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About this mod

I just edited Tiny Shack to match my witchy necromancer and enough people (like 5) were interested in the remake so here it is, bbys <3

Permissions and credits
Mod works as intended, so don't expect any updates.
I don't develop old mods any more.

Follow me on social media for WIP pics and stuff-stuff:



This is a remake of my Tiny Shack. I just wanted a house for my new necromancer, that has the HF oven for my iNeeds, so I did some quick editing.
It's not trying to be the world's most glorious house mod, but I thought others may enjoy it as well.

Small witch-y shack near Movarth's lair. 

- Skyrim.esm
- Hearthfires.esm

- Compatible with Halamshiral and Fenview Lodge

- Alchemical garden (no planting soil though)
- One weapon plaque, one rack, one mannequin
- A functional coffee pot at the cooking spit, use it to make coffee :3
- Smithing workstations (except smelter) outside
- Adequate storage
- Well Rested / Spouse bonus from bed
- Best location in Skyrim
- Baking surface for making Hearthfire foods
- Day & Night cycle
- Double bed
- Navmeshes & TES5edit polished (don't try to bring a huge gang of friends inside, it's SMALL)


You can buy water and coffee beans from inns and food merchants if you want to make more coffee :3

:: FAQ ::

Q: ENB and mods in screenies?
A: Grim & Somber Hircine ENB, Clarity ENB. Purity, ELE Lite, Relighting Skyrim + Skyrim Mod Combiner

Q: It's small!
A: That's the idea!

Q: No meat storage?
A: No, my character is vegetarian :D

A: I have ELFX/RLO and it's way too dark.
Q: I don't support mods that ruin mod added interiors on regular basis.


All non-free assets are used with exclusive permission from the original author

• Artisanix for paintings & frames
• Jet4571 for building kits resource
• Darkfox127 for textures and drapes
• flintone for orient set
• stroti & Tamira for kitchen tools
• Syncing for Better Potions
• mrsiika & Tamira for BS Skyrim High Rock
• InsanitySorrow for wash stuffs
• The_Funktasm for Morrowind Clutter etc.
• RefurbMadness for watering can
• tueffelachtein for Modular Crafting Table
• raiserfx for Detailed Rugs
runspect for Resources for modders
• BrettM for FPI experiment pack
• Sulya for Tamagen Pillows
Jokerine for various resources
• blary for his resources
• Oaristys for modder's resource pack

:: THANKS ::

♥ DaveCFatal for testing and screenshots
♥ TeaMistress for help and encouragement