UPDATE 1.6: This is a minor revision to correct one rug mesh which had the wrong normal map texture assigned to it. That is the only change.
UPDATE 1.5: This version adds edited meshes for the 8 rolled up rugs in the game. This update was done to correct an issue with the rug fringes, as well as expand the number of rolled rug designs in the game. Instead of the default 4 rugs (with repeats), you will now have 8 different rolled rugs in the game.
UPDATE 1.4: One of the Sovngarde rugs needed a fix, because part of fringe mask area was visible in the center pattern of the rug, making an transparent line in the rug. The diffuse texture was altered to correct for this problem.
UPDATE 1.3.2: RUGNAROK 1K updated to have the correct edited mesh for rug #3. In the prior update, an extra copy was created, rather than copying over the old file. Therefore, the wrong rug was showing up in game. This update only affects the RUGNAROK 1K version, all the other versions are unchanged.
UPDATE 1.3.1: Some of my edits to the ELFX meshes for the Dragonsreach rug didn't get saved for some reason, so I had to redo them. Sorry to people who download the 1.3 update already.
UPDATE 1.3: The previously overlooked Sovngarde rug has been included for this update. Unfortunately, I haven't been to that location in my current play through, so I wasn't able to take any screenshots. If someone who has access to Sovngarde can post some screenshots to the gallery, I'd be most appreciative.
The EFLX mesh edits for the long Dragonsreach rug, the Jorrvaskr rug, and the long striped rag rug have been added to this update. This prevents uneven lighting when using multiple light sources, (such as torches) near these rugs.
UPDATE 1.2: Changed rug #3 mesh to a brown version of the fancy celtic knot rug design. This rug is featured prominently in Solitude, and I thought the rough jute style rug looked a bit out of place in that location. Rug mesh #15 now has a red color way of the same fancy knot style, but it's the long version, like you find in Winterhold.
UPDATE 1.1: Fixed the broken link in rug mesh 15 that prevented the texture from displaying properly.
Revised the vertex colors in the tavern rag rug meshes and adjusted the corresponding texture as well. The striped rag rugs don't look so opaque now. They looked like the stripes were painted on originally. More of the rug texture shows through now, so it looks more natural.
NOTE: Sorry about the download issues everyone. Nexus is having problems again. I can confirm that the Kent premium server is working OK, but that's the only one I know of for sure. Hopefully, things will get sorted out soon.
Post comments and quieres here.... I won't reply to every one, but I do read what you write.
I've worked on this rug overhaul mod off and on for several months. It was a lot to plow through, and I released a number of mods in the meantime. I finally got things to a point that I was happy enough to release it. I pray that it was worth the effort.
I hope people enjoy these textures in their game....
Love the textures in all your mod's but did you really need to name EVERYTHING in capital's :p It looks terrible in all mod managers that I had to re-name them all :)
Good work first of all and I simply come to report a slight issue concerning SSE compatibility with this mod, I know it's not officially ported into SSE but I tried it still to find out if everything was fine. Generally I found nothing except in Jorrvask where rugs on the ground where missing the middle part of them, so after testing things out I found out that the meshes aren't working with SSE right now at least for the middle part of those long ones on the ground, the end and the start of them seems alright it's really only the middle part that goes pure black or simply disappear from where it should be. So I hope to see it fully working in the near future if you have intentions to port it to SSE, have a good one.
Meshes need to be converted to work with SE. Bethesda made a number of changes to the meshes. I will bring this over to SE when I have time to deal with that issue.
If the meshes need alteration, then I won't be able to do that. The meshes were from ELFX, I just edited them for my textures to match my designs better.
UPDATE 1.5: This version adds edited meshes for the 8 rolled up rugs in the game. This update was done to correct an issue with the rug fringes, as well as expand the number of rolled rug designs in the game. Instead of the default 4 rugs (with repeats), you will now have 8 different rolled rugs in the game.
UPDATE 1.4: One of the Sovngarde rugs needed a fix, because part of fringe mask area was visible in the center pattern of the rug, making an transparent line in the rug. The diffuse texture was altered to correct for this problem.
UPDATE 1.3.2: RUGNAROK 1K updated to have the correct edited mesh for rug #3. In the prior update, an extra copy was created, rather than copying over the old file. Therefore, the wrong rug was showing up in game. This update only affects the RUGNAROK 1K version, all the other versions are unchanged.
UPDATE 1.3.1: Some of my edits to the ELFX meshes for the Dragonsreach rug didn't get saved for some reason, so I had to redo them. Sorry to people who download the 1.3 update already.
UPDATE 1.3: The previously overlooked Sovngarde rug has been included for this update. Unfortunately, I haven't been to that location in my current play through, so I wasn't able to take any screenshots. If someone who has access to Sovngarde can post some screenshots to the gallery, I'd be most appreciative.
The EFLX mesh edits for the long Dragonsreach rug, the Jorrvaskr rug, and the long striped rag rug have been added to this update. This prevents uneven lighting when using multiple light sources, (such as torches) near these rugs.
UPDATE 1.2: Changed rug #3 mesh to a brown version of the fancy celtic knot rug design. This rug is featured prominently in Solitude, and I thought the rough jute style rug looked a bit out of place in that location. Rug mesh #15 now has a red color way of the same fancy knot style, but it's the long version, like you find in Winterhold.
UPDATE 1.1: Fixed the broken link in rug mesh 15 that prevented the texture from displaying properly.
Revised the vertex colors in the tavern rag rug meshes and adjusted the corresponding texture as well. The striped rag rugs don't look so opaque now. They looked like the stripes were painted on originally. More of the rug texture shows through now, so it looks more natural.
NOTE: Sorry about the download issues everyone. Nexus is having problems again. I can confirm that the Kent premium server is working OK, but that's the only one I know of for sure. Hopefully, things will get sorted out soon.
Post comments and quieres here.... I won't reply to every one, but I do read what you write.
I've worked on this rug overhaul mod off and on for several months. It was a lot to plow through, and I released a number of mods in the meantime. I finally got things to a point that I was happy enough to release it. I pray that it was worth the effort.
I hope people enjoy these textures in their game....
It looks terrible in all mod managers that I had to re-name them all :)
Good work first of all and I simply come to report a slight issue concerning SSE compatibility with this mod, I know it's not officially ported into SSE but I tried it still to find out if everything was fine. Generally I found nothing except in Jorrvask where rugs on the ground where missing the middle part of them, so after testing things out I found out that the meshes aren't working with SSE right now at least for the middle part of those long ones on the ground, the end and the start of them seems alright it's really only the middle part that goes pure black or simply disappear from where it should be. So I hope to see it fully working in the near future if you have intentions to port it to SSE, have a good one.