About this mod
Realistic Trading Stocks of Skyrim (with D&D Spellcasting Service). There are many useless NPCs in Skyrim, that can be, and should be, very useful.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Italian
- Donations
- This mod is based on the official Lore.
- In total, this mod improves more than 150 original game NPCs, into merchants, adding more life into the game. Improved NPCs are from the original game, who were useless NPCs, but should be useful.
- Improves Dremora Merchant from the Oblivion Black Market and the way of summoning him. I count this separately, because Dremora is not an NPC, but a conjured creature.
- This mod adds new factions of tradesman and merchantman in the world of Skyrim: Lumberjacks, Farmers, Miners, Chefs, Bards, Priests, Sailors, Fisherman, Jeweler, Scrolls and Staves Merchants, Poison Alchemist, and more.
- This mod improves existed factions: Hunters, Khajiit Caravans, East Empire Trading Company.
- This modification adds a D&D-like Spellcasting Service in the world of Skyrim. This is pretty complex service, so please, read the Description, to prevent miscomprehension with this aspect. I thought about making this aspect as another modification, but, I've decided, that this service is ideal for this mod.
- You can receive healing and curing from priests for free, if you in need of.
- You can ask priest about sleeping in the temple of Mara for free.
- You can donate to the temples and be rewarded for this.
- This mod makes that you can not take produce from crops, nests and fish hangings on the farms, as if it is nothing.
- You can actually buy and sell torches.
- Interesting unique items from uncle Sheogorath and his servant, who will trade with you.
- Improvements of couple of trainers and new trainers.
- New unique items, such as unique jewelry, and spells, such as, the spell for summoning the Gargoyle Sentinel, or, Restoration Master-spell for evoking the beam of the Stendarr's Light, that will demoralize and eliminate Daedra, Lycanthropes and Undead, that you can not purchase in the default game, and minor convenience improvements.
Important notes:
1. You must consider trading in my mod like trading in real life, from the storage of the merchant. Not from the pocket.
2. Lumberjacks, Farmers, Hunters, Miners, Chefs, Bards, Priests, Fisherman don't have much gold for the trading. They sell their product, not purchase yours. EETC, Jeweler, Scrolls and Staves Merchant, Sailors, Big Mines with Rare Minerals and Big Farms have more gold.
Important note about installation:
When first time installing, start your game, change location, make a new save, leave the game, start again. These actions need for the Spellcasting Service to start working. Because D&D SS scripts need to initialize. You need to do this only one time.
There are many useless NPCs in Skyrim, that can be, and should be, very useful.
Why are there so many huge sawmills and NPCs who cut wood all day long, but you are not able to buy firewood?
Why the farmer will never trade the harvest with you?
Why are there so many mines, that claim to be businesses, but none of them actually trading?
Why do hunters trade with dull empty stocks while there are so many flora and fauna in Skyrim lands?
Why do fishermen trade with dull empty stocks, and the biggest fishery does not trade at all?
Why are there chefs in castles, that should serve you when you become a thane, but they do not?
Why is there a Bard’s college, the epicenter of literature in Skyrim, but you can not purchase books from the residents?
Why are there no mages who specialize in scrolls and staves and trade with these items?
Why does the East Empire Trading Company, the biggest merchant organization that have monopolies on the multiple goods and is commissioned by the Emperor, trade with a worse stock than Belethor?
Why are there sailors, who are supposed to be importers, do not sell any shipment?
Why is there no jeweler-gemologist, while there are many gemstones, metals and jewelry in the game?
Why are there temples of the Aedra in Skyrim, where you can not buy amulets of the worshiped Aedra and Restoration-related incantations from priests?
Why are there priests of Aedra in Skyrim, who have powerful Restoration skills and are communicators of the Aedra, but do not use their skills?
Why does the Daedra Merchant from the Oblivion Black Market sell iron arrows?
Why do the khajiit caravans openly sell skooma?
Why is Farengar, who is doing research into dragons, not interested in buying dragon-related items?
Why you can take produce from crops, nests and fish hangings on the farms, as if it is nothing?
If you are concerned about these questions as well, welcome.
If not, farewell.
Sell firewood, woodcutter's axe, torches.
Lumberjacks don't have much money for the trading; they sell their product, not purchase yours. If you want to sell firewood, you can do it through special dialog with some of them, as well as in regular barter menu.
- Gerdur - Riverwood Mill.
- Leifur - Anga's Mill, along the north bank of the River Yorgrim, The Pale.
- Thadgeir - Falkreath.
- Gralnach - Heartwood Mill, Eastmarch; Son of Grosta. He is a good kid, who helps his mother.
- Hjorunn - Solitude Sawmill.
- Jorgen - Morthal Mill.
- Horgeir - Dragon Bridge Lumber Camp.
- Sigurd - Whiterun.
- Tythis Ulen - Riften.
- Temba Wide-Arm - Ivarstead.
- Scouts-Many-Marshes - Eastmarch Docks.
- Abelone - Dawnstar.
- Gilfre form Mixwater Mill in Eastmarch does not sell firewood, because she is too busy sawing logs alone by herself and don't have time for wood-chopping, she only buys firewood.
Sell milk, butter, eggs, wheat, flour, vegetables, fruits, and wheels of cheese.
Farmers don't have much money for the trading. They sell their product, not purchase yours. If you want to sell harvest, you can do this through
special dialog with some of them, as well as in regular barter menu. Farmers have the amount of gold dependant on the size of a farm.
