For my second mod I decided to finally complete the world of Skyrim by building that roller coaster.
I don't know if it was a deadline rush job or just plain old laziness from the devs over at Bethesda, fact is Skyrim didn't have one and it's ridiculous. Even New Vegas has one and that game is older.

Okay okay, so the coaster itself may not be working anymore, the track is fully navmeshed. (Check known issues)
Just take a train of followers there and run across the track. Practice using walk/run/sprint right for more ummmursiveness.
But! This is not just a defunct coaster sitting there! The station is actually a modest, yet very convenient player home.
The ride operator, Vekomix, used to live there but he hasn't been seen ever since the ride shut down years ago. I guess it's okay to claim it as your own.

It's as small as the base of a lumbermill but you'll find all the crafting tools, all the doomstones, all the shrines, a civil war map and lots of convenient visual designated storage there. There's also 14 regular chests and a wardrobe to not force you into my personal item management obsessions. The home is set to allow for teleporting so you can fast-travel right out.
My goal was to give a nice, dark (no windows) but still very warm and cozy vibe to the place.
I only used stuff from vanilla Skyrim, no resources, so there's really a HEAP of statics, especially for the exterior so you will probably notice some fps loss. This also is why I chose a quite remote location. Of course this Would've looked cool right next to Whiterun but it would interfere with too many other mods and I guess cause too much fps loss for a bunch of people.
TheMartianfromMars and Acupler actually rode the Dipper! Too bad we're out of T-shirts...
(these are edited videos. The coaster is NOT running!)
Obviously any mod that changes the area this mod changes. (The Rift region, next to the lake right between Goldenglow Estate and Darklight Tower)
The track is fully navmeshed, however there's a minor problem I couldn't get my head around. Halfway the lift hill your followers seem to be unable to follow. It still works as they just turn around and start running to you from the other side, but it is annoying. I know. I tried and tried but eventually gave up on it as all in all it is not a really big deal.
1. Place GoldenglowDipper.esp in Skyrim\Data.
2. Activate GoldenglowDipper.esp
Or just use NMM
Climates of Tamriel by jjc71
Project ENB (Cinematic) by bronze316
Skyrim HD Full by Nebula
S.M.I.M. by Brumbek
W.A.T.E.R. by SparrowPrince (i still use an old version, it's part of The Ruffled Feather now.)
Ruins Clutter Improved by raiserfx
Ultimate HD Fire Effects by rheadude
Langleys Furniture by langley
Rugnarok by Gamwich
Real Wood Textures - Farmhouses by LucidAPs
High Definition Ivy by joshezzell
Ducks and Swans for Skyrim by Tamira - Adds some lovely quacking ducks right next to the dipper.
Bubbles by badgremlin - Because Who doesn't want bubbles? Seem to be a lot around the dipper!
Pong in Loadscreens by Twitch Eaglehart - Good solution for having lots of mods and no SSD. And loading roller coasters.
AFT by Dheuster - Or other follower mods if you want longer trains. I'm an AFT fan myself.
MHIYH by Volek, then smashly and now sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE - If you want your followers to live there