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There are definitley better looking presets than this one, but at an attempt at a natural looking performance preset, this one I feel is worth sharing to the community
This ENB features all the goodies you would see in any other ENB, but a semi-unique feature of this one is full support for the ENB weather .inis. This ENB has a soft static Depth of Field (DoF) that does not conflict with world map mods. Pretty standard Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) settings, nothing that impressive. I don't enable DoF or SSAO in my own usage of this preset. That being said I highly recommend swapping out my DoF for another one if you prefer. I do not run with any DoF enabled for performance reasons and to see the detail of my improved LODS. Tailor the SSAO to your own liking if you're knowledgeable. SSAO and DoF pro's I'm open ears to improvement suggestions if its possible to maintain any performance with these options enabled.
ENBoost is required for multiple weathers and is already provided in the main files.
This ENB was created for the most recent ENB version 0.279
If you're new to ENB's I would recommend doing some research, I am already expecting you to be familiar with how to install an ENB. Simply extract all files that are in the .zip and put them your main Skyrim folder. NOT the Data folder. Do some research on how to set your own ENBlocal.ini, all you really need to be concerned about is your memory settings. The one provided in my ENB is only a guide, DO NOT USE MY ENBlocal.ini less you have the hardware to handle it.
Make sure you configure your skyrim .ini and skyrim prefs for ENB usage, I do no funny tweaks other then your typical ENB setup stuff. ...ya know in your skyrimprefs.ini...
(NO WEATHER MODS!) All weather is handled by the ENB itself, using multiple weather ID .inis.
Using CoT / pure weather / NLA, Opethweathers, ELE weathers, etc., will give you results that I did not intend and will no doubt look wonky.
Weather mods like, True Storms, Vivid Snow work fine and are specifically supported.
The ENB will work with whatever mods you already have or prefer but I have detailed below the key mods I use to create what I have in my own game.
For lighting mods load order matters ( its down below the screenshots), other mods listed below, load order is up to you. My own super low rez 1080p screen shots shows an example of
the recommended mods intended use.
Vivid Clouds and Fog 1.3 ;
I have hand tuned cloud opacity, and sky gradient intensity settings with this mod in mind
to accentuate volumetric rays, god rays, and cloud depth.

Lorkahs Vision Night Sky - Extremely Desaturated version ;
This night sky mod is one of the best looking in my humble opinion, but moreover I have tweaked
the night sky around the use of this mod to justify ambient and direct lighting, cloud lighting and ambient colors at night.

These just look too good

Revamped Exterior Fog ;
Helps to clear up the vanilla fog, and helps to create depth for ENB mist, volumetric lighting
and helps expose distant details covered by thick environmental fog.
Vanilla fog / Remove exterior fog should also work, but ENB wasn't created with them in mind.
Highly recommend use with the Tes5LodGenerator, Seshon's DyndoLod and --JawZ-- new Sky Mesh fix.

Relighting Skyrim Full ;
ELFX could be used as well in theory ( without enhancer), not sure about interior brightness
if used, I chose RS over ELFX due to its simple and thorough usage.

ELE for ENB ;
using ELE plugins for RS, this is a must have interior lighting enhancer. It comes with its own 'darker' interior cell labels to create immersive dungeons/cave lighting, without use of Darker Dungeon, or interior
darkness mods. Helps to create some nice pitch black dungeons, while leaving the interiors of homes and
other non dungeon/cave cells brighter.
Remove Ambient Interior Fog ;
Helps keep interiors clear and sharp
Torch of Everlasting ;
Some interiors are purposefully dark so here is a good optional torch mod

Realistic Water Two and Water Color for Realistic Water ;
Best looking water mods for ENB, accept no substitutes, game should work fine without it though.

Male Skysight Skins and SG Female Renewal Textures ;
ENB Sub surface scattering was set for these skin texture mods.

Real Skyrim Snowflakes - Vivid Snow ;
best looking snow mod currently available

True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone ;
Best looking rain and stormy atmospherics mod available
Unbelievable Grasses 2 ;
I tuned the direct lighting curves for Aceeq's grasses in mind but this is
by no means a prerequisite download, other grass mods should be fine. Play with curve/direct lighting
if getting odd looking grass.

Loadorder for suggested lighting mods;
- CinematicFireFX.esp (this mod recolors fires to be less intense than RS color , put it below RS if you prefer this mods lighting better.)
- RelightingSkyrim.esp
- RelightingSkyrim_DB.esp
- RelightingSkyrim_DG.esp
- RelightingSkyrim_HF.esp
- ELE_Legendary_FsWt_Lite.esp
- Ultimate HD fire effects (no esp) i use this to fix some low res camp fires.
There are a ton of mods I'd also recommend but we'd be here all day...
That's it. Hope you enjoy!

This release is 0.996 BETA, it is up to you to help me launch 1.0!
Be on the lookout for particle lighting ( any land fogs or water splashing) and volumetric fog ( mountain clouds), that have odd colors, is too bright or is too dark, or a weather.ini that I have yet to properly configure, and if you find any funky interior lighting let me know the weather ID, time of day, and general location, so i can fix it. There are a lot of weather .inis and I'm sure there might be some weird stuff floating around in there.
Simply press Shift + Enter, Check the "Show weather" check box, ID will appear in the far right panel. Disable Shaders Sliders, they just get in the way, they have no editable functions enabled.
Please post me your screenshots of this preset! Tell me what you think in the comments section!
I'm a sponge for knowledge when it comes to ENBs and I am looking for as much feedback as possible to help improve this preset. My knowledge of the ENB guts is limited, and the following preset was created through basic changes within the files themselves and hours of ENB GUI tweaking.
Credits to:
Bretton, for letting me butcher his main files.
Mindfluxx, for adjusting the ENB palette.
gp65cj04, for the DoF
Imolotto, for fixing the static blur on map for the DoF.
Boris, for ENB
Shoutouts to --JawZ--, Jafin16, Machok, Confidenceman, Opethfeldt, scegielski and AnarchoArchitect
if people find I am missing any creditations, please let me know!