If a farmer has a cow or goat, he/she sells milk, butter and cheese. If the farmer has a big amount of cheese in his/her home, he/she sells it as well. Since in Skyrim you do not have carrot and tomato plants by default, I've made it so that that you can purchase carrots on the farms where they are growing leeks and can purchase tomatos on the farms where they are growing potatoes. There is a chance of having carrots or tomatoes on the big farms. Garlic from cloves is for sale. Farmers and Lumberjacks have woodcutter's axes, not weapons. Only some of them have weapons. Eastmarch farms sell torches. Wheat farms sell flour. Sells only if windmill nearby. Sells also if windmill on the farm, but no bushels of wheat. There is a beekeeper in Ivarstead, from whom you can purchase honey and honeycombs. Farms with chickens sell eggs.
- Ennis - Cowflop Farmhouse — A farmhouse located in Rorikstead. Big farm. Sells wheat, cabbage, potato, tomato, milk (two cows nearby belongs to Cowflop Farm, plus goat Gleda), butter, Eidar cheese, Goat cheese, eggs, flour, and garlic. Farmer has 300 gold.
- Lemkil - Lemkil's Farmhouse — A small farm in Rorikstead. Sells cabbage, potato, leek, carrot, tomato, and garlic. Farmer has 100 gold.
- Jofthor - Fellstar Farm — A farm in Ivarstead, located across the road from the lumber mill and south of the bridge to High Hrothgar. He is a beekeeper as well as a farmer. Sells wheat, cabbage, potato, milk (one cow), butter, Eidar cheese, eggs, flour, tomato, and garlic. Farm has 3 apiaries, you can purchase honey and honeycombs. Farmer has 300 gold.
- Aduri and Avrusa - Sarethi Farm — A farm between Riften and Ivarstead that has learned to cultivate nirnroot, Eastmarch. Aduri sells Nirnroot, gourd, potato, eggs, milk (one goat), butter, Goat cheese, tomato, and garlic. Avrusa sells more Nirnroots and Crimson Nirnroots after Smooth Jazbay quest and A Return To Your Roots quest. Farmers have 300 gold.
- Gwendolyn - Battle-Born Farm - She lives a relaxed existence and oversees the daily maintenance of the many crops. Living at the farm just outside Whiterun, she helps her rural, far from the cities, neighbours at the Loreius Farm as a business partner. From her, you can buy the goods from the Loreius Farm — A small farm in the Pale, north of Whitewatch Tower: wheat, cabbage, potato, leek, milk (two cows, one goat), butter, Eidar cheese, Goat cheese, eggs, flour, carrot, tomato, and garlic. Farmer has 300 gold.
- Alfhild Battle-Born - Battle-Born Farm — A farm just outside Whiterun, owned by the Battle-Born clan who are influential in the city. She maintains Battle-Born Farm outside Whiterun and will buy leeks, wheat, and gourds for a harvesting job well done. Sells wheat, gourd, leek, milk (one cow), butter, Eidar cheese, eggs, flour, and carrot. Farmers have 200 gold.
- Nazeem and Wilmuth - Chillfurrow Farm — A small farm just outside of Whiterun, owned by Nazeem. Sells wheat, cabbage, milk (one cow), butter, Eidar cheese, eggs, flour, and garlic. Farmers have 300 gold.
- Severio Pelagia and Nimriel - Pelagia Farm — A large sprawling farm south of Whiterun owned by Severio Pelagia. Sells cabbage, milk, butter, Eidar cheese, eggs, leek, potato, carrot, and tomato. Farmers have 300 gold.
- Jervar - Skulvar's farm (near Whiterun stables) (cabbage, potato, tomato, and garlic. Farmer has 50 gold.
- Mathies and Indara Caerellia - Corpselight Farm — A small farmstead located in Falkreath. Sells cabbage, potato, gourd, milk (one cow), butter, Eidar cheese, eggs, tomato, garlic, and small stack of yellow mountain flowers, that can be found only in Falkreath area. Farmers have 200 gold.
- Belyn Hlaalu and Adisla - Hlaalu Farm — A small farm east of Windhelm. Sells wheat, milk (two goats), butter, Goat cheese, eggs, firewood, garlic, and torches. Farmers have 200 gold.
- Tulvur - Hollyfrost Farm — A large farm with a single-roomed L-shaped farmhouse east of Windhelm. Sells wheat, milk (two goat), butter, Goat cheese, eggs, snowberries, firewood, garlic, and torches. Farmers have 300 gold.
- Bolfrida Brandy-Mug — Brandy-Mug Farm — A wheat farm, a short distance east of Windhelm Stables. Sells wheat, milk (one goat), butter, Goat cheese, eggs, snowberries, firewood, garlic, and torches. Farmer has 200 gold.
- Katla - Katla's Farm — A small farm and stable along the Karth River, outside of Solitude. Sells wheat, flour, potato, leak, cabbage, carrot, tomato, garlic, and Eidar cheese. Farmer has 200 gold.
- Fridrika - Solitude Stables Farm. Sells leek, potato, eggs, milk (two goats), butter, Goat cheese, carrot, garlic, and Eidar cheese. Farmer has 200 gold.
- Azzada Lylvieve - Lylvieve Family's House — A small farmhouse on the northwestern side of Dragon Bridge, located next to Horgeir's House. Sells wheat, flour, cabbage, milk (one goat), butter, Goat cheese, eggs, and firewood. Farmer has 100 gold.
- Rogatus Salvius - Salvius Farm — A small farm east of Markarth. Sells potato, eggs, flour, and tomato. Farmer has 100 gold.
- Dravin Llanith and Synda Llanith - Merryfair Farm — A poor, small farm west of Riften, owned and run by Dravin Llanith and his wife Synda Llanith. Sells wheat, flour, gourd, cabbage, milk (one cow), butter, Eidar cheese, and eggs. Farmers have 50 gold.
- Addvild - Snow-Shod Farm — A small farm south of Riften that is owned by Vulwulf Snow-Shod. Sells wheat, flour, potato, leak, gourd, eggs, milk (one cow), butter, Eidar cheese, carrot, and tomato. Farmer has 300gold. Removed phrase, because of the dissonance of phrase and fact, that he runs this place.
