About this mod
Are you disappointed by the cheap and unoriginal-looking design Bethesda gave the Aetherial Crown? Then this mod is for you! It replaces the offending headgear with a brand new, lore-friendly design that is more in keeping with an ancient dwarven relic.
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It has been a blast being a part of this community and it makes me very happy that my work is still appreciated by so many. Have fun creating!

Are you disappointed by the cheap and unoriginal-looking design Bethesda gave the Aetherial Crown? Then this mod is for you! It replaces the offending headgear with a brand new, lore-friendly design that is more in keeping with an ancient dwarven relic. No longer does the crown need to hide in the closet from its shield and staff counterparts.
This mod is a complete redesign of the Aetherial Crown, due to popular demand on my Gemling Queen Jewelry mod. The mesh was modeled and sculpted by me, and textured by the amazingly talented Gamwich.
Great care has been taken to make the new crown fit in with existing dwemer artifacts and their lore. The design incorporates the Aetherium Crest, an item required to craft the crown, as well as a sapphire gem with my signature sparkling transparency setup. The dwarven symbols represent the 12 standing stone constellations (excluding the serpent, because it is not a real constellation in TES lore) and are arranged in the order of their seasons. The blue parts of the crown glow in the dark with a very subtle pulsing effect. Wisps of magic energy move around the crest and the smaller sapphire fragments.
Screenshots are taken with Serenity ENB. They don't quite do the crown justice, you really need to see the effects in motion. Please be aware that inventory screen lighting is a total whackjob and the item will look slightly different on display.
Installation & Compatibility
Requires Dawnguard, obviously! Install with NMM and follow the instructions. Make sure you enable Saeri_AetherialCrown.esp in your load order. If you are asked to overwrite any files, there might be a conflict with another mod. Let me know in the comment section so I can look into it.
Any mod that modifies the stats or effects of the crown will conflict and will need a compatibility patch to work. My mod is purely visual and does not affect the gameplay values of the crown in any way, the conflict is due to custom models that I add to the crown.
If you want the disk to look exactly like my screens, you will need Gamwich's HD dwemer puzzle cube texture which is part of his Rustic Clutter Collection.
Unfortunately the crown clips with many hairstyles due to its unique shape. There is not much I can do about that without changing the entire design, which I won't. I included a few edited versions of vanilla hairstyles for male humans and elves, these will fit nicely under the crown with no clipping at all. For other characters, simply change your hair to something that doesn't clip while wearing the crown (short hairstyles usually work best). If you use the RaceMenu mod and your chosen hairstyle doesn't have excessive clipping, you can use the sculpt tab to move any offending strands out of the way.
Q: Why does a mesh replacer need an .esp?
A: Because I couldn't rig the crown so that it would fit orcs, nords and elves simultaneously with just one mesh. So I added seperate meshes for orcs and elves, but this requires a plugin file. The vanilla circlets work without this distinction because they have a much simpler shape and a lot less potential for clipping. Also, the de-clipped hairstyles are only available if the .esp is loaded. If you don't want to use any of the hairstyles and won't equip the crown on orcs or elves, you can ignore the plugin file.
Q: Will you add de-clipped hairstyles for female characters?
A: No. Working with hair is annoying and time consuming, and I've given up on the concept. Besides, most people use hair mods anyways.
Q: Does this new upload mean you're active in Skyrim modding again?
A: No, I'm still busy.
Q: Could you also do a replacer for ___? Would you be interested to join our mod team for ___ amazing mod? This looks great, but I have this epic idea of how to make it better -
A: Unfortunately, I dont have time to mod at the moment, at all. Even if I did, I have a huge backlog of my own mod projects and things I promised other people. You're welcome to post your requests anyway, but my answer will most likely be "no".
Tools Used
Gimp 2.8
My Other Mods

If you're a mod author, check out my resource pack: Gemling Queen Resources