About this mod
REALISTIC High Definition Vanilla tree lods, for people who want their game to look the very best it can
- Permissions and credits
NEW: Added a light version, for those who do not use ENB's or the dark version is too dark
Hello everyone
This is my first mod, a simple texture replacer; that I hope will assist some people in making their tree LOD's a little less ugly.
I recommend using this mod with Enhanced Vanilla Trees, as it makes the Tree to LOD transitions more seamless, because this mod was made specifically for it, and because these tree meshes look better than vanilla in my opinion.
This mod will however function perfectly fine without this mod installed.
Lastly, this mod is for the vanilla skyrim trees, not SFO or any other tree texture/mesh replacer.
Again, SFO will function just fine with this mod installed correctly after, but the tree lod's will not match up with the HD SFO meshes and textures, obviously.
- Download this mod
- Install this mod
- Place it at the bottom of your priorities list so that it overwrites other tree/landscape mods
If you use Dyndolod, place this mod AFTER Dyndolod in the priorities list.
If you install Dyndolod after installing this mod, place Dyndolod before this mod in the priorities list, so this mod overwrites Dyndolod's tree textures, or simply uncheck the box in settings so that it doesn't create the tree lod's in the first place
This will work with all ENB's, however results may vary depending on the brightness of the ENB.
In the screenshots I used Dahaka's ENB, a relatively bright ENB.
I have decreased the brightness on the textures so that they work well with Vanilla, but aren't a bright damning eyesore when you use an ENB.
If you use an ENB which is brighter than Dahaka's ENB you can manually lower the brightness of the textures by editing Tamrieltreelod.dds in Paint.net, or whatever software you desire and simply selecting the entire image, lowering the brightness (Not contrast, they are not the same lol) and saving.
Ialso used Kinematic ENB Southern Light in the above screenshots
Thanks to S.Silin (Ikari) for this mod spotlight