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Kalilies and Stealthic

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  1. Kalilies
    • premium
    • 1,600 kudos
  2. Kalilies
    • premium
    • 1,600 kudos
    Some people have been having problems with downloading in the past few weeks. I've had multiple people check the file, and there's nothing missing. Nexus just seems to be having issues with downloads lately. If you're having issues with blue hairs, or completely missing hairs, your download probably didn't complete properly, and you should try re-downloading and reinstalling the mod. If you installed manually and used any programs other than 7zip to extract the archive, the archive may not have extracted properly. Please use the 7zip program to extract .7z archives.
  3. NanaBeats
    • premium
    • 210 kudos
    For clarification:
    Both esp are the same! So if you want hairs for both genders, just install them both and it doesn't matter which order, cause both esp are the same, no need to merge the esp!!!

    And there is already a SSE version available, you can grab it right here.

  4. Any plans to make the female hairstyles unisex!? I want to use one of the female hair styles for my Akaviri/Snowelf Ninja Dragonborn.
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Вы хоть внимательно читали описание этого мода? Вам дано на выбор почти 900 причесок для вашего женского персонажа, и вы не можете выбрать ни одну из них?
    2. Я не читал все описание. Я сейчас пойду и прочитаю.
    3. Sabata1049
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey dude he said UNISEX stupid. Not female. Learn to read!
  5. Tamasyn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a way to use this for khajiits? Or am I missing something?

    I love this mod! Thank you for making it. I always use it without fail.
  6. WordAvenger
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I know one poster said this doesn't change NPC hairs, which I  knew. Since it won't do no natively, is there  a way to put these on NPC's?
    1. haslador
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      • 2 kudos
  7. hoopson123456
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why do you have any hair when you put on a helmet?
  8. lafourminoir
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    any can tell me if tis hair is in the pack , and wat exactly name file have ? need adjust on the body
  9. magicrealm
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    HairStyles do not have numbers or names
  10. RustyPaw
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi beautiful people,

    Thank you for this mod, it's a must have, seriously.

    I am actually looking for a good soul to port a bigger list of hair to xbox. We used to have the wonderful 'Hummingbird' porter who was saving us, but they have been away for a few months now.

    I currently get serval packages (like 11 LOL) to get all the hair I like, and then I end up with lag and tripling of quite a few. My playthroughs are lengthy and I always run out of hair (it's a real issue, you know...;-)

    Should anyone ever feel 'christian' I'd be forever grateful  - here they are, all female:

    Kyne, Lizzo, Norah, Startide, Tifa (long), Xtina, Zendaya, Belle,MoonJelly, Priya, Yuna, Cascade, Chestnut, Kenza, Noelia, Purity,
    Fatal, Federica, Flutter, Formation,Honeyed, Nine, Passionate, Somber, Aviary, Gloss, Kashmir, Lunar,Morose, Snow, Virginsnow, Anchor, Angel, Angelbeats, Anto97,Aquaria, Aviary, Bliss, Bloodline, Britney, Butterfly160, Cambrian,
    Cameron, Candybar, Captivated, Caress, Coral, Da Bomb, Dawn, Donna,
    Dreams2, Dynasty, Flummery, Freesia, Get up, Glare, Glow,
    Gravitation, Hourglass, Icarius, Julian, Kashmir, Lana, Lilio, Luna,
    Melissa, Misery, Moonrise, Musical2, Nightwish, Nightwish2, Pearl,
    Promise, Quantum, River, Runaway, Siren Forest, Sister, Sky065,
    Sky077, Sky086, Sky117, Sky197, Sky250, Sleepwalking, Snowgale,
    Solace, Sparks3, Summer haze, Sweet Slumber, Timber, Titanium PB,
    Traveler, Universe, Vice City, Venus, Wishing tree. 

    I basically change them based on outfit and occasion, but I stick to one color for continuity.

    In case you wonder, as I am sure you are tired of people asking for ports, I did try to port them myself as there is a powerpoint on nexus for us beginners, but I am pretty unskilled and I had to forfeit. 


  11. RIRI342
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My Ulfric, Advar and other Male NPCsbecame Bald after installing this
      • member
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      Если вы установили только мужские прически, это неудивительно. Возможно, мод заменяет их, удаляя стандартные прически, присутствующие в ванильной версии игры.
  12. I know that 2010 year PC is not good and stuff (F off you want to argue with me), but this mod gives stable lags.....
  13. ZX1990CV
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    KS Hairdos 1.9 perfect Lite Version