- Verner Rock-Chucker - Darkwater Crossing farm. Sells wheat, jazbay grapes, eggs, potatoes, milk (one goat), butter, Goat cheese, garlic, and tomato. Farmer has 200 gold.
- Gerdur - Riverwood. She is a farmer, as well as a lumberjack. Sells milk (one cow), butter, Eidar cheese, eggs, and garlic. Has 100gold.
- Sigrid - Riverwood. Sells cabbage, potato, leek, carrot, tomato, and garlic. Farmer has 50 gold.
- Ganna Uriel - Kynesgrove Farm. Sells gourd, leek, potato, cabbage, salmon, firewood, woodcutter's axe, eggs, carrot, and tomato. Has 50 gold.
- Olfina Gray-Mane - House Gray-Mane, Whiterun. Sells milk (one cow), butter, and Eidar cheese. Has 50 gold.
- Hilde - Riverwood. Sells eggs, garlic. I've also made a little garden there, so this racist grandma also sells potatoes and cabbage. The thing is, that in the "triangle" quest, I always struggled with the fact that if you help Sven, you can take all kinds of ingredients from his house, much more than from Faendal's. Now there’s no struggle but a choice. Grandma farmer has 50 gold.
- Carlotta Valentia supposed to sell Pelagia's Farm supplies mostly, and some other merchandise. So now, she sells cabbage, leek, potato, carrot, tomato, garlic, dried elven ears, salt, bread, apples. Has 300 gold. Her stall was cleaned a little.
- Ainethach - Karthwasten. After you become his friend, he sells milk (two goats), butter, Goat cheese, eggs, garlic, dried elven ears, juniper.
- [Dragonborn DLC] Garyn - Ienth Farm — A farm owned by Garyn and Milore Ienth. Now he sells more immersive supplies for Solstheim and for his farm (not random stock like mammoth, venison and other alike). Sells Solstheim related animals meat and cooked food, ash yams from his farm, salt, garlic.
- [Dragonborn DLC] Edla - Representative Merchant of the Skaal Village. Represent Alchemist (herself), Cheef (herself), Hunter (Wulf Wild-Blood), Lumberjack (Deor Woodcutter), Farmer (Oslaf and Finna). Sells Solstheim related ingredients and food, pelts, firewood, Skaal clothing, milk (two goats), butter, Goat cheese, leek, cabbage, potato, wheat, garlic, Eidar cheese. Has 1000 gold. Trades after you becoming a friend of Skaal.
For a chef you must consider trading like the act of ordering a dish and having a finished dish served for you.
Chefs sell food for the Thane. When you becoming a thane, you receive the key from your house. You must have this key in you inventory to be able to order. This condition was made for the maximum compatibility, for not making bounding with quests, for example, for the Skyrim Unbound mod, since you can purchase the Breezehome from the start of the game with the mod.
Chefs sell prepared dishes, like soups, stews, fondues, chowders. Also, sell salt, garlic, bread, cheese, milk and eggs.
- Odar - Solitude, Blue Palace;
- Gerda - Whiterun, Dragonsreach;
- Anton Virane - Markarth, Understone Keep. Sells additional fancy food: crostatas, dumplings and sweets. For you and for your children.
- Ysolda - Whiterun. Trades after completing the quest, when you sell at least one Sleeping Tree Sap to her. She then sells moon sugar, Sleeping Tree Sap and cooked food (soups, stews). Has 100 gold.
- Bendt - The Bards College - does not take requests: "Meals are served to Bards at designated times. Find an inn if you want to make requests.".
- [Dragonborn DLC] Elmus - Thirsk Mead Hall - Mead and food (Solstheim related). Trades after the quest on cleaning the Hall from the rieklings.
- [Dragonborn DLC] The Tel Mithryn Kitchen - cook Ulves Romoran. "I hope you're not expecting a meal. I've barely got enough for them that live here.". Does not take orders.
Hunters sell animal hides, animal parts, raw meat, firewood, woodcutter's axe, torches, and ingredients that you can find while traveling in Skyrim. Hunters don't have much money for the trading, they sell their product, not purchase yours. Hunters don't have much gold.
Solstheim hunters have a chance to have Netch jelly and pearls.
For the orcs to trade you must be orc blood kin. Orks in strongholds set as protected, because of too many wild animal encounters nearby strongholds.
- Wilderness hunters. Present in 35 locations of Skyrim, as encounters.
- Hot Spring Hunter's Camp three hunters sell Volcanic area related stock with jazbay grapes, creep cluster, and dragon tongue. Imperial one sells.
- Orc Hunters. Spawn as encounters in some locations. Will warn you to go away, if you are not an orc blood kin. But will sheath their weapon and will trade, if you ask them straight. Orcs, what else to say.
- Anoriath - Whiterun. Sells more immersive stock for the Whiterun Hold: more meat, animal parts and hides, and ingredients.
- Faendal - Riverwood. The local hunter who provides Riverwood's basic needs for meat and pelts; additionally, he works at the local lumber mill. Sells hunter-farmer supplies. Sells more immersive stock for the Whiterun Hold: meat, animal parts and hides, flora, torches. As a farmer, he sells potato, leek, cabbage, garlic, and firewood. Trades only when not current follower.
- Nagrub - Dushnikh Yal + Dushnikh Yal Garden. Sells Reach related hunter supplies, juniper, and hanging moss. Sells cabbage, potato, milk (one goat), butter, GoatCheese from the garden.
- Yatul - Narzulbur + Narzulbur Garden. Sells Eastmarch related hunter supplies, snowberries, firewood, and torches. Sells cabbage, potato, leek, milk (two goats), butter, and Goat Cheese.
