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About this mod

Add different colours of vanilla clothes to Skyrim

Permissions and credits
I got a little bit bored with original vanilla clothes so I decided to add few new colours.

Mod adds new colours for:
- Blacksmith clothes 1
- Barkeeper clothes 3
- Farmclothes01 2
- Farmclothes04 4
- Childrenclothes 3
- Fineclothes01 3
- Fineclothes03 2
- Merchantclothes 2

New clothes can be found in general stores or in the world.

There are two versions of the mod: one that changes clothes of NPCs, and the other that only adds new clothes to Skyrim. Choose which one you like(but ONLY ONE).

NPCs version IS NOT compatible with any mod that changes vanilla NPCs. You would need to make a patch or load this mod BEFORE any mods changing NPCs.
NPCs version IS compatible with Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.

If you install the mod on an existing game you can notice that some NPCs with new clothes have no shoes or have no clothes at all. Simply open console, click on NPC and type "resurrect" or "disable" and "enable" . Now they should have them (and even change colour of the clothes again :D)