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About this mod

A small house in the town Riverwood.

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Riverwood home is a player home located in the small town of Riverwood. The house is directly behind the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood.

The house has a small yard in front with a forge, armorer bench,grindstone and a tanning rack for your blacksmithing needs. Inside the house is a small alchemy workbench a enchanting table and a area for storing armor and weapons. the alchemy area has quite a few ingredients laying around for potion crafting. there's a barrel and two satchels in the alchemy area that respawn with alchemy ingredients. The enchanting area is a bit small but has a satchel for storing soul gems and a chest under the enchanting table. the area for storing weapons and armor has four manniquins and 20 weapon racks there is also a small table in the middle with lots of items you may find useful.

This is my first mod so I'm still learning to use the creation kit and such. So ill be happy to hear your feedback about what you think of the mod.
If there are any issues ill try to fix them to the best of my abilities.

This mod should be compatible with any other mod unless they modified the same area.