About this mod
Inspired by your favorite Fallout Vault, Vault 101 is now in Skyrim. This self sufficient Vault has everything the anyone would need, thanks to the Overseer. With plenty of dwellers for you to meet and continuously developing Dwemer technology, there will always be something new to discover while living in the Vault.
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Inspired by your favorite Fallout Vault, Vault 101 is now in Skyrim. One of the Dragonborn's kin was a Vault dweller, and after recently passing away, the Dragonborn was granted permission to enter the Vault. This self sufficient Vault has everything anyone would need, thanks to the Overseer. With plenty of dwellers for you to meet and continuously developing Dwemer technology, there will always be something new to discover while living in the Vault.
Long ago, the Dwemer built a series of ancient vaults. These vaults were designed to serve the Dwemer as secure facilities, inaccessible by the Falmer or any other enemies of the Dwemer. They were a last line of defense, unfortunately, the Falmer attacked before the Dwemer could escape to the vaults. After the destructive War of the Crag, the vaults were thought to be lost forever.
One of the ancient vaults was found, Vault 101. Shortly after its discovery, Alduin returned to Skyrim and attacked Helgen. Some believed Alduin's return would lead to the destruction of Nirn. In fear of all of Skyrim being scorched, they entered into Vault 101 and sealed it shut to the horrors of the outside world.
The atrium is the main recreational area of the Vault. Closely connected is the administrative offices, and ancient technology center keeping the Vault up and running.
The sub-level includes the education center, herbal treatment area, tavern, and reactor powering the Vault. This is the center area connecting the atrium to the living quarters.
Living Quarters:
This is where all the Vault dwellers live. All families are assigned Vault quarters, and deeds are passed down through the bloodline or to potential Vault dwellers living in the wastelands of Tamriel.
-Download Vault 101.
-Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim (or wherever your Skyrim folder is located).
-Merge the "Data" folder in the zip file with the data folder in your Skyrim file.
-Launch Skyrim and click on "Data Files", make sure Vault101.esp is enabled and enter Skyrim.
-Chinese Translation
-French Translation
-1.1-Bug fixes, added Wasteland Guardians as available followers.
Oaristys and Tony67-Modders Resource Pack
Mysteryman88-Dwarven Sorcery Armor
Makshame-French Translation
ys1989-Chinese Translation
DOVAK11N-Dwemer Garb
Blary-Wall Art Resource
Tony67-Dwarven Statue
Vicn-Creature Pack