About this mod
Made for the UNP family of body meshes, Midnight Light Armor that is suitable as beginning armor and is craftable even at low level.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
The following player character modelling this armor is 0.9 CK units in height,
and thus she is petite; slim build and a petite stature are necessary requirements as a rogue character.
NOW AVAILABLE: Midnight Light Armor UUNP HDT Patch by Alexandros3
Made for the UNP family of body meshes, Midnight Light Armor is a lightweight armor package which can be crafted using basic smithing skills even at level 1, thus making it a robust starting armor for those who have chosen the path of the rogue, the ranger or the shadowblade.
Armor protection rating is equivalent to Nightingale Armor.
All items can also be tempered and enchanted for added protection and buffs.
The armorset can also be used in conjunction with other accessory mods that add bags, jewelry, backpacks, bandoliers, hoods, cloaks, masks, belts and so on.
- This is the UUNP version of Midnight Light Armor, which means you need Bodyslide and Outfit Studio to generate custom fits to your body style within UUNP bounds.
- This also requires the main Midnight Light Armor (Loose Files version) to supply the necessary textures.
- Do also note that it assumes that you're using Mod Organizer for mod management.
- NMM/MO Installation -- download, add the mod and install; select your own options depending on your personal needs.
- Manual Installation -- open the 7zip archive, open the Data folder, then click-and-drag the .ESP and .BSA into the Skyrim Data folder. Activate using any mod manager such as Wrye Bash.
- NMM/MO Uninstallation -- deactivate, then remove the mod.
- Manual Uninstallation -- deactivate in any mod manager, then go to the Skyrim Data folder and delete MidnightArmorUNP.esp and accopanying .BSA
Textures used in this mod are mostly 2K in resolution with 1K normals. The dresses and the stockings uses DXT5 diffuse for transparency.
- Body -- dimon99 -- UNP Regular http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709
- Boots -- Petrovich -- UNP Boots 01 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15974/?
- Pantyhose -- Petrovich -- UNP Pantyhose http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22878/
- Dress -- tiwa44 -- UNP Minidresses Collection http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47376/?
- UUNP Bodyslide (meshes) -- Gamefever -- Minidresses Collection for UUNP Bodyslide http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69880/?
- TG Belt and Pouch -- MAK07 -- Remodelled Armor for CBBEv3 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13004/
- Textures -- extracted from Skyrim HD Resolution DLC Pack
- Patterns -- Gimei -- https://www.deviantart.com/gimei/art/Japanese-style-pattern-102424198
- Patterns -- Sedma -- https://www.deviantart.com/sedma/art/Plaid-256x256-Pack-1-206406107
- Patterns -- OokamiKasumi -- https://www.deviantart.com/ookamikasumi/art/17-Vintage-Kimono-Patterns-150030224
- Patterns -- Danny Knack/dannydiablo -- https://dribbble.com/shots/681208-Dark-Fabric-Patterns
/ http://dannydiablo.de/defaultsite (defunct)
This armor has been modified with the use of the following software: NIFSkope, Bodyslide Outfit Studio, and Adobe Photoshop CS6 with nVidia DDS Plugin
This mod is exclusively released for Nexus. Any alteration to the mod requires my express permission, but redistribution/upload to other sites and/or commercial exploitation such as inclusion into an illegal mod pack for "donations" are prohibited.