Tried fitting in that "elven superiority" and magic(k)ally tainted look through her expression and blue-tinted makeup.
RaceMenu and its requirements (dur)
CITRUS Heads - Standalone Version (IMPORTANT)
Ethereal Elven Overhaul (uses the normalmaps)
You need CITRUS Heads only if you're also going to use EEO, as the morphs were edited with the Citrus heads in mind, not the EEO meshes.
It should work with vanilla heads, but you won't get the proper normalmaps and it won't look the same. (though that's fine! feel free to do whatever you want)
If you don't want to use EEO, CITRUS heads isn't required, but recommended.
Brows plugin from Fair Skin Complexion
Eyes of Beauty
KS Hairdos
Nuska Warpaint
Stoja's Warpaints - Plugin Version (this is most of the makeup)
Opethfeldt ENB (heavily edited)
UNP Tender Hands
UNP Women of Skyrim face textures, normalmaps, EEO normalmap patch, and tintmasks
UNP Minidresses Collection
UNP Spice Gear Collection
Gemling Queen Jewelery
Better Circlets HQ