- Bagrak - Mor Khazgur + MorKhazgur Garden. Sells Reach-Haafingar related hunter supplies, juniper, and hanging moss. Sells cabbage, potato, and leek from the garden.
- Ogol - Largashbur + Largashbur Garden. Sells Rift related hunter supplies and Largashbur Garden produce: milk (two goats), butter, Goat Cheese, and firewood. After Malacath's curse is lifted by completing The Cursed Tribe, he will respect you enough to trade with you.
- Ria (Companions) - Whiterun. Sells hunter supplies, and Nord mead. Companions travel and hunt in all holds of Skyrim. Trades only when not current follower.
- [Dragonborn DLC] DLC2WEHunters. Present in 4 locations. Sell Solstheim related hunter supplies.
- Bolli - Riften, Riften Fishery. Sells big stack of fish meat and ingredients (with rare). Has 1000 gold.
- Addvar - market in Solitude. Sells stack of fish ingredients, meat, and cooked fish.
- Wilderness Fishermans - Present in 4 locations. Sells lesser stack of ingredients, and types of dragonfly.
Sell ore, ingots, pickaxes, small stack of gems, charcoal, and torches.
Miners don't have much money for the trading; they sell their product, not purchase yours. If you want to sell ore, you can do it through special dialog. Amount of money depends on the size of the mine (number of ore veins), and on the mineral of the mine. Have different amount of gold depandant on the type of the mine minerals.
System of gems:
Gold = Diamonds;
Ebony = Amethysts, Diamonds;
Malachite = Emeralds;
Silver = Amethysts, Sapphires;
Moonstone = Sapphires;
Quicksilver = Amethysts, Rubies;
Orchialcum = Rubies, Sapphires;
Corundum = Garnets, Rubies;
Iron = Garnets, Amethysts, Charcoal.
- Pavo Attius - Kolskeggr Mine, Markarth, Reach. Large mine, 17 gold ore veins. Sells Gold, Diamonds, pickaxes, and torches. Quest on cleaning required. Miner has 1000 gold.
- Mogdurz - Gloombound Mine, Narzulbur. Large mine, 16 ebony ore veins, 6 iron ore veins. Sells Ebony, Diamonds, Amethysts, Iron, Garnets, pickaxes, and torches. Must be orc blood kin to be able to trade. Miner has 1000 gold.
- [Dragonborn DLC] Crescius Caerellius - Raven Rock Mine, Raven Rock. Big mine, 9 ebony ore veins. Sells Ebony, Diamonds, Amethysts, pickaxes, and torches. Trades after re-opening. Miner has 1000 gold.
- Kjeld - Steamscorch Mine, Kynesgrove. Big mine, 7 malachite ore veins. Sells Malachite, Emeralds, pickaxes, and torches. Miner has 1000 gold.
- Ragnar- Sanuarach Mine, Karthwasten. Big mine, 7 silver ore veins + Fenn's Gulch Mine, 1 silver ore vein. Sells Silver, Sapphires, Amethysts, pickaxes, and torches. Quest on cleaning required. Has 700 gold.
- Perth- Soljund's Sinkhole, east of Sky Haven Temple. Medium mine, 5 moonstone ore veins. Sells Moonstone, Sapphires, pickaxes, and torches. Quest on cleaning required. Has 700 gold.
- Leigelf - Quicksilver Mine, Dawnstar. Medium mine, 5 quicksilver ore veins. Sells Quicksilver, Rubies, and Amethysts. Has 500 gold.
- Mahk - Dushnikh Mine, Dushnikh Yal. Big mine, 7 orichalcum ore veins. Sells Orichalcum, Sapphires, Rubies, pickaxes, and torches. Has 500 gold.
- Olur - Mor Khazgur Mine, Mor Khazgur. Big mine, 7 orichalcum ore veins. Sells Orichalcum, Sapphires, Rubies, pickaxes, torches, hammer, tongs, and bellows. Has 500 gold.
- Sondas Drenim - Goldenrock Mine, Darkwater Crossing. Small mine, 4 corundum veins. Sells Corundum, Rubies, Garnets, pickaxes, and torches. Has 300 gold.
- Beitild - Iron-Breaker Mine, Dawnstar. Medium mine, 6 iron ore veins. Sells Iron, Amethysts, Garnets, Charcoal, pickaxes, and torches. Has 300 gold.
- Skaggi Scar-Face - Left Hand Mine, Markarth, Reach. Medium mine, 5 iron ore veins. Sells Iron, Amethysts, Garnets, Charcoal, pickaxes, and torches. Has 200 gold.
- Grogmar gro-Burzag - Redbelly Mine, Shor's Stone. Small mine, 3 iron ore veins. Sells Iron, Garnets, Charcoal, pickaxes, and torches. Sells after the quest on cleaning. Has 100 gold.
- Angvid - Whistling Mine, Winterhold. Small mine, 2 iron ore veins. Sells Iron Ore, Charcoal, Firewood, woodcutter's axe, pickaxes, and torches. Has 50 gold.
- Rockwallow Mine, Stonehills, 4 iron ore veins. Not selling: "If you're here about the mine -- it's already got an owner, and she's not selling. If not, then please stay out of my workers' way.".
Sells highest quality jewelry, gemstones, rare replica items and unique combinations of jewelry. Has large amount of gold.
In her stock you can find unique and rare items, that only she trades with:
Emperor's outfit replica
Amulet of the Elder Council replica
Silver Diamond Ring
Silver Sapphire Ring
Silver Emerald Ring
Gold and Sapphire Amulet
Gold and Diamond Circlet
Gold and Sapphire Circlet
Gold and Amethyst Circlet
Gold and Garnet Circlet
Gold and Ruby Circlet
Silver and Diamond Circlet
Silver and Emerald Circlet
Silver and Ruby Circlet
Silver and Amethyst Circlet
Copper and Diamond Circlet
Copper and Emerald Circlet
Copper and Garnet Circlet
Jade and Diamond Circlet
Jade and Ruby Circlet
- Thane Bryling - Solitude, Blue Palace.
