (and yes, you are right
about it) I have changed the names to resemble Nordic mythology, and
have drawn on the work of Tolkien for inspiration. This since Nordic
mythology is a large source for both Tolkien and Skyrim, and the authors
of this mythology are either long dead, or unknown.
_ What I have changed so far _
The loading screens:
I have changed the text on many of the loading-screens. On some of them, I just changed the name 'Skyrrim' into 'Midgard', on others I have changed all of the text. Most of them just stayed the same. I can't list all of them here, so you have to see them in-game ;)
The races:
Although I have given the vanilla names, the only things that stayed the same is
the appearance of them. I changed the name, the description and the
attributes, including the special powers each race has. I didn't alter
them, I just rearranged them and most of the time made new combinations.
The former Breton for example has the resistance against poison and
disease from the Wood Elf and the Adrenaline Rush from the Redguard.
The races that are not included here are unchanged.
Man of the North (Imperial)

Man of the West (Nord)

Man of the East (Redguard)

Corsair (Breton)

Dwarf (Dark Elf)

Elf (Wood Elf)

Light Elf (High Elf)

_ What is going to change _
The names of the divines
The loading screens mentioning lore, playable races or divines
The books mentioning lore, playable races or divines (will take a lot of time, so have to wait for some holidays)
The dialogue mentioning lore, playable races or divines (will take a lot of time, so have to wait for some holidays)
The whole Civil-War questline is going to be way more epic.
_ What is (probably) not going to change _
The names of the holds and characters
The spoken dialogue (I can only change the subtitles, unless there is someone who wants to do the voice-acting)
_ Compatibility _
I can't check the complete compatibility with every mod, but I can list the things this one changes.
The description of the races
the base-stats of the races, and their powers
the text on the loading-screens
_ Extra Info _
Since many people dislike my choises, and no-one would be able to make the lore fit to everyone, I made a video of 15 minutes on how you can change the lore yourself.
It is easy to do, but it will take some time, depending on how much you want to change.
You can now also find me on facebook, for the latest updates on this mod for example: