About this mod
Millepon Diamond ENB is custom remodeling ENB of based on mix of RealLike ENB and RealVision ENB.
This ENB is customize in reality emphasis not disturb the color of vanilla as possible.
For example reflection of sky and sun shine, light and shadow setting etc...
- Permissions and credits
- Donations

Millepon Diamond ENB is custom remodeling ENB of based on mix of RealLike ENB and RealVision ENB.
This ENB is customize in reality emphasis not disturb the color of vanilla as possible.
For example reflection of sky and sun shine, light and shadow setting etc...
and this ENB is suitable for High Resolution texture MOD because graphic quality is very sharp by FXAA setting.
Also created aimed at lightness that does not feel stress in gaming.
The following is a Quality Version
PC environment (GTX 760, Core i7 2600, MEM8GB, FullHD) in the outdoor
average 40 ~ 55FPS, in the indoor has come out 55 ~ 60FPS.
PC environment (GTX 970, Core i7 2600, MEM8GB, FullHD) in the outdoor
average 45 ~ 60FPS, in the indoor has come out always 60FPS.
PC environment (GTX 980, Core i7 2600, MEM8GB, FullHD) in the outdoor
average 50 ~ 60FPS, in the indoor has come out always 60FPS.
PC environment (GTX 1080ti, Core i7 9700, MEM64GB, FullHD) in the outdoor
average 60 ~ 120FPS, in the indoor has come out 60 ~ 150FPS.
PC environment (RTX 3070, Core i7 9700, MEM64GB, 4K) in the outdoor
average 35 ~ 50FPS, in the indoor has come out 45 ~ 55FPS.
PC environment (RTX 3080, Core i7 9700, MEM64GB, 4K) in the outdoor
average 40 ~ 55FPS, in the indoor has come out 50 ~ 60FPS.
Above optimize performance in the Skyrim INI Manager
Please refer to the distribution page for optimization.

some settings are possible with the attached setting tool "Diamond ENB Configurator".
(Please press "Yes" because UAC will be displayed at startup)
it is possible to introduce it with default settings,
but recommended that you change the video memory from the tool's environment setting to the appropriate setting before installation.
Default setting is a Quality version, but if you want to drop to Light version please set ENB Quality to Low Quality from the setting tool.
Incidentally, enable the ForceLodBias setting reduces distant texture quality, but it fast the drawing.
The brightness in the game can be adjusted individually in four levels (day, night, and indoor).
You can also adjust the depth of the color tone by changing the tone curve value.
Parallax Terrain enabled, it is possible to express unevenness with a 3D in the terrain texture.
However, since textures not compatible with Parallax are displayed incorrectly, please disable them if you can not Parallax all textures.
EnableLongExposureMode enable, you can add the afterimage visual effect.
Adjust the Time and BlendMax values for the amount of afterimage effect and the reflection time as you like.
This ENB alone can take a screenshot with SweetFX applied.
If you want to use the screenshot function, please set a hotkey.
The screenshot will be saved in the Skyrim folder in BMP format.

This description is based on V1.6.
1.Please download the ENB v0.315 - v0.439
(ENB after v0.444 has a problem that the selection of LUT is shifts, so the supported version is up to v0.439.)
* Currently, ENB from v0.315 to 0.439 have been officially deleted, so If you don't have the recommended version, download it here.
2.Copy the d3d9.dll and enbhost.exe and this preset files in to the Skyrim folder.
(If you installed the other ENB, Remove all files and folders associated with previously installed ENB presets)
3.Edit your skyrimprefs.ini and set the following values.
or Use my created tool Skyrim INI Manager
you can easily set it!
1.click Display Settings tab
Set enable to ENB and Depth of Field setting.

2.Click Graphic Detail [1] tab of Performance tab.
And check the Land and Tree and Grass of Self Shadow setting.

3. Click Filemenu and SaveSettings.

Diamond ENB Weather.esp (included with this ENB)
or Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio

Highly Recommended!!
Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute or Skyrim HD - 2K Textures
WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux
Skyrim particle patch for ENB

You can change to a fantasic or dramatic world with LUT filters.
There are registered 35 LUTs.
and you can register maximum 10 Custom LUTs.
Sample1 Sample2 Sample3
1. In the game, open the ENB setting screen with "Shift + Enter" and click "ENBEFFECT.FX" from the "Shader parameters" window.
2. Click the list of "TECHNIQUE" and select your favorite LUT and check the Enable LUT.
3. The LUT Intensity, Brightness, Contrast, and Gamma can be adjusted according to your preference.
4. Close the ENB setting window with "Shift + Enter".
Custom 1 - Custom 10 is a self made LUTs. (Custom 1 is a sample LUT with little brightness)
Please overwrite your favorite LUT to Custom_LUT1.bmp ~ Custom_LUT10.bmp in "enbseries/LUT".

Please delete d3d9.dll and enbhost.exe and this preset files in Skyrim folder.
Recommend use the ENB FXAA SweetFX Manager and Remover

RealLike ENB by s3b3k87
RealVision ENB by SkyrimTuner
Custom LUT by Meonmeon
ENB Effects by HHaleyy and customized by Millepon
DOF and LUT Effect by kingeric1992
Enbsunsprite Effect by Jafin16

Q. When installing on Windows10, I get an error saying "createdxgifactory2 d3d11.dll was not found" at startup.
A. In Windows10, dxgi.dll of SweetFX conflicts with the driver, please copy dxgi.dll from the Windows\System32 folder to the Skyrim folder.
Q.Why my captured Screenshots is pale in color?
A.This ENB using the SweetFX and adjusted it.
So, only ENB capture function is different visual.
Please use the "GeForce Experience" or other capture tool.
Q.I'm using this ENB, but It is not same color as screenshots.
A.Did you use the other ENB before this ENB?
If you used other ENB, probably another files is remaining.
Please data folder to clean state, before introducing the ENB.
High Recommended use the "ENB FXAA SweetFX Manager and Remover"
Q.Black skin character become jet black, how to fix?
A.This ENB has high contrast color of the entire.
So, color close to black is looks like darker.
You can use the Facelight or temporarily press ScrollLock key for turn off the SweetFX.

Version 1.6 04/10/2021
- Added weather esp
- Added each adjustment function to the selective LUT function.
- Improves the appearance of characters
- Adjust lighting for weather, sun, flames, etc.
- Adjust the brightness of sunlight and stars.
- Improves water surface reflection.
- Renewal of bloom effect.
Version 1.5.5 11/26/2017
- Improve skin luster
- Adjust sharpness
- Support Nvidia Optimus environment
Version 1.5 08/26/2017
- Added selectable LUT function
- Improve the character reflection of the character
- Letterbox effect change from enbeffect.fx to effect.txt
- Added screenshot setting to Diamond ENB setting tool
- Support WOR weather.
Version 1.4 Beta 03/20/2016
- Added letterbox and vignette effect into ENB shader parameters
- Added tone curve level to Diamond ENB setting tool
- Renewal of DOF
- Renewal of lens flare
- Remove flickering of sunglare
- Adjust sunshine and reflection
- Adjust the darkness at night
- Adjust brightness, saturation, contrast, sharpness
- Improve reduce overall jaggies and smooth expression
- Improve color development and expression improvement of SG Female Textures
Version 1.3/ 07/18/2015
-Support ENB v0.272
-Add Diamond ENB Configurator tool (English / Japanese support)
-Add ENB quality setting
-Add Timescale for sunset and sunrise
-Standard support with letter box and vignette effect
-Support afterimage effect (Required v0.272)
-Support parallax textures (Required v0.265)
-Improve the clarity of the water surface
-Fix certain plants for unnaturally emission
-Fix blown out highlights in certain location and time zone
-Fix redness skin color in certain skin
-Downward revision of the sun glare
-Downward revision of sunlight glare
-Adjust the brightness of the terrain
-Adjust the contrast air and clouds and fog
-Adjust the skin color
Version 1.2.1/ 04/22/2015
-Adjustment of the color of the blue cave
-Adjust the reflected light of the sun
Version 1.2/ 04/19/2015
-Improves color vividly level
-Reflecting the adjustment of the surface of the water
-Adjust the sky contrast
-Adjust the saturation and contrast
-Brightness adjustment of the room
-Adjust the brightness of the distant view
Version 1.1/ 02/9/2015
-Adjust the color of skin
-Adjust the brightness of the night
-Adjust the contrast
-Add Light Version
Version 1.0/ 12/23/2014
-First distribution version