Sell instruments (lute, drum, flute), books, rolls of paper, inkwells, and quills. Only the Headmaster, Deans and wandering bard are the merchants.
- Viarmo (The Headmaster of the Bards College) - The Bards College. Increased chance of having valuable and rare books.
- Inge Six Fingers - The Bards College. Has essential books about creatures, bestiary.
- Giraud Gemane - The Bards College in Solitude. Has essential history books.
- Pantea Ateia - The Bards College.
- Talsgar The Wanderer - Wandering bard. Also sells torches.
The East Empire Trading Company.
Often shortened to East Empire Company or abbreviated as the EEC is a merchant organization. The Company has a monopoly on multiple trade goods - including raw ebony, raw glass, and stalhrim, Dwemer artifacts, and flin.
Sell Ebony ore, Malachite ore, Ebony Ingots, Malachite Ingots, Glass, Stalhrim, Dwemer Ingots, Silver ore, Silver ingots, Flin, Sujamma, Shein, Matze, Argonian, Surilli, Dunmer outfits, potions, gemstones, empty soul gems, fine clothing, and elemental salts. Merchants of the company have large amount of gold. No weapons/armory import/export.
Again, trading in my mod does not mean that the merchant carries all supplies in his/her pocket. You must consider it like real trading, from the storage of the merchant.
Trading with the Company available after the quest. Before the quest, EEC have no shipment in Skyrim.
- Vittoria Vici and Aquillius Aeresiusi, Solitude.
- Orthus Endario - EETC office in the Eastmarch Docks.
Merchants of the East Empire Trading Company in Skyrim have one joint stock for trading.
Solitude EETC Warehouse area reworked.
Sell imported supplies and sailing related items. In my concept, sailors are importers.
- Captain Wayfinder - Dawnstar Docks. He is an apothecary targeted importer from Morrowind. Has periodical shipments replenishing his stock. Sells elemental salts, moon sugar, pearls, felsaad tern feathers, gemstones. Imports apples. Imports Jarrin root (enormously virulent ingredient), selling for a very high price. Sells torches.
- Dalan Merchad - Eastmarch Docks. He is importer of smithing materials. Sells quicksilver ore, ingots, moonstone ore, ingots, steel ingots, silver ore, ingots, dwarven ingots, gemstones. Sells torches.
Scrolls and staffs merchants (Enchanters).
Sell all types of scrolls, staffs, rolls of paper, inkwells, quills, books, and Soul gems.
- Wylandriah - Mistveil Keep, Riften. She is a Bosmer court wizard. Only this fact itself must make you cautious. I slightly changed the concept of hers in my mod. She is an extraordinary Enchanter with Atronach birthsign. Has Expert knowledge of every school, thus making scrolls by herself. Sells all types of staffs, rune spells, books, scrolls, inkwells, rolls of paper, quills, and Soul gems. She is a Master-trainer of the Enchanting now.
- [Dragonborn DLC] Neloth - main tower of Tel Mithryn. Improved stock, books, scrolls, inkwells, rolls of paper,quills, soul gems. Sells unique spell to summon a Werebear from the Hircine's Hunting Grounds.
- Farengar - Dragonsreach, Whiterun. This change is a little addition for the more immersion. He is doing research into dragons, and now, buys dragon related items: scales, bones, armor and weapons. You can now find a Shrine of Julianos where he dwells.

First, about their stocks, and then, about the Spellcasting Service.
Priests sell amulets of the Divines, Restoration spells, and Restoration scrolls.
- Rorlund - Temple of the Divines, Solitude. Sells amulets of the Eight Divines (No Talos), healing spells, scrolls, and Religious Books.
- Heimskr - Whiterun. Sells amulets of Talos.
- Nura Snow-Shod - Riften. Sells amulets of Talos.
- Acolyte Jenssen - Temple of Kynareth,Whiterun. Sells amulets of Kynareth and Mara, healing spells and scrolls.
- Senna - Temple of Dibella, Markarth. Sells amulets of Dibella, healing spells and scrolls.
- Haelga - Riften. Sells amulet of Dibella.
- Andurs - Hall of the Dead, Whiterun. Sells amulets of Arkay and Mara, Restoration spells and scrolls.
- Styrr - Solitude Hall of the Dead. Sells amulets of Arkay and Mara, Restoration spells and scrolls.
- Alessandra - Riften's Hall of the Dead. Sells amulets of Arkay and Mara, Restoration spells and scrolls.
- Runil - Falkreath's Hall of the Dead. Sells amulets of Arkay and Mara, Restoration spells and scrolls. He is an Expert-trainer of Restoration now, not Conjuration. I've changed this, because this was nonsense, against Lore: priest of Arkay, that lives on the graveyard and in the meantime Adept-trainer of conjuration... while Arkay's priests are staunch opponents of necromancy and all forms of the undead, therefore, necromancers view Arkay as their ultimate enemy.
- Dinya Balu - Temple of Mara, Riften. Sells amulets of Mara, Restoration spells, scrolls, and Wedding outfit (dress, wreath, sandals).
- [Dawnuard DLC] Florentius Baenius - Fort Dawnguard. Sells amulets of Arkay and Stendarr, Restoration spells, and scrolls (improved stock).
