About this mod

Adds >300 persistent, wandering NPCs to Skyrim. Includes re-purposed vanilla dialogue, and a couple small encounters.

Permissions and credits
Bunch Of Wanderers

Vot Zis Does

I found Skyrim to be a tad on the ol' empty side, in regards tae how "alive" the ol' game world feels. Yer the only lad huntin' out bandit lairs, tackling dragons an' gettin' creamed by trolls. That's cock, so I went an' chucked in a bunch of NPCs, that are bloody persistent an' dinnae just disappear once out o' sight, that also do a bit o' wanderin' an' fightin'.

And aye, ya can do what yer want wit' 'em, since they are persistent.

Want ta hire 'em? Ya can.

Want ta marry 'em? Ya can.

Want ta keep 'em locked up fer yer early morn' necromantic purposes? Ya can.

Oh, but it doesnae end thar, no-sir! Ya see, the dialogue that I chucked in, which allows ya to hire lads an' lasses by addin' 'em to the proper factions and such, is retroactive; it works fer most o' the pre-existing NPCs in Skyrim. Want ta have Hulda, the ol' Tavern lass, follow yer around an' smite bandits? Yer can dae that, lads.

AND IT DOESNAE END THERE NEITHER! Oi've also chucked in a couple o' encounter-esque tidbits as well. I winnae spoil' nuthin', but ya should check out Bleakfalls Barrow, as wull as Mistwatch.


ZAZ Animation Pack


This is intended ta be played on a new game, tho' that's only intended for the two encounters. Ya can visit 'em just fine, but dinnae be surprised if ya already cleared Bleakfalls Barrow, and/or Mistwatch, and the encounters seem a bit...Underwhelming or unavailable, respectively.