- Vigilant Keeper Carcette - Stendarr's Beacon. Sells amulets of Stendarr and Arkay, Restoration spells and scrolls. She is on Stendarr's Beacon now, does not die when starting Dawnguard and has stronger stats, better equipment, that make her the real Keeper of Vigilants. She is now an Expert-trainer of Restoration. Sells Vigilant-related bestiary books and wears new outfit. Sells unique Restoration Master-spell "Stendarr's Light" on higher levels. Stendarr's faithful consider any Daedra, Lycanthropes and Undead as an abomination. This spell is an aimed beam of light, a concentration spell. "Stendarr's Light demoralizes and eliminates Daedra, Lycanthropes and Undead. Light does ... damage per second turning abominations to flee. Heals non-abomination creatures.". You will be able to carry the Light of Stendarr only if you are not an abomination in eyes of the Aedra. Spell will have an additional effect if you have obtained the Artifact of Meridia, the Lady of Infinite Energies.
The Vigilants of Stendarr followed the teachings of Stendarr, provided healing services to the population of Skyrim, and engaged in combat with Abominations.
Abominations are Daedra, Vampires (Undead) and Lycanthropes (and necromancers):
The Vigil of Stendarr is an order of paladins devoted to the extermination of Daedra in Tamriel, which was created shortly after the Oblivion Crisis. Each provincial chapter is led by a Keeper of the Vigil. In addition to Daedra, the Vigil also hunts vampires, werewolves, and necromancers, which they see as abominations.
Therefore, the high Priestess of Stendarr provides the spell to fight the Abominations.
About the Dawnbreaker effect. Spell is taught not mainly by an elite Vigilant, but, by the Priestess of Stendarr, as the Light of Stendarr. Bind to a Daedric artifact can be explained by the Lore of Meridia, by her being one of the original Magne-Ge. Effect is not as powerful as Dawnbreaker effect, and considered more as a burst of energy that erupts when you focus the ray of light, while keeping the Artifact, because of the nature of Meridia herself:
Meridia (originally known as Merid-Nunda) was believed to have been a Magne-Ge, a family of divine beings that fled to Aetherius soon after the creation of Mundus. For supposedly consorting with illicit spectra, she was cast out of Aetherius and took the mantle of a Daedric Prince. She created her realm of Oblivion, known as the Colored Rooms, by bending and shaping the rays of light from Magnus, the sun.
Now, about Spellcasting service. Inspiration for this was the D&D system of Spellcasting service, that can be found in Baldur's Gate for example.
You can receive now blessings of the Aedra, through priests of Aedra. For example, Arkay's priests can bless you with blessing of the Arkay, but not other Aedra. High priests Freir and Rorlund in the Temple of the Divines in Solitude can bless you with any Aedra's blessing.
For the receiving of the blessings you must meet certain requirements:
1. You must wear the amulet of the Divine, from which you want to receive blessing, to option to receive blessing to appear.
2. You must have the proper amount of money for the option to receive blessing to appear (500-5000 gold).
3. Do not think about the blessing of the Aedra if you are a vampire or werewolf. You can try, though.
4. You must live righteous life to be able to receive the blessing of the Aedra. If you are not a good person, Aedra will see this, and you will not receive any blessing.
5. Be aware, that Arkay will annihilate you if you practice necromancy.
6. Be aware, that Stendarr will annihilate you if you have any Daedric artifact equipped. If you have not equipped Dawnbreaker, Wabbajack, Spellbreaker, Sanguine Rose, Savior's Hide in your inventory, you can receive the blessings of Stendarr. These artifacts you can be keeper of, but not others, when receiving the blessing of Stendarr. Does not annihilate wielders of Auriel's artifacts, that marked as Daedric in game (nonsense, because Auri-El is Akatosh).
7. Blessings last for 60 hours in-game-time.
Priests will take payment for the spellcasting. Payment depends on the blessing itself. Also, priests will heal and cure you for free if you are in need. If your health is lower than 100%, or you have a disease. If you are not sick and your health is full, options to heal and cure will not appear.
These are the priests, from whom you can receive the blessings, curing and healing:
- Rorlund, Freir - Temple of the Divines, Solitude.
- Acolyte Jenssen - Temple of Kynareth,Whiterun.
- Senna - Temple of Dibella, Markarth.
- Andurs - Hall of the Dead, Whiterun.
- Styrr - Solitude Hall of the Dead.
- Alessandra - Riften's Hall of the Dead.
- Runil - Falkreath's Hall of the Dead.
- Dinya Balu - Temple of Mara, Riften.
- Vigilant Keeper Carcette - Stendarr's Beacon.
- [Dawnguard DLC] Florentius Baenius - Fort Dawnguard.
- [Dragonborn DLC] Aphia Velothi - Solstheim, Raven Rock. Healing and curing only.
God of Time, Akatosh.

1. Great perception, blessing of the God of Time, 5000 gold. All your skills improve faster.
Goddess of the heavens, the winds, the elements, and the unseen spirits of the air, strongest of the Sky spirits, Kynareth.

1. Movement speed, 1000 gold.
2. The Voice Within, 5000gold. Support shouts have longer duration, attacking shouts have higher magnitude. Option for this blessing appears if Greybeards have summoned you.
3. Stamina Regeneration, 1000 gold.
Goddess of Love, Mara.

1. Protection from poison, 1000 gold.
2. Protection from fire, 1000 gold.
3. Protection from frost, 1000 gold.
4. Protection from lightning, 1000 gold.
5. Protection from magic, 2000 gold.
Lord of the Wheel of Life, Arkay.

1. Restoration Power, 500 gold.
2. Health Regeneration, 1000 gold.
God of Mercy, Charity, Well-Earned Luck, God of Justice, Stendarr.

1. Block, 1000 gold.
2. Absorption, 1000 gold.
Goddess of Beauty, Dibella.

1. Charisma, 500 gold.
2. Alchemy, 1000 gold.
God of Wisdom and Logic, Julianos.

1. Magicka, 2000 gold.
2. Magicka Regeneration, 2000 gold.
3. Enchanting, 1000 gold.
God of Work and Commerce, Zenithar.

1. Smithing, 1000 gold.
Donations to the temples give you "Gift of Charity", effect separate from vanilla effects of charity.
1. 100 gold - Gift of charity for 3 hours real-time (60 hours in-game).
2. 1000 gold - Grand gift of charity for 3 hours real-time (60 hours in-game).
Blessings of the Aedra last for 3 hours real-time (60 hours in-game).
Dinya Balu - Temple of Mara, Riften. Free bed. "What does this look like, the Temple of Mara? No gold, no bed.". You need to ask once.
Sheogorath's priest.
- Dervenin - Solitude. This madman will sell some strange artifact and strange scrolls. His prices are insane as himself. He will trade only when you will receive his quest, and only until the end of the quest, because after the quest he will disappear from the Tamriel with his Master. His stock does not respawn.
If you want more information, you can look under the spoiler.
Shivering scroll. "The scroll is trembling in your hands...".
This scroll has 21 random effect.
If you want the information about the effects of the scroll, look under the next spoiler.
- Eidar Cheese spawn [25] [15%]
- Ice Wraith x3 spawn [5%]
- Atronach Frost spawn [5%]
- Dremora Valkynaz Melee spawn [5%]
- Dremora Valkynaz Warlock spawn [5%]
- Spriggan Earth Mother spawn [5%]
- Werewolf spawn [5%]
- Draugr Boss Ebony spawn [5%]
- Chaurus Reaper spawn [5%]
- Frostbyte Snow Giant Spider spawn [5%]
- Atronach Flame x3 spawn [5%]
- Atronach Storm spawn [5%]
- Dragon Priest Shock spawn [5%]
- Slow Time [5%]
- Become Etherial [5%]
- Goat Cheese spawn [25] [5%]
- Elemental Damage [700 points] [6%]
- Damage 99% [1%]
- Flawless Diamond spawn [1%]
- Annihilation [1%]
- Disintegrate to ashes [1%].
If you have more than a hundred tomatoes in your inventory, it will give you an additional effect.
All the effects that summon, summon creatures for as long as you defeat them and allow you to receive all the loot from the defeated creature. For example, if you will defeat Dremora, you will receive Dremora's Heart, or, if you will defeat atronach you will receive elemental salt.
Ring of the Shivering Vessel. "The Madman claims, that the Ring was forged in his Master's realm... and that only wielder of the Artifact can wear it.".
Unique Artifact in form of Silver Sapphire Ring, gives you 500% magicka regeneration rate, but makes you 50% weaker to magicka.
Ring is cursed. Wabbajack in inventory removes the curse.
Poison alchemist.
- Ingun Black-Briar - Riften. Sells high quality poisons, poison curing and poison recipes. Sells after the quest (at the time, when you will give her 20 Deathbells, 20 Nirnroot, and 20 Nightshade plants, you will be waiting for the best potions/poisons, because Nirnroot is very rare and expensive ingredient, both for trading and for alchemy, not counting Deathbells and Nightshade plants, which are also rare ingredients).
Volkihar Master-alchemist.
- [Dawnguard DLC] Valerica - Castle Volkihar. Master-alchemist trainer and merchant. Trades after returning to Volkihar (after completing Beyond Death quest and leaving the Soul Cairn). Sells high-tier potions, black soul gems, as a powerful Conjuration Master sells undead-related spells and new unique spells to Summon Gargoyles (Regular, Brute, Sentinel). Her garden was improved.
Goods from Morrowind.
- Brand-Shei - Riften. Sells trinkets from Morrowind as he should.
- [Dragonborn DLC] Silt Strider merchant Revus Sarvani - southwest of the Sun Stone, northwest of Tel Mithryn. Trades with the Solstheim related stock.
Dremora merchant.
- [Dragonborn DLC] Dremora merchant from the Oblivion Black market now sells Oblivion realated items: Ebony and Daedric items, daedra (atronachs are lesser daedra, if you did not know) related scrolls, staffs, spell tomes, black Soul gems, elemental salts. Has large amount of gold. Can buy Daedric artifacts. At the higher levels, you have a chance to buy Daedric items, Daedra heart, Sigil stone, enchanted Daedric weapons and armor.

Khajiit caravans.
Caravans improved and now sell no Skooma.
Little adjustment for moon sugar and salt stocks.

Soul Cairn merchant.
- [Dawnguard DLC] Morven Stroud - Soul Cairn, east of the gap in the large wall which runs through the center of the Soul Cairn, standing in front of a building. His stock was improved, now you will be able to gain good high-level item from the each deal with him. He trades with up to highest level scrolls, spell tomes, rare ingredients, blades and shields, for 25 soul husks.
Minor improvements.
Pelts from the Forgotten Vale cost much more money.
Most of the NPCs that this mod touches, were set as Protected, to prevent from random bad events.
New recipes for cheese merging:
Eidar Cheese Wedge [10] = Eidar Cheese Wheel.
Sliced Eidar Cheese + Eidar Cheese Wedge = Eidar Cheese Wheel.
Sliced Goat Cheese [10] = Goat Cheese Wheel.
Sliced Goat Cheese [3] + Goat Cheese Wedge = Goat Cheese Wheel.
Thrillseeker's Dont Steal My Crops was absorbed (read Credits) with minor edits and DLC's technical fixes.
Q: Patch for Requiem?
A: Here.
Q: Compatible with Skyrim Special Edition?
A: No, somebody needs to port it. If you are interested, contact me through the Personal Messenger.
Q: How does this interact with economy mods, like Trade and Barter, or Trade Routes?
A: Positive, compatible.
Q: How does this interact with mods that add their items to shops, like Campfire, or spell mods?
A: Positive, compatible.
Q: *Question about compatibility*
A: Theoretically, it is compatible with everything, that does not alter NPCs that my mod touches, and there are almost no mods that alter NPCs that my mod touches. If there are some incompatibilities with some mod, just let me know.
Already known little incompatibility with Bijin mods, that you can solve easily. Read further. Also, don't forget to read "Adjustments" section in the Description.
Minor inconsistencies with CCOR, because this mod touches items like charcoal and dragon bones and scales, for adding a new keyword for merchandising. I would not call it conflicts, because it will not have any bad impact, but know about this, and if you like to make patches for every minor thing, feel free to take a couple of seconds and drag-and-drop new keywords in Tes5Edit. Exactly the same thing with CCF, because this mod adds one new keyword to the three bard instruments. Stats of all touched misc items are from the latest USLEEP.
Q: Compatible with Immersive Citizens?
A: Compatible.
Q: Compatible with MLU?
A: Compatible.
Q: Compatible with Honed Metal?
A: Compatible.
Q: Compatible with Immersive Speechcraft?
A: Compatible.
Q: Compatible with Windsong Character Overhaul?
A: Compatible.
Q: Compatible with Religion - Prayer Meditation Worship?
A: Compatible.
Q: Compatible with Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim?
A: Compatible.
Q: Compatible with Recruitable Valerica - Wrath of a Mother?
A: Compatible.
Q: Compatible with SkyRe/Perkus Maximus/Ordinator?
A: Compatible.
Q: Compatible with Bijin mods?
A: Camilla, Ysolda, Temba, Gerdur, Ria, Ingun, Senna, Valerica - 8 NPCs total - are touched by all 4 Bijin mods (Warmaidens, Wives, NPCs, Seranaholic - Valerica). If you want Bijin appearance, put my mod before in the load order. These 8 NPCs will not trade, but will have Bijin appearance.
If you want Bijin looking merchant, you can easily make Bijin mods compatible with my mod:
Open Tes5Edit, and drag-and-drop factions from my mod to the Bijin versions. You need to drag-and-drop only two lines for one NPC, and you will have fully workable Bijin looking merchant.

For the full effect, optionally, delete the LootCitizenPocketsCommon from their inventory (one more line, but to delete), so they will not trade with random food and wine.
Reason why I don't make compatibility patches for Bijin:
It is really easy to make the patch for the version you need by yourself.
There are 4 Bijin mods touched, that can be updated at any time, which are not actually 4 .esp's: there are AIO .esp's and separate .esp's. That can be updated at any time.
It's only 2 lines to drag-and-drop, everyone can do this easily. Everyone have their own setup.
Q: *Some strange "bug" with duplicating torches or items*
A: Put my mod in the end of your load order.
Q: Merchants trade with their own random stuff, like, Heimskr trade with jewelry and gems, priests have common clothing in their stock, farmers sell random food and wine, khajiits sells skooma.
A: This is not right. Put my mod in the end of your load order. Notice, that this can happen if you have the Merchant perk, which allows you to buy any item from any merchant's inventory.
Q: I am a NMM user and I have problems with the installation.
A: My suggestion is to use the Mod Organizer. Or, manually adjust it for NMM.
Q: Priests do not offer me healing services, there are no dialog options.
A: Description:
Important note about installation:
When first time installing, start your game, change location, make a new save, leave the game, start again. These actions need for the Spellcasting Service to start working. Because scripts need to initialize. You need to do this only one time.
Also, read the "Priests" section, about Spellcasting service carefully.
Q: Question about the Lore of the spell Light of Stendarr.
The Vigilants of Stendarr followed the teachings of Stendarr, provided healing services to the population of Skyrim, and engaged in combat with Abominations.
What are these Abominations? Answer is Daedra, Vampires (Undead) and Lycanthropes (and necromancers):
The Vigil of Stendarr is an order of paladins devoted to the extermination of Daedra in Tamriel, which was created shortly after the Oblivion Crisis. Each provincial chapter is led by a Keeper of the Vigil. In addition to Daedra, the Vigil also hunts vampires, werewolves, and necromancers, which they see as abominations.
Therefore, the high Priestess of Stendarr provides the spell to fight the Abominations.
About the Dawnbreaker effect. Spell is taught not mainly by an elite Vigilant, but, by the Priestess of Stendarr, as the Light of Stendarr. Bind to a Daedric artifact can be explained by the Lore of Meridia, by her being one of the original Magne-Ge. Effect is not as powerful as Dawnbreaker effect, and considered more as a burst of energy that erupts when you focus the ray of light, while keeping the Artifact, because of the nature of Meridia herself:
Meridia (originally known as Merid-Nunda) was believed to have been a Magne-Ge, a family of divine beings that fled to Aetherius soon after the creation of Mundus. For supposedly consorting with illicit spectra, she was cast out of Aetherius and took the mantle of a Daedric Prince. She created her realm of Oblivion, known as the Colored Rooms, by bending and shaping the rays of light from Magnus, the sun.
Dawnguard DLC.
Hearthfire DLC.
Dragonborn DLC.
Suggested to use:
Mod Organizer.
theregisterdone for the solution about torches.
Saerileth for the models and textures of rings and circlets.
Thrillseeker for Dont Steal My Crops and for the permission. Quote: "Permissions: ... Do what you want with it. Give me credit, I guess.".
This mod is Nexus exclusive. DO NOT download FILES from this mod on other sites. Giving the link on this mod is allowed.
Translations are allowed if linked to the original mod and contain only translated .esp file.
If you live in China/Japan/etc. and want to translate and upload the mod onto the Chinese/Japanese/etc. servers, you are permitted to do so, only if you contact me in Personal Messenger, giving the link onto the site and onto the mod page [, so I can put the link in the description], making the mod page with proper credits, links, and proper description from the original mod page.
If you feel grateful for my mods, you can show your gratitude.